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we are Boros, we are legion!

Standard* Aggro RW (Boros)




we are boros

we are legion

we do not forgive

we do not forget

expect us!

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Where Razia was aloof and untouchable, Aurelia is on the frontlines, calling for war.

Here are some explinations why I've choosen the cards that you see in the list above:


I think everyone knows about the power of Champion of the Parish I know there are some non-human creatures in this deck but there are enough humans in here to keep the champ working.

Boros Elite and Legion Loyalist both have really powerful Battalion abilities. Dropping a Champion of the Parish is less effective if for some reason the game isn't over after turn 4/5... The Boros Elite would still be a 3/3 attacker and the Legion Loyalist gives your creatures sweet abilities...


Thalia, Guardian of Thraben and Lightning Mauler are the stars in that slot. Thalia really slows your opponent down and Lightning Mauler is either a 2/1 haste creature if you pair it with your 1-drop or as in most cases it will pair with your 3 drop to do a lot of damage. Ash Zealot is more like a placeholder until I get more Thalia, Guardian of Thraben she is a really nice card but I think Thalia will do better! ;)


Silverblade Paladin is really amazing if you pair it with Champion of the Parish or Spark Trooper for example...

I like Boros Reckoner because it's easy to cast (because of the hybrid mana), it has the possibility to get first strike if needed and if you don't have the mana for that he can easily block a Thragtusk and do 5 more damage right in your opponents face or just remove another creature.


Well I think the use of Hellrider is clear ... It worked very well in my RDW and he'll do so in that boros build. He is one of the strongest cards in the meta right now!

Spark Trooper is a removal magnet just like Thalia, Guardian of Thraben ... when you drop the Trooper there are 2 common scenarios:1. Your opponent has some removal and your Spark Trooper forces him to use it against a creature, that will die anyway...2. Your opponent doesn't have removal or don't want to play it. So your trooper will do 6 damage and you'll get 6 life...

As for Ajani, Caller of the Pride :I love him. He can make one of my creatures a flying, double strike attacker and his first ability is really helpful if the game lasts longer than expected for some reason.


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changed the whole deck cause I think it'll do much better!

still need Frontline Medics and more Thalia, Guardian of Thraben

I don't have any ideas what I shall take out for the medics... I'll remove Ash Zealot for Thalia

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Top Ranked
  • Achieved #90 position overall 12 years ago
Date added 12 years
Last updated 10 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

2 - 0 Mythic Rares

33 - 10 Rares

10 - 2 Uncommons

3 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.29
Tokens Cat 2/2 W
Folders Concepts, boros
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