This is an updated version of my old deck:
Commander / EDH olbuddyolpal
SCORE: 114 |
"But once, with a magician's help, Time was stopped and Day stood still."
-"Love Song of Night and Day"
I present to you, A labor of love. Uncountable hours have been spent developing this deck. With much confidence, In my opinion...The Best EDH Stax Deck.
The word "Stax" comes from the card
. This play style relies on resource denial. Often using taxing effects, disruption, and sacrifice effects. Potentially locking down your opponents and leaving them with no board state while setting up your win cons.
A fine balance of Control and Consistency must be kept while Resources being maintained on your side. Playing this archetype isn't easy, It will take many hours of learning this deck and how it functions best in your meta. Although "Stax" can be fun to play, It's never fun to play against. So keep that in mind prior to bringing this to a casual table.
Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed, Was the best choice for "Stax". Since limiting resources for our opponents can also effect us. Being able to fetch
answers from our graveyard puts us at a greater advantage compared to others. More times than not, He's a tutor sitting in the "Command Zone".
If you feel that there is a better choice of Commander, Then do what you feel is right for your "Meta". This deck doesn't rely on the Commander, However...Consistency will drop considerably if you choose to go with something else.
Currently, No there isn't one made or tested by me. However, That doesn't mean you don't have options to make it "Budget Friendly". This is "EDH", There shouldn't be any reason why you can't run proxies. (Unless a Sanctioned game doesn't allow use.)
Most definitely! Suggestions are always welcomed, As well as constructive criticism. This deck isn't perfect by all means, But no deck is. However, This is currently the "Best" version of this deck.
See Below: For Interactions, Combos, Synergies, and More.Not all card choices were based off of these synergies, But here are some of the more notable ones.
1: Original Combo by me: I play a lot of 3 player EDH. This allows you to put yourself at the highest life total and two other players at 1 Life. Rings of Brighthearth
Soul Conduit
2: Preventing Attacks: Ensnaring Bridge
Null Brooch
3: Preventing Creature Based Damage: Snow-Covered Swamp
4: Mana Denial/Lock: Bitterblossom + Contamination
. You may also use Reassembling Skeleton or Nether Spirit.
5: Feeding Sacrifice Effects: Nether Spirit
Reassembling Skeleton
6: Doubling "Stax": Smokestack
Strionic Resonator
7: Locking Down Creature Based Board State: Lethal Vapors
Pithing Needle
8: Card Draw: Skullclamp With any of the following: Xiahou Dun, the One-Eyed, Bitterblossom or Reassembling Skeleton.
9: Clearing All Black or White Creatures: Spreading Plague With any of the following Bitterblossom, Nether Spirit, Reassembling Skeleton, or Trading Post.
10: Destroy All Permanents: Mycosynth Lattice + Nevinyrral's Disk
11: Nice Graveyard Synergy: Life's Finale + Rise of the Dark Realms
11: Copying Abilities: Rings of Brighthearth With the Following:
Artifact Abilities: Expedition Map, Lux Cannon, Sensei's Divining Top, Soul Conduit, Strionic Resonator, Or Trading Post.
Planeswalker Abilities: Karn Liberated
Land Abilities: Strip Mine,
, Dust Bowl, Or ANY FETCH LANDS.
12: Copying Trigger Abilities: Strionic Resonator With The Following:
Artifact Abilities:
Sands of Time
, Soul Conduit, Or Tangle Wire.
13: Huge Hand Size: Necropotence
Reliquary Tower
Why some cards made the cut and other did not, as well as my favorites.