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Wear my foot up on they necks....

Modern Aggro Budget Mono-Green Stompy Trample



Hello everyone! It has certainly been a bit, but I am finally getting around to uploading my 6th fully realized modern deck, and it is slowly becoming one of my favorites. Welcome to my mono-green stompy brew! I know what you're thinking...stompy in 2024? Who are you? The GOAT that is who! Stompy has been an archetype I have wanted to pick up for quite some time, but neve got around to. Then I found inspiration in Saffron Olives budget magic mono-green stompy from not that long ago (link will be pasted below), which brought Groundbreaker into the conversation. Groundbreaker, the long forgotten green Ball Lightning from Planar Chaos. Believe me when I tell you, this card is NUTTY when paired with other stompy staples. I cannot believe how well it has been testing, and am so excited to talk about it with all of you. Enough rambling. Lets get into the deck tech!


Pelt Collector: One of the best one drops stompy has to offer. Combos well and grows fast with the help of multiple creatures in this shell, and LOVES being fed by Groundbreaker. A must of at 4, and is a favorite card to have in our openers.

Pawpatch Recruit: Goodbye Dryad Militant, you will be missed. Pawpatch is just better in every sense of the word. We aren't losing any power, and it acts as a sneaky way to grow our creatures. It also discourages our opponents from targeting our threats, and we can even cast it with Offspring for an extra body if we draw into it late. So far, this is definitely the better one drop for our build.

Hexdrinker: An absolute monster if it sticks around, and can act as a late game mana sink. Probably our second best one drop next to Pelt Collector.

Strangleroot Geist: Have always loved this card. He combos well with Pelt Collector and increases our clock and devotion to green. An absolute must in any stompy shell.

Werewolf Pack Leader: I love this card so much. She is such a beast and gives stompy something the archetype was lacking for a long time...DRAW POWER. That on top of her sizeable body and late game activated ability, she just feels so good. I run 4.

Steel Leaf Champion: A no brainer for green. A massive threat throughout all stages of the game. Solid body and solid evasion. Also helps on our devotion to green.

Groundbreaker: The big daddy of our deck. Surprises opponents at all stages of the game and can close out games fast with the help of our pump spells. We want to see him at least once a game, so running 4 is a must IMO. He is just too valuable top our game plan.


Rancor: Duh. Some people would argue running 4 is overkill. I disagree. We always want to see it, and putting multiple rancors on one creature is never a bad thing.


Vines of Vastwood: Protection for our creatures and a massive pump. You cannot go wrong. Also acts as a pseudo counter to equipment and aura based decks due to its wording.

Aspect of Hydra: This is pretty much the reason we end up winning over half of our games. We have plenty of devotion to green in this deck, and when used with any of our trampling threats, it's usually lights out for our opponent. Even when they see it coming, it is very hard to telegraph, especially when we have multiple threats swinging in simultaneously.

Dismember: We run a couple copies for threats our creature's cannot get around. Could run more or less depending on preference.


Forests and a single copy of Boseiju. Doesn't get simpler than that lol.

That is the deck! Please comment, upvote, share, and provide any feedback you may have. I am very proud of this deck so far, but am always open to suggestions, especially as it relates to a sideboard. Thanks for reading/viewing! :)


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Tried running Coco with a set of Ignoble Hierarch. I hated it. Although it sometimes offered an explosive turn, it still felt really clunky. I also felt like we lost a good chunk of early game potential by devoting resources to Hierarch as opposed to an aggressive turn 1 threat. CoCo into 2 groundbrewakers is awesome, but it doesn't happen as often as you think it would. CoCo can always whif.

Rhonas is out. He's too slow and too clunky. 4th Steel Leaf is back.

Lair of the Hydra is out. Felt like we rarely animated it, and we would always draw it a turn too late for it to come in untapped.

I'm thinking of testing a package of [Experiment One] and [Avatar of the Resolute] as a kind of +1 counter sub theme. Other than that, i think our deck is perfect.



98% Competitive

Revision 4 See all

(1 month ago)

-1 Collected Company maybe
+2 Forest main
-2 Lair of the Hydra main
-1 Noble Hierarch maybe
-1 Rhonas the Indomitable main
+1 Steel Leaf Champion main
Top Ranked
  • Achieved #15 position overall 1 year ago
  • Achieved #11 position in Modern 1 year ago
  • Achieved #1 position in Modern Aggro 1 year ago
Date added 1 year
Last updated 1 month
Exclude colors WB

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

21 - 0 Rares

10 - 0 Uncommons

6 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.72
Tokens Copy Clone, Pawpatch Recruit 1/1 G
Folders Decks I am Making, Other Decks, Favorite Decks
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