Antimatterpenguin says... #2
I have a ramp into eldrazi deck as well, (check the link: where I use elves to put together buckets of mana. Elves are also a threat on their own, so using them to stall for an eldrazi takes a bit of risk away from playing high cmc cards.
May 10, 2015 3:54 p.m.
trollslayer says... #3
It's kind of late for me to be playin elves and I don't really want to deter from the fetch for tron lands. But thanks for the link:)
May 10, 2015 3:57 p.m.
exalted_k1d says... #4
the problem with elves is that they r generally a zoo deck and get taken out easily by wraths/board whips
May 11, 2015 5:19 a.m.
I'd probably cut a quicksilver amulet for Relic of Progenitus. The extra card advantage will be more advantageous than the ability to cheat creature cards out. You should have the mana to hardcast them anyway. Also you should add 4 Wurmcoil Engine to this. The stabilization is what allows. Tron to compete with fast decks.
May 12, 2015 11:42 a.m.
You need to play 6 or 7 mana stuff so that you can cast it turn 3. A ramp deck needs to play a turn three threat, or it loses. At the moment you can't do that - and therefore you're in trouble.
Also - try to get some Oblivion Stone in here. It'll help massively in removing your opponents threats. I recommend removing Sun Droplet and Chromatic Sphere.
You need to up your Forest count by 1 or 2. At the moment only one card in 7.5 will be a Forest. You kind of want one in your opening hand; therefore 9 Forests will almost guarantee you one in your opening hand.
So yeah, look at colourless stuff that costs 6 to 7 mana.
May 12, 2015 1:06 p.m.
Sun Droplet though is such a great low cost anti-red deck card. I think its great for sideboard. 1 life for 'each' upkeep, so 2 life by your next turn. This negates a massive portion of burn deck's dmg output.
May 12, 2015 5:32 p.m.
You only get counters when you take damage and have to remove the counter at upkeep. Destructive Revelry is a card burn plays. Atarka's Command is a card burn plays. Skullcrack is another card they play.
It is simply not effective.
May 12, 2015 5:45 p.m.
trollslayer says... #9
Thanks to all who helped. I switched stuf up and now it runs more consistently
May 12, 2015 6:15 p.m.
Engulfing Slagwurm is great for stopping your opponent's attacks in their tracks while you ramp to bigger things.
Akroma's Memorial is completely broken in ramp decks.
And even though it isn't an Eldrazi, Worldspine Wurm could take one in a fight.
May 14, 2015 12:42 p.m. Edited.
trollslayer says... #13
Aromas memorial I think I'll pass on. By the time that I have it and a eldrazi out of all dreary won. Worldspine wurm, what would I take out? And same with the slagwurm. If you have suggestions then il be happy to hear them.
May 14, 2015 12:47 p.m.
I like teh idea of safe and protected threats: Simic Sky Swallower, Emrakul, the Aeons Torn, and Gaea's Revenge and also maybe Plated Slagwurm. that way you cast and they can't do anything about the threat. I strongly suggest sky swallower as it has fly and tramp being a 6/6 shroud all for a convenient cost of 7 mana.
Gaea's Revenge may at least be a sideboard to get past counter and removal decks, it also has haste which is very nice.
May 14, 2015 6:01 p.m.
The manabase couldn't take anything past , if it can even take that.
May 14, 2015 6:15 p.m.
meh, he has birds, 8 forests, land search, and the chromatic stars. he can take care of it no prob.
May 14, 2015 9:01 p.m.
If you would like ideas to play with, check out my Eldrazi deck.
May 22, 2015 4:43 p.m.
Darkmagi1131 says... #20
I like your take on the Eldrazi. It runs very smoothly and I'm impressed how the tron lands seem to work for you. I've had no luck with them. Mind taking a look at my attempt? Elf Eldrazi
June 10, 2015 12:50 p.m.
Why Birds of Paradise? You only have colourless or green spells in your deck,so you could run Elvish Mystic which can also attack for 1 damage if required.
I see you have 4 Melira, Sylvok Outcast in SB. Is there a major amount of infect in your local meta? Seems a bit excessive to dedicate 4 SB slots to it, perhaps 2 at best. You could add 2 Spellskite to mess with Twin and Burn and Infect - in which case maybe leave in Birds for possible blue mana to save on the life cost.
The 2 Tower of Eons seem quite heavy on the mana, you would rather be using that mana to cast your big threats to dominate the board. You could run 2 Dragon's Claw for Burn or other aggressive decks with lots of red.
June 15, 2015 6:54 p.m.
trollslayer says... #24
this deck needs a mana dump, thats what tower is there. my least expensive big thing is 10 cmc, kozolek. it usually turns out that i can get like 8-9 mana but not the tenth, and hey gaining 10 a turn? that wrecks most decks. For the Merlia, the main reason why i have her as a 4 of, is because i fear infect. infect just outpaces me and out kills me. for the birds, the main reason why i run them over mystic is because the main time i will need only 1 damage is against bw tokens, and then there tokens have flying. the birds can just do what mystic can't, and I'm sure he dreams of it, and that is flying.
June 15, 2015 7:51 p.m.
Fair enough. Still need some more SB for Twin which is popular right now. Guttural Response helps a bit, but Spellskite would be helpful.
trollslayer says... #1
for the Search for Tomorrow i say good suggestion but it only searches for basic land, which to search for Urza land is why expedition map is in here. it was a mistake for keeping corrosion to be in mainboard, I am sorry for that and now it is fixed. id rather not remove a kozoleck brute of truth because i say 50% of the games its my win con and it takes 4 cards to my hand. but i did take out a sylvan scrying for an ancient stirrings. thanks for the suggestions.
May 10, 2015 3:37 p.m.