InfamousPie says... #2
The Only reason Farseek is in here, is for ramp, and fixing. sure, im not gonna get any shocklands or duals anytime soon, but i need a replacement cause m13 is rotating out soon. Ghor-Clan Rampager seems like a solid card. ill check it out. Already own two Slayers' Stronghold so ill be sure to throw them in. What im probably gonna do is keep Ethereal Armor at 4 because i see 1st strike as a Great asset. Madcap Skills and Unflinching Courage are gonna get lowered down to 3x and ill add either Legion Loyalist s or those Fencing Ace s you recommended. and because of the majority of humans i might add Bonds of Faith . Spark Trooper looks ishy since i can only use him for 1 turn.
July 23, 2013 1:54 p.m.
He may only be a one turn card but topdecking him on turn 4/5 is a GREAT asset and can turn the game around, i buffed him up one game and one turn and made a great turn out! 12 damage for one turn? that was a great changing point AND i gained that 12 damage Legion Loyalist is a good card and Fencing Ace is great with Enchantments Madcap Skills and Unflinching Courage your opponent should concede before your combat phase even starts! A Fencing Ace with Trample, lifelink and has to be blocked by 2 more creatures your opponents taking 10+ damage!!
July 23, 2013 2:21 p.m.
InfamousPie says... #4
Well, i will muck around with it. Ill playtest the deck with Spark Trooper , i actually might include both Fencing Ace and Legion Loyalist . Ill update what i like better.
July 23, 2013 9:46 p.m.
If you really need a replacement for Farseek , Gatecreeper Vine is great and you even get an 0/2 defender for chump blocks. It can also search for gates
July 24, 2013 11:29 a.m.
InfamousPie says... #6
Gatecreeper Vine will be the alternitive, im not saying i want Farseek out, it's just that it's rotating, so I want to find a suitable replacement when it does.
July 25, 2013 9:01 p.m.
agbmewtwo999 says... #7
Have you considered Lay of the Land or Into the Wilds ? Both are M14 cards
July 25, 2013 9:04 p.m.
leeroy6686 says... #8
A lot of people are rushing to have a post innistrad deck. Just remember a lot of. your issues moving forward may very well be answered witih the new cards theros brings to the table. It is good to be prepared, but relying too heavily on what is currently available may just frustrate you when the new content is released
July 25, 2013 9:15 p.m.
the3rdH0kage says... #9
If your doing aggro you don't want ramp. You need to play a bunch of creatures that have synergy wuth each of. You want to curve out at 4 (Spark Trooper, Hellrider, Ghor-Clan Rampager) this isn't taking rotation into account
1-drops.Champion of the Parish - This guy is perfect in a Naya aggro deck, with Humans. I have had him a 5/5 on Turn 3.
Fencing Ace - This is good but not great yeah he hits for 2 on T2, but you can do that with a Champion of the Parish.
Legion Loyalist - This guy is good but there are better choices, yeah his Battalion is stupid I think he is better in the SB against for Token Decks.
Stromkirk Noble - This is one of the better 1 drops in the format and is $2-3 each.
Experiment One - This guy is stupid good. and has a built in regen and can build back up
Boros Elite - This guy is pretty crazy also, being able to be a 3/3 is just crazy.
Rakdos Cackler - This guy is good to, being able to block isn't really relevant since with Aggro you will be attacking with everything, every turn anyway.
2 Drops
Flinthoof Boar - Run 4 of this guy, he is awesome a possible 3/3 for 2. Above the curve and very aggro-y
Wojek Halberdiers - This guy is good to but in a deck not running shock I wouldn't run him as a 4-of.
Firefist Striker This guy is good in a budget build.
Bomber Corps Stay away from this guy.
Burning-Tree Emissary This guy is stupid in Naya Aggro/Blitz. Comboing off 2-3 of this into a Boar is just amazing.
Mayor of Avabruk -In a Aggro build, that generally runs quite a few humans, this guy is just great and his flip is awesome.
Ash Zealot - This guy is awesome, one of my favorite cards. First Strike, Haste, and Lightning Bolt when somebody Flashbacks
3 drops
Skyknight Legionnaire This guy is decent, yeah he hits for 2 on T3 but there are better things that can be played on T3.
Frontline Medic - This guy is really good, he makes everything Indestructible, and can counter Bonfire of the Damned Sphinx's Revelation great card and a 3/3 body.
4 drops this is when you want to curve out
Hellrider - This is one of the best 4 drops in Aggro. He can be a game changer immediatley if the opponent can't get rid of it quick.
Spark Trooper This guy is pretty good he can gain some life and deal some damage but he isn't a game changer on his own.
Huntmaster of the Fells Flip - This guy is arguably the best 4 drop He pumps wolfs gains life and it's amazing,.
Ghor-Clan Rampager - This guy i generally a Bloodrusher but can be a nice 4/4 body.
Non-Creature spells
Rancor - This card will get you hated in a game, +2/+0 and Trample, and it bounces when it hits the grave. All for G.
Giant Growth This is a nice combat trick buts all it is.
Boros Charm This is a great card, best Charm in RTR Block. 4 damage, indestructible, or Double Strike. Great card
Selesnya Charm This is generally used as removal, but the token is nice in a tight situation.
Call of the Conclave - This card is good but there are better options.
Searing Spear This is best used as Spot removal.
Pillar of Flame This card is probably best used against something like Voice of Resurgence but is good against most things.
Advent of the Wurm This card is great, a 5/5 Trampler that can come in whenever.
Slayers' Stronghold - This is a great utility land run probably 2.
Kessig Wolf Run This isn't really that useful in a deck that runs a bunch of creatures..
Gavony Township This card is better suited to Midrange decks. But still a decent card in Aggro.
The shock- You should run these but building on a budget is hard enough.
July 28, 2013 3:44 p.m.
InfamousPie says... #10
Hokage, thank you for the huge amount if feed back. I am investing in 1 shockland, but thats probably it. The reason i. have cards like Call of the Conclave and Skylasher is because they are kinda like a mini version of some staples in standard. for instance, Skylasher is the closet thing i have found resembling Loxodon Smiter . A junk rare that cant be countered, like loxodon, and protection from blue. and flash. at the worst its a burning tree target or a chump block. I originally wanted this dexk ro utilize cheap enchantments to buff cheap creatures and swing till its game. Farseek is in there for fixing, while ramping if i cant do anything on the current turn. For a budget deck not utilizing any shock, fixing is one of the big issues hence, why its in there. I do like a lot of the things you recommemended like fire fist striker because it has a good effect for aggro, and its a burning tree target, and synergy with madcap skills
July 28, 2013 10:15 p.m.
InfamousPie says... #11
I will mess around with what you suggested and see what fits best.
July 28, 2013 10:16 p.m.
InfamousPie says... #12
also sorry for mistakes in the previous comments, im traveling right now, and it's a pain to comment off of a cellphone
July 28, 2013 10:21 p.m.
I just wanted to mention that Rancor and Selesnya Charm work well together. Rancor their guy, then charm it to get Rancor back.
NeoCowboy says... #1
You need more creatures. Drop 1 of each enchantment Add in 3 Fencing Ace (Love that card] Try adding something else with Batallion because you wanna make this more aggressive.
Its going out soon but you might wanna pick up 2 Slayers' Stronghold at your local shop, and drop 2 Plains , they are great cards and can help you on defense for trading. (Thats the way i used it the most)
Personally i Dont like Farseek in this deck because of the gates. (up to you) but i personally would drop them and add two more creatures. Like Ghor-Clan Rampager Great card on the field and great for blood rush! Spark Trooper hes good for that turn and is relitively cheap (possible 2-3$)
July 23, 2013 12:02 p.m.