Standard JUND deck. Cards are listed below.
Mistcutter Hydra: Haste, and Pro-Blue. Throw that in with either Xenagos on the field and he'll be a pretty big sized hydra.
Sylvan Caryatid: The staple of this deck. Hexproof and essential any color mana that my deck needs to have.
Fanatic of Xenagos: A great 3-drop card that is a 4/4 permanently or just for one turn. Also really helps out my devotion for both gods.
Desecration Demon: What is not love about this card? A 4-drop 6/6 that has flying and can force you sacrifice creatures.
Flame-Wreathed Phoenix: Haven't seen much of this card in standard. I think is a great card and a flyer so I can't complain.
Mogis, God of Slaughter: Provides a little bit of creature removal and can become a heavy hitter when he becomes a creature.
Stormbreath Dragon: Haste and Pro-White is great. Also has a great monstrosity effect and really helps out devotion.
Xenagos, God of Revels: The power to double my creatures and grant one of them haste is an excellent ability. How cool does it sound to attack with a 14/12 Mogis, God of Slaughter
Bile Blight: Quickly growing to become a favorite of mine. Can kill an army of Elspeth, Sun's Champion's tokens and creatures with 3 toughness. Foiled it's pretty sick too.
Rakdos's Return: I love seeing a person's face when they lose their whole hand and lose life. Pair this card up with Xenagos, the Reveler and I can make X a lot of mana.
Hero's Downfall: Good against any creature, but I like it because I don't need to worry about Planeswalkers at all.
Domri Rade: Really doesn't need explaining. The best non-control planeswalker there is. Ultimate ability ends the game without question. Also helps me cycle through my deck a tad quicker.
Xenagos, the Reveler: Is great for mana ramp and can pump out tokens at ease.
Vraska the Unseen: Great for creature removal and if I ever can ultimate her, it's game over.
Pithing Needle: Mainly there for control. Say goodbye to AEtherling and all those planeswalkers.
Golgari Charm: Destroys enchantments and can regenerate my creatures, and eliminate the weak ones, what's not to like?
Anger of the Gods: Really effective for destroying lots of creatures at one time.
Slaughter Games: You have a really good card? Well that's a shame when you cant play it because it'll be exiled!
Lifebane Zombie: Will swap in with Fanatic of Xenagos when the match-up is right. Going to be especially helpful against exiling white and green gods, and creatures like Voice of Resurgence.
That's it for the Jundle, playtest it, give it a +1 and leave a suggestion or two. Also, if anyone could help me find a card that really stops burn decks as they tend to be my weakness, PLEASE TELL ME