Everyone left me....Am I that bad?
Commander / EDH*
SCORE: 131 | 165 COMMENTS | 23861 VIEWS | IN 55 FOLDERS
you have a silent arbiters.
You might not wanna go to famous for EDH help, btw. he doesnt do it much. I only play it and am always here, so...yeah.
anyhow, try out these. Chancellor of the Annex Norn's Annex Sphere of Safety Arcane Denial Spelltithe Enforcer AEther Barrier Spiritual Asylum Cyclonic Rift Fell the Mighty Voidmage Husher Godhead of Awe Crawlspace Fate Unraveler Storage Matrix Meekstone and Leyline of Anticipation
May 25, 2015 10:25 p.m.
first, fill up that one missing spot, then I'd say Frontline Medic b/c while he is useful, a straight counter or just plain avacyn is better, and your opponent should'nt be able to kill your stuff if you're doing your job. Supplant Form not as useful as it seems. Ethereal Haze do you really need this? Ulamog's Crusher bad in control. Drought isnt legal in this deck due to the color symbol and its also shit in it. Thorn of Amethyst screws over SO many of your cards, its bad (44 to be exact). Inexorable Tide doesnt pull its weight due to only 3 PWs. Plea for Power gets cards, and while it is good for that, I'm not sure you need the draw.
May 25, 2015 11:07 p.m.
Tacticsninja16782 says... #5
drought is legal, as oracle text says black. the symbols were used for brevity. I checked that. It's why Reality Twist is legal, and I ran that for a while and checked it. I like it because the biggest threats I play against are Oloro and walker, though it might still leave.
May 26, 2015 8:46 p.m.
no. neither of those are legal. its like Naked Singularity, which, b/c it has alternate symbols, is illegal. it is only legal in reminder text of an exampl, like in North Star and Trinisphere.
May 26, 2015 8:49 p.m.
Check the oracle text for Drought here: http://gatherer.wizards.com/Pages/Card/Details.aspx?multiverseid=2681
You can play drought here because there are no symbols in the text on the oracle version. The symbols printed on the card don't matter any more than mana burn which is to say they don't matter at all. The cards color identity is only white.
May 29, 2015 9:07 a.m.
Tacticsninja16782 says... #8
I KNEW IT! thanks! I love frought, especially since to of the best EDH decks in my play group are oloro
May 29, 2015 9:46 a.m.
Karns_Pyromancer says... #9
Since you're running Hurkyl's Recall (or Hurkyl's Nurple as we call it,I don't know why), you might as well run Mycosynth Lattice.
Also, have you considered Enter the Infinite and Brain Freeze to use with Omniscience?
May 29, 2015 11:09 a.m.
Tacticsninja16782 says... #10
Lattice for sure, because Upheaval is banned, that is effectively the same thing. venser flicker's omniscience, bounce everything, drop r tower as my land for turn. Awesome, thanks. And ETI might have a spot. what would I cut?
May 29, 2015 11:26 a.m.
Looks good. Drop the Fell the Mighty for a Planar Cleansing or a Day of Judgment, Martyr of Sands and Linessa, Zephyr Mage both aren't amazing but they can work, Scorched Ruins is a great card, but be wary of Strip Mine or Wasteland. All in all, decent deck, just needs a small amount of tuning.
June 1, 2015 7:51 a.m.
canterlotguardian says... #12
I'm just going to say this... I think "arbies" is the funniest word I've seen all day. I don't even know why.
+1 for that alone. If you're looking for suggestions, you can check out my control deck, albeit mine's mono blue. Girls Just Wanna Make You Never Have Any Fun Ever
June 5, 2015 10:35 a.m.
Cool deck. Been meaning to build with this card at some point.
Some comments on lands:
Do you not have a Hallowed Fountain?
Mystic Gate helps with all the ,
casting costs particularly since when you reduce the non-coloured part of the casting cost with your general you get a lot of demanding casting costs for which the flexibility will help a lot.
City of Brass isn't great in a control deck.
Do you find that you often have more than 7 cards? Seems it won't be a common scenario as there isn't huge card draw in your deck, so I would cut Reliquary Tower
Kor Haven and Maze of Ith are great in a control deck
You have so many legendary creatures in your deck, plus your general, that Minamo, School at Water's Edge will do great work here
Possibly a Temple of Enlightenment as scry is good and fixes the mana
On the total - I think 32 lands is too low for this deck. Thats like 19 in a 60 card deck which is almost like an aggro/tempo deck. The average CC looks close to 4 and you have some very high cost spells, and though your general does reduce the CC by 1 or 2 you still have to get him in play and keep him in play (and then recast for more if killed). I think 36 lands is the minimum (if you add cheap card draw), else 39. This general will have a big target on it as it screws over the other players so can't bank on it being out all the time.
June 10, 2015 3:54 p.m.
I see you are really low on CC 1 spells. I know that since your general reduces the costs, that these spells seem expensive for what you get. But for the first 3 turns you can't cast your general and need something to do. And once you do cast it, it will attract a lot of attempts to kill it from around the table. When it's dead, you have a turn or two before you can cast it again in which the CC 1 spells help.
So I really think you should be running the power CC 1 blue spells like Brainstorm, Ponder, Preordain, Serum Visions to keep the deck ticking and if you run a couple you get to run one less land.
June 10, 2015 4:02 p.m.
Cards I think may be good:
Sphinx's Revelation - 3 cards and 3 life for , sign me up! (if I interpret the general correctly it will reduce how much you pay for the X part by 2)
Restoration Angel - a number of your cards have enter the battlefield effects or selections which you can reset
I think 2 more planeswalkers and 2 less creatures, PW don't die to wrath effects and the discount from your general makes them very appealing:
Elspeth, Knight-Errant - just in case you want to attack with your general as a 5/6 flyer (or boost one of your other creatures), or token fodder for blocking attacks. Ultimate is virtually game unless someone combos off
Jace, Architect of Thought - slows down the damage around the table to extend the game which suits you fine, the card draw is neat (and pick the least experienced opponent to separate them lol), and the ultimate is game over!
Tamiyo, the Moon Sage - normally a bit pricy, but at we get to tap down a threat to you, draw lots of cards by picking the opponent with the most tapped creatures and ultimate is decent. Not as good as the other two PW though.
June 10, 2015 4:15 p.m. Edited.
Tacticsninja16782 says... #16
What would you suggest I cut? I love those ideas I just don't know what to lose
June 10, 2015 4:22 p.m.
I think to free up space you should drop this Eldrazi thing. That would be a different deck with lots of colourless ramp and lots of Eldrazi and cards to fetch them. You just have too few Eldrazi, and too few enablers (like Urza lands or reanimate type spells), to make casting big colourless spells happen. I would rather focus on the savings you get on fat blue/white creatures. Those two colourless lands hurt you when you try cast the blue/white mana intensive cards like Counterspell etc.
So for lands its add 10, remove 5:
+Hallowed Fountain, Kor Haven, Maze of Ith, Mystic Gate, Minamo, School at Water's Edge, Temple of Enlightenment, Windswept Heath, Polluted Delta (adding 2 more fetches to get either basic or that important Hallowed Fountain), 2 Island (along with Minamo this shifts more to blue as should add a bunch of blue CC 1 spells which can find you white mana, and you have a lot more CC 2 blue spells than white)
Remove City of Brass, Reliquary Tower, Eldrazi Temple, Eye of Ugin, Scorched Ruins (doesn't help you cast your reduced blue/white spells, and not really suited to control deck)
For spells then its add 6 remove 11 to balance out:
+Ponder, Preordain, Serum Visions, Brainstorm, Restoration Angel, Snapcaster Mage (these last two costing 1 less due to your general are awesome)
Remove Karn Liberated (I think the +4 ability isn't great in EDH, and focus on the discount you get on white/blue spells), Linessa, Zephyr Mage (bouncing one low CC creature in EDH doesn't sound exciting), Stony Silence (you have nice artifacts), All Is Dust (drop Eldrazi), Beacon of Immortality/Omniscience/Jin-Gitaxias, Core Augur/Iona, Shield of Emeria too costly even with 1 discount, Counterbalance (can't reliably manipulate top card and range of CC too wide), Humility (your general is too cool), Reality Shift (not strong enough)
Will have to think about how to fit in the 2 extra planeswalkers...
June 11, 2015 5:58 p.m. Edited.
I agree with most of your choices. However, I would NOT remove All is Dust, Karn, Reliquary Tower, Omniscience OR Iona. These cards are cards that shift the game. Iona can kill someone for 9 mana, Omniscience can just lock down the game, Karn, if left unchecked, literally wins games all by himself and All is Dust is one of the best board wipes in EDH. Reliquary Tower is just damn good. And holy shit, I didn't realize that Snappy jumped ANOTHER $30. Really glad I got mine at $25.
June 11, 2015 8:17 p.m.
Not sure there is enough card draw for Reliquary Tower to be worth it.
I know those cards you list are game winners, they are just so expensive, the discount from your general isn't much as they are one colour or even colourless. You would need to run lots of artifact ramp to pull it off. All Is Dust is cool if you playing an artifact based deck which this is not, the general dictates that you run a lot of white and blue spells and preferably spells that are both colours.
I guess it depends on how powerful the decks he plays against are, if they are low power and slow then sure he can spend 7 or 8 on a bomb card.
Temple of Epiphany should be removed, it generates red mana. I think it should be Temple of Enlightenment
A card I forgot to mention - Dragonlord Ojutai. When your general is out it will cost which is pretty sick. But the card is pricy at the moment!
June 12, 2015 5:26 p.m.
You're focusing a bit too much on Arby, who doesn't have any protection. Even if the discount is negligible, it's often still worth it to run the aforementioned cards. Also, it's my personal opinion the Ojutai has no place in EDH, he's a little weak, but I will agree that he's pretty efficient at 3 mana. He's no Geist of Saint Traft, but efficient nevertheless.
June 12, 2015 5:41 p.m.
Arby does have protection. I count 21 cards that have effects that help protect Arby. Blue/white has counterspells and protective spells/abilities on creatures. Lightning Greaves should be added to deck. Yes Arby doesn't have inbuilt protection, but then again how many of the generals in EDH do have hexproof.
Ojutai can attack the player with no defences, and tapped out, to get the draw card going. Damage to player equals "draw a card" is strong in EDH since you can pick which player to attack.
June 13, 2015 10:12 a.m.
Quicksilver says... #22
Don't forget to remove your Temple of Epiphany with the Temple of Enlightenment. Or Seachrome Coast.
June 15, 2015 9:49 a.m.
You land count is way too low, as is your counterspell count. Also, with Grand arbiter as your commander Swords to Plowshares is the better choice over Path to Exile.
NoviceMagician says... #1
Hello! Nice dead ya got going on here, I am a big fan of U/W control. So, instead of just posting a bunch of comments, I'll go ahead and link my own U/W control decks in hopes you find some cards useful. ;)
Did I say you can talk? ($20 Control)
Detain and Entertain
May 25, 2015 10:13 p.m. Edited.