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We are Skep, resistance is futile

Commander / EDH Hive Mind Multiplayer Sliver Zoo



Creature (1)



First off, Skep, the central Sliver Hive. This is where all the Slivers come from, and where the Queen herself resides.

The deck utilizes the Hive Mind theory. By using the Queen as my general, rather than the over-popular Overlord - I can draw whatever Slivers i want, slam the Queen down, and populate the field with the current Sliver form that I have (6/6 Flying, Double Strike in one game, 5/5 Lifelink, Deathtouch, Shroud in the other game etc..) You might call this the ever-changing Sliver form!

Deck Basics

Draws: Brainstorm, Sensei's Divining Top, Synapse Sliver

Slivers also = mana, with Manaweft Sliver and Gemhide Sliver

Ramps: Cultivate, Harrow, Frenzied Tilling, Recross the Paths, Kodama's Reach

Gets you rolling!

When you're comfortable, Amoeboid Changeling + Sliver Overlord can take what you need.

If you're doing shitty, however... Mass removals like Supreme Verdict or scarier, Terminus, unless you're preparing for Living Death.

After you get a steady board going, you will want to Beseech the Queenfoil or get a Demonic Tutor for some help from Sliver Legion to walk over someone. After that, make sure you're Ready / Willing and Ready / Willing for someone's counterattack!

The most common way you can try to overwhelm your opponent, and the idea behind the deck is to play any and all slivers you can turns 2-3, tutor or slivercycle for either of Manaweft Sliver or Gemhide Sliver, play your mommy Sliver Queen and populate the field with all the slivers you have. Now you have a field of 20~ slivers with 5/5 double strike, trample, and lifelink (or something). Pass the turn, or untap them, or attack with them. Do what you will!

What a Sliver Legion looks like with all slivers on field

KeyCombos, figure them out:

Mana Echoes + Sliver Queen

Intruder Alarm + Sliver Queen

Basal Sliver + Screeching Sliver + Sliver Queen

Amoeboid Changeling + Sliver Overlord or when in trouble Sliver Overlord + Trickery Charm

Sliver Queen + Training Grounds or Heartstone + Sliver Queen

Possible Modifications

Any, and all Shocklands, and~or Duals, can be replaced with Basics, since the deck works fine with them, too!


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99% Competitive

Date added 11 years
Last updated 7 months
Key combos

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

6 - 0 Mythic Rares

50 - 0 Rares

18 - 1 Uncommons

21 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 3.03
Tokens Sliver 1/1 C
Folders EDH/Commander, Cool, ideas, Five-Color EDH, random
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