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Waste Knot, Walk Knot (Eldrazi Tribal Midrange)

Standard Budget Colorless Eldrazi Midrange Mono-Black Tribal




Creature (1)

Instant (1)

A Standard Wastes deck. This started as a dumb idea but actually turned out to be really fun to play and much more synergistic than I originally thought, beating several competitive strategies. The card-by-card analysis below shows you what I mean:

Metallic Mimic adds some real tribal value in an all colorless deck, since everything but Scrapheap Scrounger is an Eldrazi. Those counters really add up, especially if you can chain multiples on the board.

Eldrazi Mimic grows every turn and is at least a 3/2 most of the time. And, because Metallic Mimic causes all Eldrazi to ETB with the counter already on them, the Mimic sees that additional power and will copy it in addition to their base power and toughness.

Eternal Scourge can trigger Eldrazi Mimic repeatedly if targeted by removal and is amazing exile fodder for Scrapheap Scrounger . Most of the time players just won't try to remove it because it's card disadvantage and it causes the spell to fizzle: Unlicensed Disintegration will do no damage, Harnessed Lightning will grant no energy, etc. The Scrounger can also trigger Eldrazi Mimic at Instant-speed when it comes from the graveyard.

Matter Reshaper is pure value here, since over half of our deck is non-land permanents CMC 3 or lower (roughly 57% of our non-land cards.) But don't forget - this hits lands too, so that brings the total number of targets to around 75% of our deck. Whenever the worst case scenario is "draw a card that you have the mana for", you know it's good.

Thought-Knot Seer probably doesn't need much of explanation, because the card is bonkers. The exile clause here is important because of Delirium and graveyard strategies, plus opposing Scrapheap Scroungers. Metallic Mimic on board makes it dodge Grasp of Darkness and Aether Hub+Harnessed Lightning.

Reality Smasher is amazing. Provides card disadvantage to the opponent if they try to get rid of it, swings aggressively with either Mimic, gets through blockers like a champ... It's everything you want on turn five play and makes for an amazing top deck late game.

Walker of the Wastes is the biggest reason for running a Wastes deck. Dropping a 9/9 Trampler on turn 5 is nuts, and if you have at least one Eldrazi Mimic on the board you can swing for 9 right then and there. It also gives late game land draws a small amount of relevance.

Spatial Contortion amazing removal against aggro, and here you're not trying to splash for colorless. It also doubles as a surprising combat trick on many of our creatures - attacking on turn 6 with 13/7 Walker of the Wastes can be game ending.

Fatal Push because Fatal Push. Great removal, hits so many threats that it's worth running a playset in the main.

12 Wastes, 8 Swamp, 2 Mirrorpool, 3 Sea Gate Wreckage: We're going for maximum value on our Walker here, while keeping just enough Swamps to reliably cast Fatal Push and reanimate Scrapheap Scrounger. Sea-Gate Wreckage can keep us churning when the game goes long, and Mirrorpool can either duplicate any threat already on board, synergizing with both of our mimics, or occasionally get us some extra value out of our removal. Early testing tried Ruins of Oran-Rief , but the deck can't really handle that many ETB tapped lands. Mirrorpool's flexibility proved to be more useful than an additional 1/1 counter for 1 mana.
Warping Wail hoses boardwipes like Fumigate , as well as other strong Sorceries like Declaration in Stone , Tormenting Voice, Cathartic Reunion, etc. The exile ability can be great against many small threats like Thing in the Ice  , Thermo-Alchemist, Selfless Spirit, Rattlechains, Thraben Inspector , Toolcraft Exemplar, Glint-Sleeve Siphoner, and Veteran Motorist . Most notably, this mode shuts off the Saheeli Rai+Felidar Guardian combo, no sweat. The Scion ability can create a surprise blocker if nothing else, which can actually be a 2/2 with Metallic Mimic on board. The options here can be very strong in the right matchup.

UPDATE: Warping Wail is now down to 1. With 4 Color Saheeli gone and what Amonkhet brought to the table, we may not be seeing as many 1 P/T creatures or game-changing sorceries. This slot will flex depending on how the meta shakes out.

Titan's Presence gives us some more removal, and exile to boot. It's great against opposing Scrapheaps and other graveyard shenanigans. Like Warping Wail, this slot is dependent on what the meta develops into.

Endbringer tops off the curve and provides a great source of defense, ping, and card draw. Once it's on board it's very hard to kill, shutting down decks that go all in on one or two big threats. We need to shift into a more controlling build against some decks, so pulling this in alongside Titan's Presence gives us a lot of tools to keep our opponent at bay.

Grasp of Darkness is just great removal for so many threats. It's possible that we might need to up the Swamp count to reliably cast this, but I think it's pretty good where it is.

The deck is fun, strong, and cheap, but the best part is seeing your opponent's face after dropping a Wastes turn 1.


Updates Add

Game 1: 2-0 vs UR Control

Game 2: 2-1 vs Grixis Control

Game 3: 1-2 vs Jund Aggro

Game 4: 2-0 vs Jeskai Saheeli


Revision 19 See all

(7 years ago)

Top Ranked
  • Achieved #1 position overall 7 years ago
Date added 8 years
Last updated 7 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

28 - 7 Rares

10 - 8 Uncommons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.77
Tokens Copy Clone, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C
Folders Decks I may want to build, Ideas, Eldrazi, kaldesh standard, Standard 2016, Waste Knot, Other peoples decks, coolness, standard brewing, Cool Decks
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