This is a Aggro Black deck that splashes white for Sorin/ Atheros as late game finishers or Utter end as a sideboard option.
Tormented Hero/ Gnarled Scarhide/ Bloodsoaked champion function as my bulk army, attempting to place 1 per turn minimum. Bloodsoaked champion the the priority drop for later raid value. Secondary is the Hero so he can be a bestow target to trigger heroic for more damage. Gnarled Scarhide is held back when possible for later bestow tricks. When there are no Thoughtseize or 1cmc tricks Spiteful returned goes down. Prefer to bestow Spiteful but can hard cast.
Herald is a priority at all times for flying damage, Bestow is used as a late game finisher if the game drags out. Mogis is fairly explanatory, gets in a large about of damage easily against non Black matchups, will probably sideboard out against other black based players.
Erebos and Haruspex are used for card draw and finishers/ beatdown creatures respectively. Haruspex can be especially useful as with a buff from Sorin/ Bestow/ Hall she can take down Toughness 4 creatures that are such a pain in this format.
Sorin is the Lynchpin that finalises my victory, the +1 should help win the game and if not the lifelink keeps me in a game and pays off the life costs of other cards. The other 2 Abilities will rarely be used, only the -2 will be used to re-establish board presence if late game things do not go to plan. Emblem is more for games where I dominate and want to win big.
Thoughtseize/ Hero's downfall are used to break the enemy's lines, especially to deal with dragons/ coursers and control matchups. Athreos works a similar angle, either as a beatdown creature or most of the time a way to punish the enemy for killing my own creatures. Only one was taken as he can be unreliable, but also fun for taking the opponent off guard. Same premise with Hall of triumph, a one off to boost the team to victory.
Mana base is fairly small as the biggest cards are 4 drops to be used as finishers anyway so keeping it on the low side means more room for small beaters. Caves and Silence are used as my fixers, Silence also acts as essential card filtering with the scry ability. Urborg is an obvious 1 of, makes the caves tap for black without the cost and also allows Nyxthos to work as a swamp.
Speaking of Nyxthos this is potentially the weakest card. The possibility for mana screw is there but late game being able to ramp in an extra few black mana can raid the champion an extra time or get Sorin/ Erebos out a turn early. This card will be under inspection during play testing but so far has worked more than messed up.
Sideboard: Sign in blood as potential card draw in slower matchups, Utter End can be used in matchups where the opponent relies heavily upon Indestructible creatures/ Plainswalkers or enchantments and can be swapped out for Heros downfalls. Bile Blight works well against tokens/ weenie strategies such as Elspeth/ Goblins and even other aggro matchups. Liliana is a counter to control games; Discarding can damage their strategies and tutoring exactly what I need can be crucial. Only 1 is mine at the moment but I plan to source 1 or 2 more depending on how she works out. Against slower graveyard decks attempting to ultimate her sound hysterical also. Empty the Pits is an alternate finisher for decks heavy on removal so a mass delve can provide an alt win condition, this can be assisted by the Dictate of Erebos also in the sideboard as well to provide value to the creatures that will die in these heavy removal matchups.
Looking for any suggestions, Sideboard is still under construction so all feedback is welcome. - GamingHarry