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We ride the flames of hell to glory

Standard BR (Rakdos) Competitive Control Midrange




Creature (3)

Land (4)

Instant (6)

Sorcery (2)

New set with new ideas. Rakdos control!!!! I hope to get a ton of feedback on this .

~~Lets Begin~~


4x Bile Blight because a lot of creatures in the format have 3 toughness and great for killing multiple instances such as [pack rat]].

3x Devour Flesh to get past hexproof, some odd tactic or just simple removal

4x Hero's Downfall to kill something or a planeswalker at instant speed

2x Searing Blood Great card with potential of dealing 5 damage overall.


1x Rakdos Keyrune is a great card because it can generate mana if needed. On the other hand you can use it to smack someone in the face or block quite well.


2x Chandra, Pyromaster why??? Because this card is amazing!!! Can stop any blocker or kill a small 1 toughness creature (mono white deck). Zero ability is gas, potential two card draw per turn and boy when my girl Chandra hits, it wins games. Ultimate ability not used in this deck.


3x Mizzium Mortars for killing those pesky 4/4 creatures that are so common as well as a board wipe.

2x Rakdos's Return A card that not only deals damage but can discard your opponents entire hand? My favorite card in this deck

4x Thoughtseize Oh how I hate this card, yet love it at the same time. Turn one remove a card and see many possible turns ahead for only 2 life. One of the best cards in standard. If you don't believe me. Ask your friends about turn one Thoughtseize into turn two pack rat. Oh the hate!


4x Desecration Demon A four cost 6/6 flyer that either hits you for a ton or forces opponent to sacrifice cards while this card grows in power.

4x Stormbreath Dragon A very handy card with haste, protection from white and a handy monstrosity ability. If this card is allowed to stay on the field, it can end a game.

3x Dreadbore for more control


1x Whip of Erebos for life gain and graveyard recursion. Still counteracts the text on Underworld Cerberus

~~Side board~~

3x Anger of the Gods to slow down any aggro with a board wipe. Also spits and laughs upon cards such as Voice of Resurgence which have special graveyard only actions or aggro.

2x Dark Betrayal for all mirror matches in a sense. Might want to run 4x but will need testing.

3x Duress for a more control route

3x Lifebane Zombie for information and at times, creature card removal.

2x Drown in Sorrow for aggros decks. Which I assume a lot of white, esper humans and red are very possible at the start of Born of the Gods

2x Slaughter Games for pre-control of someone's deck. Lost to a card in game one or you are scared of a card? No worries! Slaughter Games has got your back.


All thoughts and ideas on how to make the deck better are much appreciated :D :D. I see this deck having a possible problem with control....... Great against all other decks

EditTook out Underworld Cerberus due to it fits more into a rakdos agro deck instead of a control deck. Also rakdos keyrune to focus on more control. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


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Date added 11 years
Last updated 11 years

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

19 - 7 Rares

10 - 2 Uncommons

4 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.72
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