
This deck is based off of jeremybinagia's A Million Years of Frustration deck. It has fewer creatures, more mill cards, and is in Modern. It is more similar to jeremybinagia's old deck, before the name change and card changes. Thanks a ton to jeremybinagia, who gave me most of the inspiration for this deck.

This deck focuses on milling your opponent for the win, and using big creatures (Consuming Aberration, Jace's Phantasm, Wall of Frost) to hold down the fort. I am looking for suggestions to make this deck better and any advice is appreciated!


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Trying out a new idea here. Since most of my mill/kill spells are 2 CMC, I'm putting in Isochron Scepter for when things start to slow down. Took out the higher CMC guys for some more removal and mill spells.

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Date added 11 years
Last updated 6 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

18 - 8 Rares

10 - 4 Uncommons

15 - 3 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.79
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