We 'Mill', We 'Mill' Rock You
May 7, 2016
After testing the following changes have been made:
-1 Clash of Wills -2 Hydrolash -1 Oath of Jace
+4 Talent of the Telepath
Purple_Mage says... #2
control_is_the_new_black cheers for the comment man :).
Hmmm I've never considered that before, the main issue is that I'll be trading 4 Catalog's with 8 draw and 4 discard, this has the potential for a minimum of 16 cards milled with Sphinx's Tutelage. If I swap them for 2 Salvage Drone + 2 Slip Through Space I only get 4 draws with potential of 8 cards milled and maybe 2 cards exiled. But then this might help with preventing delirium.
Hmmm I'll swap it and give it a couple of play tests and see how it goes :).
April 26, 2016 1:32 p.m.
control_is_the_new_black says... #3
let me know how it goes, I am very interested in the results (for better or for worse)
control_is_the_new_black says... #1
I like your deck, just trying to get your opinion on the following.
Have you looked at Salvage Drone? combining this with Slip Through Space is cheaper than Catalog and also draws cards along with exiling the top card, and if they do block Salvage Drone, you get to draw a card.
April 25, 2016 10:38 p.m.