A deck with an extensive amount of benefits that all players reap, meant to be farely noncompetitive, and put smiles on your fellow players' faces. Use this to test how salty a tryhard is, cheer up a player or two, or just mess around and have some laughs. Comes with built in "Emergency Pimp Slap Mode", in the form of a two card instant kill, a colorless infinite mana combo accompanied by All Is Dust, and the power to thieve Sorceries, Instants, and a few Auras without mana on a turnly basis. If you want to keep the happy funtimes intact, feel free to hold back once these cards are available.

General Use

Cards like Game Preserve and Skyscribing give benefits to all players, making for a friendly game. Most of the non-permanent density is up to blue, while permanents are left to green, with some artifacts sprinkled about. Hive Mind and Eye of the Storm (especially together) can result in pure insanity, but this only adds to the fun.

Specific Purposes for Certain Cards

Archive Trap: A bit of mill in a card draw deck allows you to go on the offensive.

Tunnel Vision & Spin Into Myth: If the opponent is being a royal pain and refuses to have fun, this will snuff them out almost as reliably as Door To Nothingness. Use the fateseal 2 to put a card you would guess they don't have several of on the bottom of their library, name it with Tunnel Vision, and watch their entire fuckboy net deck crumble to dust. For good measure, use the Prototype Crypt combo to erase all hope of salvaging their deck. Speaking of...

Tormod's Crypt & Prototype Portal: Imprint Tormod's Crypt onto Prototype Portal, and churn out graveyard slaying goodness. Will put the fear of God into any good necromancy deck with reliable accuracy.

Emrakul, The Aeons Torn: If you draw too many cards and discard often, you can discard this too to get a freebie Elixir of Immortality effect. Or, makes for good anti-mill. Or, go nuts and cast it. Prepare for salt, though.

Nim Deathmantle & Composite Golem: The classic, reliable, infinite mana combo. The trick is to sac the golem for the five mana, use four to recover him, and have one of any color left over. Repeat indefinitely. If combined with All Is Dust, 9 times out of 10, you'll have mana and they will not, so in addition to this allowing you to make everyone draw their own library, and have you cast yours, or combine with Shared Fate and Blue Sun's Zenith to draw your deck, Play Venser's Journal, Play Shared Fate, then play every deck on the field in one turn, this opens up options to reliably beat anyone down who doesn't respect the time tested art of having a good time. But again, don't abuse this if you plan on having a mutually fun game.

Dross Scorpion: Combine with Composite Deathmantle to have infinite artifact untaps. Combine with Prototype Crypt to viciously murder graveyards at your leisure.

Venser's Journal: Infinite hands are good. Health is good. Now they go hand in hand. Enjoy.

Perplexing Chimera & Brooding Saurian:(IMPROVED AS OF V1.01)If used on permanents, you'll waste your time. Except for auras. They'll regain control, but your target will maintain the aura. They can still use the activated abilities, though, while you cannot, so triggered or static ability granters are prime targets. But our real concerns are Instants and Sorceries. You can steal them, use them, then get the Chimera back by the turn's end, all thanks to Brooding Saurian. This makes the two humorously hard to destroy, as if you use Clone Legion on yourself, you can make more chimeras, and be able to steal more spells than they could properly use to bait you with, locking them dowm profusely. But, yet again, this is only for when the gloves come off.

Diluvian Primordial: Additional "Emergency Pimp Slap Mode" material. And a damn good creature. 5/5 with flying? It's basically a dragon!

Stream of Life: You can now grant infinite life to anybody. Good times. You can do this to each player if you like, forcing alternate win conditions than merely "beat it to death". Makes for more fun.

Leyline of Anticipation: Admit it, Instant speed on all spells is fantastic.

Primordial Hydra & Heroes' Bane: Gives you some hard hitters if you need 'em.

Prophet of Kruphix: Allows you to cast spells and attack a bit more haphazardly. The base deck without the crazy stuff isn't ridiculous, so making every turn your turn can really keep you in the game.

Other than these, everything is for funzies. Well, hope you all have a good time with this little guy. I made it because I have all the broken, OP bullshit decks I'll ever need, so this let me make some more relaxed scenarios. After all, we're here to have fun, and this deck helps make sure you aren't the only one. Enjoy!

Version 1.01:

Added Bloodbriar and Dispersing Orb. Bloodbriar feeds off the sacrifices from Dispersing Orb, while Dispersing Orb itself allows you to sac permanents seized by Perplexing Chimera, allowing for pseudo removal, on top of stealing "enters the battlefield" effects. But yeah. This can get SAVAGE against a planeswalker. Furthermore, added Oblivion Sower to easily put lands exiled by Shared Fate onto the field without delay.

Version 1.02:

Added Door To Nothingness for additional "EPSM", and modified the land.


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years

This deck is Casual legal.

Rarity (main - side)

9 - 0 Mythic Rares

47 - 0 Rares

21 - 0 Uncommons

2 - 0 Commons

Cards 103
Avg. CMC 4.20
Tokens Copy Clone, Squirrel 1/1 G
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