
"Here's the deal. Your mission to protect Laboratory Maniac by any means necessary.

If you happen to lose friends along the way, so be it.

There will be many perils along the way, so arm yourself to the teeth with the latest spells and weaponry.

And if it means taking what is not yours, show no mercy.

Are you up to the task?"

Brainstorm: A great draw spell any way you look at it.

Dark Confidant: Perfect in any Tiny Leaders deck because no card has a high cmc.

Inquisition of Kozilek: As long as my opponent can't play a spell, I'll always be ahead.

Lim-Dul's Vault: A great way to get to Laboratory Maniac.

Phyrexian Arena: Card draw is always nice to have.

Sleight of Hand: You can put Laboratory Maniac on the bottom an just exile your entire deck until you get to him.
Laboratory Maniac + Paradise Mantle + Puresight Merrow : With this combo, you can just exile your entire deck and win with the maniac.

Aura of Dominion + Merieke Ri Berit : You can just destroy the creature if the try to destroy Merieke or take back the creature.
Hinder: A great way to prevent them from casting a spell that is difficult to get rid of with destruction.

Mana Leak: Taxing an opponent is great so use up all their mana or counter the spell all together.

Mental Misstep: Everyone loves a 'free' counter spell.

Prohibit : Perfect for Tiny Leaders because hardly any cards are above CMC 3.

Spell Pierce: Cheap and effective that makes all the difference.

Spell Snare: Cheap counter spells are always needed to keep the opponent in check.
Dismember: Choosing how much you want to pay can make the difference between life and death.

Path to Exile: Need I say more?

Smother : Yet another Tiny Leaders creature destruction perfection.

Swords to Plowshares: One of the best creature removal cards ever printed next to Path to Exile.
Liliana of the Veil: One of the best planeswalker of all time.
Apostle's Blessing: You can protect your Paradise Mantle or your creatures at a moments notice.

Faith's Shield : Pretty much the same as above, but it can even protect planeswalkers.

Gods Willing : A quick creature protection that can that can also add to the combo.

Mother of Runes: A staple in any deck.

Pemmin's Aura: A multi-use tool that can be great regardless of situation.

Reito Lantern : In case the opponent gets rid of the Maniac, you can just return him to deck if needed.

Spellskite: Another staple that can sacrifice itself if need be.
Order of Whiteclay : This creature can return the stuff that you may need, which is very important.

Unearth: A cheap way to bring back your any of your creatures.
Celestial Colonnade: They have to rely on instant speed creature destruction or land destruction.

Creeping Tar Pit: An unblockable creature is always revered in any deck.

Inkmoth Nexus: Infect is always nice to fall back on.

Laboratory Maniac: With all the draw spells, protection, and combos, it is easier to achieve than you might think.

Any comments or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.


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Revision 3 See all

(9 years ago)

+1 Buried Ruin main
-1 Darkslick Shores main
-1 Godless Shrinefoil main
-1 Hallowed Fountainfoil main
+1 Polluted Delta main
+1 Scrubland main
+1 Tundra main
-1 Watery Gravefoil main
Date added 9 years
Last updated 8 years
Key combos

This deck is Tiny Leaders legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 1 Mythic Rares

12 - 8 Rares

24 - 1 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 50
Avg. CMC 1.81
Folders Sygg, Following
Ignored suggestions
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