Weird or Bust

Modern Goody


Alphawolfie12 says... #1

No offence or anything but ten lands is never good, no matter what. Throw in some more island and some mountains, I know you have them if you play magic, and maybe even keep an eye out for Sulfur Falls .

August 30, 2013 10:19 a.m.

Goody says... #2

Alphawolfie12, this is a Modern combo deck that can go off turn 2 with only one land. I actually don't want any more lands, because they would dilute the power of the combo and would prevent me from ever reaching a sizeable storm count. A case could be made for one or two more lands, but definitely no more. If you need an explanation of how the combo works, I'd be happy to describe it to you.

August 30, 2013 2:14 p.m.

Alphawolfie12 says... #3

I see it but the Maximum mana producing lands you can have is 7. At the very least I suggest taking out Scalding Tarn for Sulfur Falls or an Izzet Guildgate at the very least

August 30, 2013 11:24 p.m.

Goody says... #4

The point is that I don't need any lands other than the first one if I have the combo. Even if I don't have the combo, I can dig for it pretty effectively with one or two lands. I never want to have more than 3 out anyways.

The Scalding Tarn s, while not necessary, allow me to take out another land from my deck. The lands are useless once I'm comboing out because the mana comes from Blistercoil Weird and Paradise Mantle , and I need to continuously draw into more spells, not lands. The tarns are helpful since they basically count as drawing two lands from my deck, besides being able to search for Steam Vents and having them come into play untapped.

August 31, 2013 2:31 p.m.

ZyonTactics says... #5

go check out all the Nivix Cyclops combo decks, you may find some useful intel there....

if you do the odds:

Blistercoil Weird on starting hand: 0.466

Paradise Mantle on starting hand: 0.466 - 0.406 since you need the mantle too

Island on starting hand : 0.466 - 0.344 since you need both Blistercoil Weird and Paradise Mantle

so you need to get a positive answer 3 times from a 0.344 odd to start playing....

even if you get to see all of your 3 starting cards, what makes you sure about blister to survive more than 1 turn ? you know, in modern there's plenty of Lightning Bolt , Vapor Snag and similars, Path to Exile and sadly the list goes on :(

10 lands is never good, even if your plan is a funky combo

your cards ALLOW you to dig for your combo, but what is your opponent doing in that time lapse ? i can ensure you that modern is plenty of fast stuff that hits you hard in the face starting from the first turn.... but again, looking for your combo in the first turns lets your opponents prepare for what is coming (how can you deal with Steel Wall ? xD ).... a simple counter/burn/removal/bounce could make you dead.... sorry man, truth hurts

August 31, 2013 8:21 p.m.

Goody says... #6

First off, I don't need an Island, I need any land. 10 lands is enough to make 1 land in opening hand almost always true. I also don't need to have both combo pieces in hand to start the game, realistically, I only need one (preferrably Blistercoil Weird because of summoning sickness); the rest of the deck digs very well and I'll likely find the missing piece during turns 1-3.

Removal would obviously hurt, and I know that Modern has plenty of 1 cmc answers; this deck punishes them for not having it in the first few turns, and even if they do have it, I can find another. Of course, decks that hit hard and fast have a good chance to take me out before I can get back on my feet, but that's the point of the sideboard.

I don't know if the sideboard I have is viable since I haven't actually played the deck against other archetypes, but that's what I need help on. Maybe you should playtest the deck before bashing on it; it plays extremely well as long as you keep a hand with one land and one combo piece.

August 31, 2013 8:32 p.m.

sergiodelrio says... #7

I'm on the same mission...

Please consider these cards:

Street Wraith : draw 1 for 0 mana

Simian Spirit Guide : possible T1 combo

Maybe Treasure Cruise over Dig Through Time ?

October 27, 2014 11:30 a.m.

SpaceDuck64 says... #8

I don't understand how you can win turn 2... if someone could elaborate that would be nice.

October 27, 2014 11:35 a.m.

sergiodelrio says... #9


You combo out T2 with Blistercoil Weird + Paradise Mantle + cantrips (one-mana draw-a-card spells) that cause blistercoil weird to untap and +1/+1. Repeat. Swing.

The sideeffect is a crazy storm counter for Grapeshot .

October 27, 2014 11:55 a.m.

SpaceDuck64 says... #10

I forgot that Blistercoil untaps after casting an instant or sorcery, sorry. Awesome combo by the way.

October 27, 2014 12:04 p.m.

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