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Commander / EDH Cloudius

SCORE: 348 | 187 COMMENTS | 35652 VIEWS | IN 86 FOLDERS

MagicZ says... #1

I like this deck a lot. I am fairly new so I do not have much insight to provide.

September 2, 2018 9:19 p.m.

Cloudius says... #2

MagicZ thanks for the comment. As per the forum rules, any feedback would be appreciated. Alternatively, upvoting the deck is also helpful.

September 2, 2018 10:04 p.m.

catar2 says... #3

I playtested it three times and I always run into the same problems: slow start hands by drawing your high cmc cards that you want to cast with the attack trigger. By turn 7 I was able to cast the commander. I usually finish of at least one opponent by turn 7.

Your deck is a lot of fun and your top deck manipulation design feels really good. However, you might be dead on board until you can pull something off. How do you protect yourself until you assemble your wincons?

Maybe Glacial Chasm ?

September 3, 2018 10:46 a.m.

Cloudius says... #4

catar2 thanks for helping to play test the deck.

I too have been play testing this deck with varying results, ranging from very explosive early game wins to the situations you mentioned above. My meta is a casual one so I usually try to keep the power levels of my deck at a moderate level.

That said, I've recently removed some high CMC "win-more" cards from the list and added in a bit more ramp to ensure we can hit 5-6 mana asap and be able to hard cast some high CMC spells (just in case the commander gets removed or countered).

The deck offers protection in the following ways:

  1. 12 removal spells and 6 counter spells

  2. Playing Politics

  3. Being the underdog (Yennett decks aren't known for being fast pace and most decks rely on creatures and accruing incremental value by casting free "odd CMC" spells)

  4. "The best defense is offense" so aggressively taking extra turns and tutoring up our combo pieces while taking a few hits is still ok (as long as they ain't lethal of course).

Keep the suggestions coming! I do want to add more lines of victory, while keeping to the creatureless and unorthodox theme, if space permits. Let the creative juices flow!

September 3, 2018 12:02 p.m.

catar2 says... #5

Hey Cloudius, your strategy seems solid. Extra turns will give you enough protection once you got there.

Talking about your removal slot: it shows 4 single target removal and 7 boardwipes. Counters are also a form of single target removal, so technically you have 9 STR and 7 boardwipes. Although you might want to protect your extra turns with it. All in all, that is pretty solid. Maybe you want to exchange a symmetrical boardwipe with In Garruk's Wake or Plague Wind. Btw, you have Mystic Confluence three times in your deck. I know it overlaps, but you have to add two more cards.

However, your draw slot seems to be a bit weak. I know that you get your stuff with the Yennett triggers, but in EDH we love to draw cards. Suggestions: Mystic Remora, Rhystic Study, Land Tax, Jace's Ingenuity, Stroke of Genius, Sphinx's Revelation, Skeletal Scrying, Night's Whisper, Read the Bones etc.

Btw Frantic Search is not card draw, but card selection.

Strionic Resonator might also be good to get two Yennett triggers. And Mind's Dilation is nice to get extra value.

For top deck manipulationCrystal Ball, Portent, Soothsaying and Halimar Depths might be good.

All that being said. Your deck looks like a lot of fun, I really would like to play it =)

September 4, 2018 3:34 a.m.

Cloudius says... #6

catar2 awesome discussion and flow of ideas we're having here.

I've opted to display the cards in "Custom Categories" mode thus you'll see cards being repeated when they serve several functions, e.g. Mystic Confluence like you rightly pointed out.

You're spot on about the limited card draw slots! Being a combo based deck, I've opted for more tutors over card draws. The current version runs 16 tutors (include "Transmute" ones) to gather up the combo pieces asap. That said, not being able to draw into the tutors is an issue too, so we'll have to strike a balance. This is certainly an area am looking at as I play test this deck.

Strionic Resonator was in my earlier version of the deck but I've removed it as I've lesser mechanics to control the 2nd card of the library and it's only useful when interacting with Yennett. I could be way off but I think it's more of a "win more" card. Same for Mind's Dilation.

Your suggestions for top deck manipulation are awesome. I'll have to find ways to fit them in where able!

Feel free to play test the deck here on tappedout or if you ever form the physical deck, let me know how it fares!

Help upvote the deck too if you like it. Thanks very much in advance

September 4, 2018 4:08 a.m.

DrkNinja says... #7

I just have to say this... I hate Goblin Charbelcher, IT SHOULD NOT WORK the way it does. God I hate that card.

September 4, 2018 4:04 p.m.

maelstromboli says... #8

Hey, I had the doomsday build. You have a super interesting build for sure, though a little too high CMC for my blood lol. One thing I've been pondering, since we're playing isochron scepter anyway, is it worth it to play dramatic reversal? I'm running soothsaying in my build so it is essentially the same, but I otherwise don't have a pay off for infinite mana (though If I have a sensei's top/scroll rack out, it's also an instant win). Curious what you think about that.

September 7, 2018 12:49 p.m.

Cloudius says... #9

maelstromboli I saw your list when researching on the deck on Tappedout. Nice deck for sure!

The CMC is due to several high CMC cards am running like Expropriate and Temporal Trespass, though I'd almost never hard cast them.

As you rightly pointed out, both our decks currently don't have a Mana sink outlet for Dramatic Reversal + Isochron Scepter combo. In order to keep my deck creatureless, there're some outlets which I don't have access to, like Walking Ballista.

Aetherflux Reservoir is viable for me, essentially a 4 card combo (Mana rock producing at least 2 mana, Scepter, Reversal and Aetherflux Reservoir). I'm still exploring more alternate routes to victory so this is one possibility.

I used to run a Jeleva Doomsday deck but it became dry very fast and I'm losing friends even faster. LOL. Now am just exploring unifunky builds like this one.

September 8, 2018 2:18 a.m.

Pal00ka says... #10

Hall of the Bandit Lord has been a favorite in my list. The ability mid to late game give Yennett haste and immediately get a trigger is not to be underestimated. I play more creatures in mine so may be less impactful for you but worth consideration.

Soothsaying has been great too. Can leave up mana to counter/answer and if not needed can dig into the library and re-order.

I like your take on her, much more cutthroat than mine, looks fun!

September 18, 2018 3 p.m.

Jantun says... #11

Hey Cloudius,

This looks pretty fine-tuned as it is, I don't think I can offer much along the lines of suggestions. Maybe some lands that offer scry, Temple of Enlightenment and its counterparts, and also maybe New Benalia... but, these enter tapped, so there's that. Maybe Thassa too now that I think about the scry factor.

Cheers and thanks!

September 19, 2018 3:53 p.m.

Cloudius says... #12

Jantun thanks for the suggestions!

I'm not a fan of lands that ETB tapped in this deck as it affects the tempo. Currently running Fetid Pools only cause it's "fetch-able".

Thassa, God of the Sea is a good card in most Yennett decks as she offers a free Scry and can make Yennett unblockable. Unfortunately, she counts as a creature and runs against my creatureless theme.

Thanks once again and feel free to suggest more cards as you develop your deck. Cheers!

September 19, 2018 8:28 p.m.

Matrixxx999 says... #13

I would put in mainbord all top deck tutors from your maybeboard, the more those tutors in the deck, the more consistently the deck will play. How about Hatred? Seems like a fun way to instakill people with your commander.

September 19, 2018 11:55 p.m.

Matrixxx999 says... #14

Also, Aminatou, the Fateshifter seems like a good addition too

September 20, 2018 midnight

Cloudius says... #15

Pal00ka Thanks for your suggestion.

Hall of the Bandit Lord is a good suggestion though I only run 1 creature. Due to the nature of my deck, I only run Swiftfoot Boots as Lightning Greaves gives shroud, making Yennett untarget-able by Proteus Staff. So I need all the haste enablers I can get. Will try to get a copy of the land.

Soothsaying may take the spot of Crystal Ball as the former allows me to dig deeper, but requires more mana to do so.

Good suggestions. Keep them coming if you've other interesting ideas.

September 20, 2018 12:14 a.m.

Cloudius says... #16


Good call! The tutors in the Maybeboard are there cause I currently do not own a copy or can't afford one at the moment. They're certainly going in once I manage to secure them.

Hatred never crossed my mind as I was too preoccupied with combo base finishes for this deck. It's an interesting alternative to win.

Aminatou, the Fateshifter was in my first cut but I subsequently axed her because, being creatureless, I've very limited ways to protect my Planeswalker from combat damage (besides blocking with Yennett). My view of Aminatou, is that she needs to stick around longer to accrue incremental value from the use of her abilities. Her "Blink" ability is useful to help me reset my Mana Vault and Grim Monolith when I was play testing her, so that's a plus point.

Liliana Vess gives me instant value by tutoring a card to top of library (usually Nexus of Fate or Expropriate) for Yennett to cast them for free. Tezzeret the Seeker functions as a 5 CMC artifact tutor that can retire after he fetches me the desired artifact, so I'm not too worried about protecting him.

Thanks for the suggestions and help. Keep the ideas flowing mate, looking forward to more "quirky and odd" ideas for this eccentric deck.

September 20, 2018 12:30 a.m.

Matrixxx999 says... #17

September 20, 2018 1:19 a.m.

Cloudius says... #18

Matrixxx999 some brilliant suggestions here.

I've always like Mind's Dilation for its fun random effects but it always got axed when I'm trying to reduce the deck to 99... sob

Insidious Dreams is tailored made for this deck and is really a Proteus Staff Junior. Sadly, it's out of stock in most of the local shops here and I'm still trying to get hold of a copy... double sob Feel free to suggest some cuts if I've to make room for this card.

Opps you let the cat out of the bag about Armageddon and Cataclysm! They're perfect when I want to change gears from Combo to Control though any Land Destruction effects will quickly make you the No. 1 enemy in most play groups... (glares at the Kaalia player).

September 20, 2018 3:19 a.m.

elgosu1337 says... #19

First up I have to mention that the font and layout are very hard to read, so I had to copy the deck to read the decklist.

Nexus of Fate should be worth a spot in the deck.

In Garruk's Wake, Kindred Dominance, and Mass Calcify are boardwipes that leave Yennett alive.

Aminatou, the Fateshifter is very useful for card selection and library manipulation. Much better than Conch Horn.

With all the library manipulation, Psychic Battle could be a good way of controlling opponents' spells.

As Foretold could also give you free spells each turn.

Land Tax can help you get lands out of the library so you have a higher chance of finding spells.

September 21, 2018 2:21 p.m.

Cloudius says... #20

elgosu1337 Thanks for your suggestions.

I've enhanced the readability of the page, thanks for your feedback. Trying to strike a balance between aesthetics vs reader friendliness. Let me know if this is easier to read.

Nexus of Fate is already in the deck and is one of the most important extra turn spells inside, winning me many games once the combo is set up.

The board wipes were in my earlier version of the deck but I've taken them out in favor of lower CMC ones like Supreme Verdict and Toxic Deluge. Through my testing, the times I badly need board wipes, I was unable to cast them due to the high cost (i.e. when Yennett is not online). The times when I could cast them for free by manipulating the top of my library, I often went for extra turn spells or cards that could immediately win me the game instead. They're definitely still in my radar and I'd swap them in again should I play in more creature heavy metas.

Aminatou, the Fateshifter was suggested by many other players and is a hot favourite for most Yennett decks. However, I've very limited ways to protect Planeswalker from combat damage since this is a creatureless deck.

Psychic Battle looks fun but will work against Proteus Staff, which is one of the main combo pieces in the deck.

As Foretold is a good card but it's a bit too slow for this deck. I'm only running 9 basic lands in the deck, so I won't get a lot of mileage from Land Tax.

Thank you once again and keep the ideas flowing once you've more inspirations!

September 21, 2018 11:16 p.m.

Skillville says... #21

Fantastic deck. I don't see any room for my opinion :) I am in LOVE with Conch Horn's artwork and had to pick one up; plus it's a cool ability. Is it difficult to style the web page like this? Yours is really awesome and Narset would love a themed page.

September 25, 2018 12:32 a.m.

Cloudius says... #22

Skillville Yes Conch Horn is a hidden gem, allowing us to return the bombs in our hands to the top of the library. Who doesn't love more Brainstorm type effects right!

I do feel the need to restrict to "Odd" CMC cards lowers the power level somewhat, as I can only play half of the Extra Turn spells as compared to Narset.

Thank you for the compliments on the styling of the page. It does take a bit of coding but it ain't rocket science. I'll leave you some links on your profile so you can take a look at them. Let me know if you need any help thereafter.

Also, toss me a +1 if you really like what you see here! Cheers.

September 25, 2018 12:49 a.m.

I would add Enter the Infinite with at least 1 infinite mana combo

September 26, 2018 2:57 a.m.

Cloudius says... #24

Italian2stalian What infinite mana combo would you suggest?

Enter the Infinite is Even CMC so I can't cast it for free via Yennett. She can help generate infinite mana if the combo piece(s) are Odd CMC though.

Of course I can add Dramatic Reversal inside since I'm already running Isochron Scepter and a ton of Mana Rocks.

September 26, 2018 3:36 a.m.

I completely forgot about trying to have odd cmc, i will do a little bit more research and get back to you. And i am somewhat new to magic and I have never attempted a creatureless deck so this is kind of a challenge for me bit i enjoy finding new decks themes like this.

September 26, 2018 4:06 a.m.

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