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Commander / EDH Mick-Tis


Shinwizzles says... #1

Looks like a pretty sweet deck. One thing I'd recommend is to cut some of the 'ETBs tapped' for opponents stuff. Consistency is cool and all, but Loxodon Gatekeeper, Root Maze, Manglehorn, Thalia, Heretic Cathar, and Frozen AEther seems a little excessive. I'm a fan of enchantments, since they're a little harder to remove than creatures. You might want to drop the Loxodon Gatekeeper or Thalia, Heretic Cathar for a Blind Obedience.

Looks like you're also going for locking down the untap step. Have you considered Stasis at all? It has proved to be pretty solid in my deck, so long as I can consistently deal combat damage to have untapped. Also, Mind Over Matter is waaaaay better than the Azorius Guildmage. Pricey, but worth it in my experience. And since you're locking that stuff down, you might want to put some thought into adding a Murkfiend Liege to backup your Seedborn Muse, should it be removed. I could also see the newly printed Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist performing well in your deck.

If you really want to lock combos down though, add in a Gaddock Teeg. Everybody loves it when the ol' Gaddock Teeg slows the game to a grueling crawl.

I think your card draw might also need some work. The last thing you want is to be dead in the water and top decking for answers. Rhystic Study and Bident of Thassa are good, but what makes this deck scary is when your hand is huge--that's what makes your opponents think twice about their plays. I'd recommend a Pull from Tomorrow, Coastal Piracy, Consecrated Sphinx, or at least an Arcanis the Omnipotent to be abused with Derevi, Empyrial Tactician's ability. Add in a Laboratory Maniac and a Mind Over Matter and you have yourself a card draw combo stew.

There's no better way to stop a combo than to simply counter it. I'd consider including a few more counterspells like the OG Counterspell. Disallow is also a solid show-stopper when an opponent thinks they're being clever. Also good for stopping combo engines are Stony Silence, and Null Rod.

It looks like you're relying on a bunch of ETB effects with only Brago, King Eternal and a few reanimators like Eternal Witness and Sun Titan. If you're bent on ETBs, I'd recommend Venser, the Sojourner, and perhaps Conjurer's Closet and of course, the eternally useful Deadeye Navigator, which is good at getting you a lot of mana with either Palinchron or Peregrine Drake (economic option).

Since you're also making things more expensive, have you considered adding in Aura of Silence? Quite good for shutting up opponents. Trinisphere is also effective at making things too costly for the opponents. Lastly, as for dealing with CMC and such, a Void Winnower is pretty good at locking down a great deal of spells. Having a board state with Gaddock Teeg, Trinisphere, Void Winnower, Vryn Wingmare, and Grand Arbiter Augustin IV will give your opponents such a nightmare headache as they try to navigate the actual cost of of a spell.

So it looks like you have a few things that make tokens, but not much else for them. I'd recommend to either go all-in and add in a few more token-makers like Squirrel Nest, Elspeth, Sun's Champion, or Avenger of Zendikar. If you're going that route, I'd suggest Doubling Season, Parallel Lives, or Anointed Procession.

Overall it seems like a really solid deck. Might still need a bit of tweaking, but I like what it's got going on! Also, please don't think I'm trying to tell you how to build your deck, these are only suggestions and ideas to consider! Thanks for sharing!

September 1, 2017 1:52 p.m.

Shinwizzles says... #2

PS: I don't know if my math is off or what, but it looks like you only have 98 cards. This actually works for you though, because now you can include something like Mirari's Wake and Nature's Will to get the most value out of a locked down boardstate!

September 1, 2017 1:57 p.m.

Mick-Tis says... #3

you right shinwizzles, it's 98 cards. I haven't had a chance to update it yet.

September 1, 2017 6:51 p.m.

Mick-Tis says... #4

Shinwizzels now that I've got a chance to read it. You gave me a lot to think about. Those were good suggestions. Some out of my price range though.The deck looks a lot different now. I'm going to have update it to its latest version.

September 2, 2017 3:30 a.m.

Mick-Tis says... #5

Shinwizzles I finally got a chance to update the deck. Lmk what you think.

November 24, 2017 3:25 a.m.

Shinwizzles says... #6

Hey Mick-Tis,

Looks like a lot of good improvements have been made! I do have a few suggestions for you to mull over though, if you're looking for advice. I'm just gonna go right down the list of who to drop and why in my opinion.

Azorius Guildmage costs too much for too little. That much mana a turn for a Stifle or a Fatestitcher's ability could be used elsewhere.

Heliod, God of the Sun seems ripe for the cutting as well. If you're bent on having vigilance (which isn't mandatory, if you don't let anyone else have any creatures to begin with), then I'd suggest going with Brave the Sands.

Joiner Adept strikes me as a more fragile Chromatic Lantern.

Scavenging Ooze is taking up a slot that could be used by either Relic of Progenitus or Rest in Peace. The counters and lifegain is nice, but not if you're having to pour mana into it, especially if mana is going to be scarce.

Spawnwrithe should go in some clone deck somewhere else far away from here. Unless you've got a way to crank out a bazillion of them a turn a la Doubling Season and Parallel Lives, the cost won't be worth the benefit.

So I noticed you've got a lot of effects that make your opponents' stuff come in tapped. I see that your deck is also focused around stopping your meta's combos, so if that's entirely necessary, then by all means, leave them in. But in my opinion, having Loxodon Gatekeeper, Thalia, Heretic Cathar, Blind Obedience, and Frozen AEther seems a little excessive.

You might want to consider swapping out your Thalia, Heretic Cathar for the other one, Thalia, Guardian of Thraben.

Wood Elves could be cut for something more versatile. The Skyward Eye Prophets are a couple of fun-lookin' dudes who have always performed well in my decks, but there are many others that could be used. If you're going for mana ramp, Kodama's Reach and the like are always handy. Walking Atlas is also useful, especially with Derevi, Empyrial Tactician's ability.

Yisan, the Wanderer Bard is a card I'm on the fence about, but he seems like he has really limited usage in your deck. Most of your creatures are between two and four mana, so you get a few uses out of him and that's it. Not worth it, in my opinion. A Worldly Tutor or Eladamri's Call used repeatedly with an Eternal Witness/Sun Titan combo seems a little better, if you're digging for critters.

Bonds of Mortality seems like it could be dropped, since you've already got Arcane Lighthouse. But again, if you're not letting them have any creatures to begin with, it shouldn't be much of an issue.

Luminarch Ascension seems like another card you might want to drop. It paints a pretty huge target on you. 4/4 angels don't seem worth it for becoming that much of a target. If you're trying to make creatures in a hurry, Avenger of Zendikar does wonders.

Blustersquall seems like it could be cut for something better. Might I suggest the classic Counterspell? Always a crowd-pleaser.

As for your Maybeboard: Naw. You don't need 'em.

I really like the improvements you've made to your deck! Looks like you're definitely going in the right direction. Two last sort of general suggestions I would make are to perhaps add more card draw in for you. Something along the lines of Coastal Piracy would be a good card to back up your Bident of Thassa. Lastly, more effects to lock the board down. Throw in a Gaddock Teeg to really ruin someone's day. Nobody expects a turn two Green Sun's Zenith into a surprise Gaddock Teeg.

Overall, I like the direction the deck is going in. Looks like it'd be fun to play.

Let me know if you have any questions about my suggestions!

Thanks for sharing!

November 27, 2017 1:27 p.m.

Mick-Tis says... #7

Shinwizzles First off before I forget; Thanks for the review.

To answer some of the choices you suggested. I had Thalia, Guardian of Thraben but it hurt me more than my opponents.Bonds of Mortality also gets rid of indestructible. which is good against those type of creatures like the mono colored deities.Joiner Adept believe or not; puts in work. She is left alone a lot of the time. IDK how I don't have a Chromatic Lantern in there. I think i have both in I have Heliod, God of the Sun so I don't have to use derevi's ability to untap my dudes. Teeg is too expensive for me right now. I like the way you think though. Vedalken Mastermind is mostly to bounce my stasis at the end of my opponent's turn. ooze is just there for spot graveyard removal. Upon further review; there's some cards on this list that I know i cut.

November 27, 2017 6:02 p.m.

Mick-Tis says... #8

I want to cut Basalt Monolith because it didn't do anything for me, but Idk what.

January 1, 2018 2:27 a.m.

Selphiron says... #9

I think Hushwing Gryff would fit in this deck. You could flash it in, if your opponent plays a Bane of Progress for example.

January 21, 2018 5:15 a.m.

Mick-Tis says... #10

Selphiron I had him in there at one point. He didn't do anything for me. It was slays a dead card.I might put him in my sideboard

January 21, 2018 5:25 a.m.

Swift2210 says... #11

Birthing Pod is one of Derevi's best friends. A pod chain of GAIV, Sakashima, Hokori, and Glen Elendra Archmage is fairly strong.

April 2, 2018 12:08 a.m.

Add. Nature's. Will. Bruh.

January 29, 2025 5:05 p.m.

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