Bad Company

Modern PerfectDisguise

SCORE: 158 | 112 COMMENTS | 13727 VIEWS | IN 68 FOLDERS


Great suggestions. I think I will try KoTR in place of illusory angel. As far as finks, I agree he'd be good MB but I don't know what I'd drop.

June 18, 2015 1:56 p.m.

Scorprix says... #2

Where in the HELL are the Tarmogoyfs? Everything's better with Tarmogoyf.

Tarmogoyf. Tarmogoyf. Tarmogoyf. Tarmogoyf. Tarmogoyf. Tarmogoyf.

Oh, and Snapcaster Mage gets you more Collected Company action. But still, he's not Tarmogoyf. Scavenging Ooze is sweet, too. But once again, it's not Tarmogoyf.

You disappointed me, since Tarmogoyf is the closest you can get to cheating in Modern.

June 18, 2015 10:33 p.m.

haha Scorprix Tarmogoyf is over in Moneyland. I don't live there. Nowhere near there. Btw thanks so f'ing much for blowing up my suggestions with TARMOGOYFS! lololol thanks for the suggestion

June 18, 2015 11:04 p.m.

Scorprix says... #4


I cannot stop laughing. xD

June 18, 2015 11:06 p.m. Edited.


June 19, 2015 12:23 a.m.


Epochrasite vs Myr Superion?

June 19, 2015 11:27 a.m.

Minelia5 says... #7

I prefer the superion. You're choice though.

June 19, 2015 12:35 p.m.

Telerik says... #8

Hi PerfectDisguise.

In my opinion, this is actually the best Collected Company-deck I have seen so far. Tarmogoyf is probably a good choice, as Scorprix mentioned plentifully :-)

The only problem you have is: You may not always be able to cast a Skaab Ruinator or Myr Superion without Collected Company. Also, consider that Congregation at Dawn is quite useless without Collected Company.

Here are some additional cards you may consider: Talara's Battalion, Kitchen Finks, Blade Splicer, Vendilion Clique and yeah, .. Snapcaster Mage.

Ah, and I also agree with Myr Superion over Epochrasite, even though both are very good.

June 19, 2015 2:51 p.m.

Telerik thanks for your suggestions.

I actually do have alternate ways to cast skaab, superion, or illusory angel inAEther Vial. Which also works well with congregation at dawn.

As far as Tarmogoyf, yes he's good but in this deck superion can actually come out bigger in the early game, and is MUCH more budget-friendly.

I prefer Eternal Witness over snapcaster since she can put any card back into my hand, which is also nice if I don't have the mana to cast coco twice in the same turn.

June 19, 2015 3:31 p.m.

this is a very good deck. I might look into making it. I if you are worried about money than it is not a good idea to put in a snapcaster because it just sky-rocketed to $90.Please click on my name and look at zombie terror. Sorry I have a lot of unfinished decks

June 19, 2015 5:31 p.m.

Upward-SaGa says... #11

PerfectDisguise, i made the same excuses before i got my playset of Tarmogoyf. He's much better than you think. He never comes down smaller than a 2/3 on t2 for me, and when they try to bolt him he grows to 3/4 and the bolt becomes useless lol. Right now is THE best time to get him as he is finally steadied out around $150/each. He definitely burns a hole in the pocket haha, but he's worth it. He sees play in Legacy, and people aren't kidding when they say "Oh, you're not running green? But you have Tarmogoyf? Splash green just for him. It's worth it." It really is. He's a win-con on his own. After you've 'perfected' this deck he's definitely something to consider.

(sorry for the long rant, but it's just from experience)

June 19, 2015 6:41 p.m.

Don't get me wrong, I know how great Tarmogoyf is, but there are three main reasons I don't use him in here. 1. His pricetag. 2. He doesn't really mesh well with mah Skaab Ruinators reanimation cost. 3. Myr Superion is just as good (if not better) in the early game for a fraction of the cost.

TBH I'm debating whether or not I'm even gonna keep Myr Superion. He lacks evasion and protection or recursion. I'm just waiting on a better replacement at this point. I'd probably use Talara's Battalion or up Serra Avenger to 4 if they both weren't so susceptible to bolt. I donno, we'll see.

June 19, 2015 7:09 p.m.

tclaw12 says... #13

This deck is just... Damn... I wish I could give more than one +1.

June 19, 2015 7:17 p.m.

Haha I appreciate that tclaw12

June 19, 2015 8:15 p.m.

I decided to drop the Myr Superions altogether in favor of +2 Serra Avenger and +2 Talara's Battalion. Serra and Talara offer better evasion than superion and can still be buffed by Gavony Township, whereas superion can get chump blocked for days. Thoughts?

June 19, 2015 9:06 p.m.

r0Wn says... #16

I've always wanted to abuse Skaab Ruinator! I'm really happy with this list!!! +1

June 20, 2015 1:46 a.m.

Amagda says... #17

Maybe a Dauntless Escort or two for the board? Hits on collected and feeds skaab. Not sure what you would trade out though.

June 20, 2015 4:20 a.m.

Telerik says... #18

PerfectDisguise about the change, mind that both Serra Avenger and Talara's Battalion are in range of Lightning Bolts. Also, a toughness of three is not very much and can be easily achieved/exceeded by blocking with multiple creatures.

However, your arguments are quite reasonably so you're probably on the right way to go! :-)

Good luck and keep up your good work.

June 20, 2015 4:32 a.m.

Telerik you're right about the bolt problem. But don't forget I do have Kira, Great Glass-Spinner in here to help alleviate that. Also don't forget that Gavony Township can put them both out of bolt range. For now I'm just testing this but already I'm finding them to be a better fit than Myr Superion.

June 20, 2015 8:05 a.m.

Steinbaum says... #20


Very nice deck! +1

I want to get starded in modern and i like this list. As i'm building my own take on it, i found one card.

It's maybe very bad and cause i don't have any modern gonna ask you what you think about my idea.

Ojutai's Command to cheat back all the two drop with those drawbacks. I guess playing two of it could be enough.

June 21, 2015 5:10 a.m.

Telerik says... #21

Steinbaum That's actually a sweet idea.

Even though there are only nine two-drops, it's still worth because of the other options Ojutai's Command offers.

@Steinbaum: If you want we can enable chat, I play modern for over two years and know most of the important stuff. I suppose you seak german (username), as I do. We can even talk in german then :-)

June 21, 2015 7:30 a.m.

Steinbaum says... #22

I dont know how to enable the chat xDBut yeah! Would be very nice!

June 21, 2015 7:41 a.m.

Telerik says... #23

Sorry PerfectDisguise for spam.. :-)

@Steinbaum: Visit my profile then click "Enable chat" in my profile panel.

June 21, 2015 8:12 a.m.


Ojutai's Command isn't a bad idea, but note that it doesn't return all your two drops from the battlefield, just one. You also want to be careful about the number of noncreature cards you have in this deck as it can mess with Collected Company. Lastly, don't forget having creatures in the graveyard isn't too terrible a thing since they can be used as fuel to bring back Skaab Ruinator.

Telerik it's no problem.

June 21, 2015 8:44 a.m.

Steinbaum says... #25

Yes i guess there's no place in this deck for Ojutai's Command

I finished my own list now

Dont know how to cast creatures!

Is the version you got very competitive? Because if i spend my money, i dont want to lose all the time xD

maybe i go just the way you build it.

June 21, 2015 9:11 a.m.

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