
Maybe this is what you do with Crush of Tentacles !?

I've been trying to build something around this card since its release. This is yet unproven, but it will definitely do well against some decks.

What I've learned from previous similar builds is that the game gets to a point where the opponent has a handful of their best permanents and it's about all you can do to keep up disabling them. When you start to fall behind you have to reset and start again. Against some decks this can go on for a long time while they slowly chip away at your life total. So now the plan is to set them up to replay all their best creatures while you neutralize them with your enchantments, until they have a critical mass (and you have 9 lands) and you cast a Clone Legion. You clones wont suffer from all your enchantments and hopefully the opponent will scoop before you have to try and figure out how to mark the twenty-odd clone creatures and go through the most confusing combat step in the history of the game.

In testing I've found you'll likely have two copies of Clone Legion by the time you need it so hopefully you never get shut down by discard or counterspells. Ideally you untap with your clone army and play the second Clone Legion before combat to prove beyond a doubt that you win and don't need to bother figuring out how to mark all the clones.

This deck is weak against haste creatures, that's why I'm sideboarding cards like Grip of the Roil and Expose Evil. It will also be weak to any sort of direct damage, I don't see anyway around that. There aren't enough sideboard spots to deal with everything.


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(8 years ago)

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  • Achieved #30 position overall 9 years ago
Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

8 - 0 Mythic Rares

6 - 2 Rares

0 - 8 Uncommons

28 - 4 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 3.41
Tokens Clue, Copy Clone, Octopus 8/8 U
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