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Weeping Thopters

Standard UR (Izzet)




Land (1)

Enchantment (1)

Instant (1)

Don't blink, whatever you do don't blink.

Ramp your creature field with token producers all while burning them with Impact Tremors

Impact Tremors + Essence Flux is the holy grail in this deck that allows you to burn your opponent while creating a fort of tokens with creatures like Pia and Kiran Nalaar and Hangarback Walker

Any suggestions on how to round this deck out and make it quicker/more resilient is really appreciated. :D!

The Flickering idea

3x Pia and Kiran Nalaar

4x Thopter Engineer

2x Reclusive Artificer

3x Hangarback Walker

I'm running 15 creatures. 10 of them shit tokens out as they enter5 are pure value. Pia and Kiran Nalaar is such a great card in this deck. When combined with Impact Tremors all these cards do great but Pia and Kiran Nalaar do a bit more than that. With she is able to shoot something for 2 or shoot your opponent for 2 damage. Either is a great option. Im not running any removal so that 2 damage can really help. Whirler Rogue, Thopter Engineer , Hangarback Walker and Reclusive Artificer are pretty self explanatory. I can often get 3+ damage with Reclusive artificer. She does need artifacts so she becomes a 4 drop 2/3 with haste if you have no artifacts on the field which might be often depending on how much removal you're going up against.

Giving your opponent card advantage isn't really a great idea however that card advantage becomes bitter sweet when this comes in early and slowly eats away at your opponent's life. Might consider a full play set of these. They're really good and the extra 2 damage really piles up when combined with...

4x Impact Tremors

Here is your main win con. The oil in the gears. This card, right here, makes the modest creature pool work wonders. Get 1-2 out early and watch your opponent's life points dwindle away.

All of a sudden that T3 Thopter Engineer pings your opponent for 2 damage while providing you with a 1/3 blocker.

That T4 Whirler Rogue pings for 3 while shitting out 2 blockers/attackers with haste depending on the field. You get the idea. Your opponent's will certainly feel the impact of your humble creatures.

2x Flameshadow Conjuring

2x Thopter Spy Network

These 2 cards I would consider late game for me. Flameshadow Conjuring is a really interesting card and allows for some shenanigans when combined with Impact Tremors and my entire creature base in this deck.
Ive managed to wipe an opponent's field with Flameshadow Conjuring + Reclusive Artificer . I have a lot of 4 drops in this deck so I'm usually debating what to drop T4+. This is a good card once on the field. The problem is deciding when to get it there.

Thopter Spy Network is an obvious choice for any Thopter centric deck. After play testing I cut the play set down to 2 and put in the 2 Flameshadow Conjuring I'm running into the same problems here. Irs a bit too slow. However. Once on the field you're usually loving at least 1 damage each turn. Assuming Impact Tremors is still on the field... and if you have an artifact. Yeah. It's a lot of ifs for this one. Definitely considering better cards for these last 2 enchantments.

4x Dragon Fodder

Yeah. That's it for sorceries. Pretty low for a blue deck but i figured this was all I needed. 2 for 2 is great value. And seeing as to how I'm not really expecting to do much besides set my field up before T4 I decided that I needed some 2 drops to alleviate the weak start im bound to have. Especially with all these decks running 2-3 drop creatures every turn. Also helps ping for 2 if we were fortunate enough to drop an impact tremors T2 and unfortunate enough not to have a T3 Drop.


4x Essence Flux1x epiphany at the downward1x Engulf the Shore

Now here is the Co-MVP of this deck. A fantastic card to abuse ETB effects. Essence Flux.

It does so much in this deck for a . 1. Triggers Impact Tremors

  1. Triggers ETB. See "1"

  2. Helps dodge opponent's removal

  3. Blinks Blockers. Refer to 2.

You might as well splice the target's effect into the card. Because this modest is working that 1 blue mana overtime. Also, did I mention how i can also trigger Flameshadow Conjuring ?

That's right. For you're able to combo off everything that you set up in turn 4.

Engulf the Shore

Definitely want this card rather than, say, Displacement Wave or Crush of Tentacles as your board wipe. This is your panic button. Maybe you haven't been drawing creatures but you've been able to set your enchantments up. Maybe your creatures keep getting shot down. I dunno. This card here will more than likely lift the entire board on turn 4-6. This also includes your creatures since your highest toughness here is 3. In other words. All your enchantments stay (whatever survived) and you get to cast all your creatures again.

1x Epiphany at the Drownyard

This is a ridiculous card. It's a 1 for 1 card so any mana put into this card will give you back your value. allows you to be as flexible with this as you want. Maybe you're not drawing land going into turn 3? No worries. You can always drop this for 2 mana to hopefully run into a land and get your game moving while filtering through your deck.Filter through your deck, psyche your opponent out, keep them guessing whats in your hand. Any card that messes with your opponent getd an A+ in my book.

1x Westvale Abbey  Any deck with token producers must have this. Potential for a turn 6 Ormendahl against slower decks.

1x Spawning Bed

Lol ok. I'll admit. I should probably replace this with a foundry of the consuls. But I dont have the card and im too lazy to get it lol.

3x Wandering Fumarole

Man lands for when the battle gets tough.

2x Shivan Reef Im trading my way up to 4.The Concerns


1) Healthy 2 for 1 creature base. Everything comes in with a buddy. 2) Burn through lifepoints while you build up your army. 3) tons of blockers and attackers. 4)Resilient to board wipes due to 1.

Cons: 1) Generally weak creatures2) No counters3) Little to no control of the board 4) No Removal
These are my immediate concerns. I'm sure A U/B or any deck with white could decimate this deck by targeting my hand with duress + Trangress the mind or would quickly become useless against permanent removal. I'm looking at you Declaration in Stone and Anguished Unmaking


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Date added 8 years
Last updated 8 years
Key combos

This deck is not Standard legal.

Rarity (main - side)

20 - 3 Rares

10 - 3 Uncommons

14 - 7 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.57
Tokens Copy Clone, Eldrazi Scion 1/1 C, Goblin 1/1 R, Human Cleric 1/1 WB, Thopter 1/1 C
Folders Fun things
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