So I was playing around with the new Eldrazi cards that spawned Scions, looking for good uses for them, and I looked through a lot of the old X Spells, and found Villainous Wealth. So i thought, why not? Then I rediscovered Ruthless Deathfang. and I've become a terror.
Okay, maybe not, but I'm winning more than losing in the Tournament Practice room, and I feel I am onto something. I just need a better plan and a slightly better budget.
[b]Game Plan[/b]
Scion Generation
Scions are the engine that makes the end game cards work, so we need a lot of ways to make them. We start with Blisterpod, Carrier Thrall, Eldrazi Skyspawner, Call the Scion, and Catacomb Sifter as our generators. The Blister Pods and Carrier Thralls provide early pressure towards Control, and provides a wall for Aggro to work through while we gather a small number of Scions. Catacomb doubles as a way to filter draws.
Board Control
Bone Splinters, Silumgar's Scorn, and Crux of Fate provide us ways to make sure the board isn't flooded and overwhelmed. Scorn is also our only protection against Planeswalkers. Bone Splinters fills the need of getting rid of key threats and freeing our scions out of our sacrifice shells.
Sulimgar, the Drifting Death provides control also, but it's weak overall. It's still worth landing on the battlefield.
End Game
Our game ends (Well, loosely) with either Ruthless Deathwing or a huge Villainous Wealth. With the Deathwing and a handful of Scions, we can keep the board clear and just swing to death, and with Villainous Wealth, we turn their own decks against them. That often is enough to swing a win.
The deck isn't perfect. I've been considering replacing the Blisterpod and the Carrier Thralls, but I'm not sure what needs to go back in it's place to provide the early defense.
I also am not sure I need Villainous Wealth. Against control, it's less than stellar, and it only really shines against Midrange decks.
Part of me has been entertaining adding in Nantuko Husk, but I feel that it just ends up being a bear most of the time. While it helps as a sacrifice engine, I'm not convinced it's what the deck wants.
What I think the deck does want, but I don't know what to cut for them is Icefall Regent. The deck could use a few more dragons, and they are pretty spiffy addition to board control.
Thank you for taking time to look, and please, if you have thoughts, do mention them