We are Skep, resistance is futile
Commander / EDH
Refurbished for tappedout —Jan. 10, 2014
Remade the deck to be tappedout exclusive, including cards i do not actually own. Should be a real bomb deck now :p
ABUR Duals
gr33nd3v1l says... #2
That definitely stands, but on the turn queen comes in, you can tap your slivers with [card:manaweft sliver] or [card:gemhide sliver] and populate your field for a 5-turn win.
The reason i chose [card:sliver queen] over [card:sliver overlord] is simply the art :)
nothing else :D
The other suggestions are awesome, and i will look into them! Thanks!
January 9, 2014 4:47 p.m.
gr33nd3v1l says... #3
Wild Pair works amazing! Can't believe i overlooked it.
I also pick Training Grounds Because Enchantments tend to be trickier to get rid of :P
You suggestions are much appreciated! Thanks
Kozelek says... #1
Sliver Overloard is a better commander cause he can "tutor" for the queen/legion Heartstone /Training Grounds makes queen/overlord ability cost only 1 or 2 instead of 2 and 3 to activate giving you a infinite mana combo with the queen and Basal Sliver also giving you infinite sliver tokens really, Wild Pair is great in this deck cause with no pumps out a Muscle Sliver gets out a Might Sliver ( but your not running him so any p/t 2 sliver) and then your Megantic Sliver will come out as a 7/7 getting your queen or legion, or with no pumps out you can use your overlord to get the queen and when you play her out she will get the legion for FREE!! Just a few things to think about
January 9, 2014 12:17 p.m.