As for stuff I think you should remove I would really take out some of your crazy high cost golems since they will probably just sit in your hand for too long if you get them early game.
Maybe another problem is restocking your hand with fresh cards. Maybe try adding in Pull from Tomorrow and Stroke of Genius or even some of the planeswalkers that let you draw stuff like Jace Beleren and use his draw for everyone to keep some people off your back.
May 22, 2019 11:25 p.m.
Hoobynobber7395 says... #4
so with Darksteel Forge you can have an interesting bored with Mycosynth Lattice and Hellkite Tyrant , make all permanents artifacts, they then in turn will be indestructible, and then you can steel them from everyone, this includes lands as they are permanents!
May 23, 2019 7:57 a.m.
Hoobynobber7395 says... #5
i know you are trying to keep it golem tribal but 1 dragon doesn't hurt
May 23, 2019 7:58 a.m.
multimedia says... #6
Smothering Tithe is a very good card in multiplayer Commander, with Akiri and with the artifact strategies since treasures are artifact tokens. Treasure Mage can tutor for one of many different artifacts here. Eladamri's Call can tutor for one of many different creatures. Trinket Mage can tutor for one of Ring, Key or an artifact land. Fauna Shaman is a repeatable creature tutor/artifact creature discard and with Daretti, Scrap Savant can expand on the graveyard strategies with artifacts. By adding these tutors you can decrease the amount of high CMC artifact creatures instead play the better ones since these cards can tutor for them.
Do you own the cards in the maybeboard? If you like some of these suggestions I offer help to make cuts.
May 23, 2019 8:34 a.m.
JANKYARD_DOG says... #7
Coretapper , Energy Chamber , and Vedalken Infuser or are straight up proliferate effects just better you think?
Most of the big ones can be cheated out somehow, or cost reduced to come out earlier. They can however be slow without the right set up. Like Mage Ring and Col. Syria need Voltaic Key or Unwinding Clock to be more useful. Perhaps I could lose a few though, I had thought of including Bosh with them so they could swing then fling. Felt like it required more dedication to it though.
Love the Bastion and Sage for additions. Lux Cannon is also a nice addition for our removal suite.
As for lattice, that is far outside what I'm willing to pay for colorful cardboard. Tyrant is in the main, but I've kinda been wondering if he's worth it without lattice. S. Tithe is a nice addition, the tutors could also improve plays. I just dont want to get to a point that it's the same play every game. As for owning the cards, I make decks before I purchase to try and work out kinks before wasting money. Also I try to keep in it the 200 total range so it's not impossible to put together in the real world.
Thanks all for the suggestions, its very much appreciated.
May 23, 2019 10:59 a.m.
Chandra585 says... #8
I like all five of your wants list, but you should probably get in some more spot removal like Path to Exile and Generous Gift. It’s a cool deck, but it might be better served by slitting out green for black...
May 28, 2019 8 p.m.
JANKYARD_DOG says... #9
I thought about Silas Renn, Seeker Adept instead of Thrasios, but green seemed better to ramp with. I'll look into it though, see how I can get around it.
May 28, 2019 8:41 p.m.
I don't know if this will be good or not but look up Blade of Selves or Helm of the Host to create clones. There may be some ideas in my mono blue that might up with golem production sadly 4 color decks isn't my strong suit :(
November 26, 2020 10:52 a.m.
Megalomania says... #11
Are you really set on going 4 colors or are you more into the artifact theme? I think Daretti (going mono red) would be a better commander tbh. Thrasios doesn’t seem like something you’re able to fully utilized here and white isn’t also helping all that much.
If you really want to go with partners maybe consider Vial Smasher the Fierce? Adding black will give your deck the option to add tutors and more removal. The list could use aome streamlining I think.
You might have also forgotten about Arcane Signet.
November 26, 2020 5:13 p.m.
JANKYARD_DOG says... #12
Megalomania, I was thinking of shaving down the colors to 3 using Ich-Tekik, Salvage Splicer and X partner. I cannot for the life of me come to a decision on which color to drop because they all have their different bonuses. Before Ichy was spoiled it was suggested to drop green for black. Red has the least presence so that's the direction I was going to go I think. That leaves:
Ich-Tekik, Salvage Splicer + Ishai, Ojutai Dragonspeaker (Bant) for a go wide golem army w/ a side of keyword soup maybe. Or focus more one +1 counter/proliferate aspect.
Ich-Tekik, Salvage Splicer + Silas Renn, Seeker Adept Sultai) offers additional GY synergy, perhaps focusing as well on +1 counters/proliferation?
Ich-Tekik, Salvage Splicer + Vial Smasher the Fierce (Jund. I know, red... ) for sacrificial artifact fodder cannon(?) but still able to amass lots of artifacts for a Hellkite Tyrant win.
Alternatively I have seen a Selesnya build using Ich-Tekik, Salvage Splicer + Rebbec, Architect of Ascension, but not sure how I feel about less colors. I'm sure there are probably other mono color partners to pair with Ichy but I have yet to explore them, same applies though about the reduction of colors.
November 26, 2020 11:20 p.m.
Sometimes less is more if I were you experiment with those different variant is private deck for and see which style suits you and also thanks for the feedback earlier
Joe_Ken_ says... #1
Well with your colors you can run some of the give your permanent indestructible instant speed cards like Boros Charm and Heroic Intervention maybe even some flicker away stuff like Eerie Interlude would be something.
For ramp and this is also just one of my guilty pleasure pet cards I would include Golden Guardian Flip since he flips into a land that produces mana of any color or if you have the mana available and you aren’t using it you can make a 4/4 golem.
Coalition Relic would probably be a good rock for the deck since it makes mana of any color and can even make 2 of separate colors if you ever find yourself not using it for a turn. Another rock that would be useful is Everflowing Chalice since you can put however much mana you want into it to make it tap for that much or put more charge counters on it.
I love to put Lux Cannon into any deck with unwinding clock since then it becomes a really powerful piece of removal.
A card that is really good for charge counters is Energy Chamber since at your upkeep you either put a +1/+1 counter on an artifact creature or a charge counter on an artifact.
Steel Overseer May also be useful for the deck to slowly make all of your golems into bigger threats.
Karn's Bastion May also be a good mana sink to proliferate your board and Evolution Sage will proliferate each time you make a land drop.
May 22, 2019 11:13 p.m.