We're gonna need more dice.

Commander / EDH LegitAstroBoy


LegitAstroBoy says... #1

God I don't understand how I forgot about Storm Crow ! He's single handily the best card in magic and I forgot about him.

December 19, 2013 1:37 p.m.

Redmega says... #2

Why not Thrummingbird ?

January 29, 2014 10:02 a.m.

LegitAstroBoy says... #3

@ Thrummingbird : I have had this card suggested by people before but in my playgroup, there's Talrand, Sky Summoner and It would never get through, ever.

January 29, 2014 9:26 p.m.

Redmega says... #4

Ah. I'm building a deck similar to this one and I think thrummingbird would hit home more often than not.

This is an AAA deck. Keep up the good work c:

January 29, 2014 11:38 p.m.

LegitAstroBoy says... #5

I guess there are always other people to hit. You do make a good point. On second thought, I think i might go out and get a copy as soon as I can! :D

You should post it on Tappedout, if you get the chance! I would love to see your take on it!

January 30, 2014 12:53 a.m.

Gandolphin says... #6

You should probably clear the comments soon. There are a lot

January 30, 2014 1:41 p.m.

Lhurgyof says... #7

Gilder Bairn for an extra double? It also works with Walkers if you put one in here.

January 30, 2014 9:58 p.m.

Lhurgyof says... #8

Oh, also! I'd pull out Alexi's Cloak , awesome though it may be for Pemmin's Aura because of the untap ability.

Maybe Beast Within over Pongify ? It can hit any permanent, which is well worth the extra 2 cmc in my opinion.

January 30, 2014 9:59 p.m.

Redmega says... #9

@LegitAstroBoy It's nothing special, and it's only about 1/5th done. It's mainly cards I've been able to get a hold of through myself or my friends, haven't planned or ordered anything for it as of yet.

January 30, 2014 11:22 p.m.

LegitAstroBoy says... #10

@Lhurgyof Ill probably get a Gilder Bairn for this deck. I just pulled a Kiora, the Crashing Wave at the pre-release so I might put her in here. The Pemmin's Aura is a deifinent replacement over Alexi's Cloak , that will be on my wishlist as well. As for the Beast Within > Pongify , I would probably want to have both so I can have more removal.

@Redmega Oh I see. Well if you ever finish it, you should tell me. This deck has been a really fun deck to play with. It's a pretty good deck but it's not overpowered enough to be hated off the board in a multiplayer game.

February 1, 2014 6:34 a.m.

ryouninja says... #11

Doubling Season and Primal Vigor do wonders in this kind of deck. Cutting down on lands and adding in more Simic-like cards such as Vigean Hydropon and Counter cards like Draining Whelk are awesome. Cytoplast Root-Kin is another bomb in counter decks, and big finishers like Avenger of Zendikar and Vigor . Hope this helps, good luck! :D

February 7, 2014 2:04 a.m.

Redmega says... #12

Hey, I finally compiled my decklist. I made the deck last week but I haven't had the change to upload it since the site's been down. I'd be grateful if you could take a look at it!

Why can't I hold all these dice

It's mostly cards I could get a hold of from my playgroup and whatnot.

Thanks, I appreciate it c:

February 17, 2014 8:16 p.m.

Since your deck loves counters so much, why not add Evolution Vat to the list? Not only can it double counters on a creature but it can also add counters, and allow for Kalonian Hydra to double them.

Inexorable Tide is also another good one to add if you use lots of counters. Also you can trade out Artful Dodge for Thassa, God of the Sea for unblockable and scry. What a bonus treat! :)

As others have said, Gilder Bairn is awesome in these builds. Plus, you could use a couple planeswalkers. I'd suggest Garruk, Primal Hunter for draw power and a ton of creatures, Jace, Memory Adept to help provide an alternate win condition and if you can ultimate him draw ALL the cards.

June 18, 2014 1 p.m.

LegitAstroBoy says... #14

I Feel as if Evolution Vat would slow me down way too much. Not only does it tap down my creature, but it also takes 7 mana to double the counters on it. That's a lot of wasted mana to do something my commander already does.

As for Inexorable Tide , that would also be too slow. I did a decent amount of play testing and it often did little to nothing for me. I usually don't try to cast many spells after I've got a threat on the board. I usually try to protect it/my commander and then go for a 1-3 shot kill.

Thassa, God of the Sea on the other hand does exactly what I want to do. I want to be able to dig every turn to get to that threat I need, I want to use her to make that threat unblockable, I want to hit in for a 3 drop 5/5 indestructible. I love her.

Gilder Bairn is awesome, yes! but I think that I would hit with it once and then it would automatically die. It seems like I would be able to activate it once, maybe twice, unless I get counters on it, and that doesn't seem too consistent to me unfortunately.

Man those walkers are sexy though. I've been lacking decent draw power in this deck and I think that would fit what I've been needing. What do you think I should replace in the deck for the cards in my maybe board?

June 18, 2014 7:37 p.m.

Well you must remember this can be done at instant speed, aka, the end of an opponent's turn. Also, with Prophet of Kruphix out, it turns that disadvantage into a benefit, as those lands/creature will untap during the next player's untap step.

I can see the argument on Inexorable Tide , and I can also see why it hinders more than helps.

Thassa is amazing, and really helpful with a deck that doesn't have much trample in it but huge ass creatures. I must say though, your argument for not running Gilder Bairn is lackluster. I run things like Vorinclex, Voice of Hunger , Consecrated Sphinx , Deadeye Navigator , knowing full well the hate they bring. Whether you get to use the ability once or multiple times is irrelevant. What matters is you create something that players have to answer fast or they will lose. That is why most people play it. It's sooooo good.

Crowned Ceratok , Mulldrifter , Mulch , Copy Enchantment should go. All seem lackluster and don't do much for you that can be done much better.

June 19, 2014 1:14 a.m.

Oh, I almost forgot. In a deck like this, Prime Speaker Zegana is just stupid good. Add in Kruphix, God of Horizons and then shit really gets out of hand :D (bad pun is bad).

June 19, 2014 1:16 a.m.

LegitAstroBoy says... #17

You're right about the Gilder Bairn . I'll add him in.

Do you really think I should take out Crowned Ceratok ? It has won me games before but on the other hand, it has done nothing whatsoever for me. All the other cards you suggested I take out, I agree with, they don't do anything whatsoever. I don't even know why Mulch is even in here.

The reason why I took out Prime Speaker Zegana , is because a lot of the times it was a dead card in my hand because it would kill me. Drawing 120 cards is just meh. I replaced it with Progenitor Mimic because I like the idea of getting a Kalonian Hydra or a Spike Weaver every upkeep. And in all honesty, I don't like the chaos that comes with having 20 cards in my hand.

As for the Kruphix, God of Horizons , I don't think I'd like it much in here. I tried playtesting it in here but everytime I cast it, I kept wishing it was something better like Momir Vig, Simic Visionary . Speaking of which, do you think I should add Vig? I think I could benefit a lot from him. Getting a Prophet of Kruphix the turn after vig hits the board would be nice.

June 20, 2014 10:59 a.m.

NeoHazard says... #18

Oh boy you need to get a Sage of Hours in here. Can you say infinite turns Batman. A Contagion Engine can really get the counters going on your own permanents. And you can use Mycosynth Lattice to turn your Planeswalkers into Artifacts so that your commander can target them and double their counters, often allowing you to use the ultimate on them right away. Also a third Seedborn/Prophet of Kruphix effect is not bad, consider Murkfiend Liege it gives you the untap and a bonus boost.

June 25, 2014 2:57 a.m.

@LegitAstroBoy: I can see your reasoning for Kruphix not adding in, just thought I'd make a suggestion. Trample is nice and all, but there are MUCH better things out there to give your guys trample. Nylea for one, Overrun , Overwhelming Stampede , etc. However, you also can utilize unblockability and not worry about those pesky blockers. If you REALLY feel you need the trample effect, replace Crowned Ceratok with Nylea, God of the Hunt . Same CMC, but is indestructible, can evade most removal without the devotion, gives trample to everything, and can buff your dudes up. She also can help with attacking/blocking once she DOES become a creature, so bonus points.

I slightly disagree with NeoHazard's suggestion for Mycosynth Lattice with your walkers, mainly cause you only run two. The odds are too slim to even be worth it, and too high of a cost. I'd rather have Doubling Season to not only give those walkers more counters when they enter, but to abuse it more with things like Gilder Bairn and your creatures as well. Plus, double Prog Mimic effect is lulzy. Contagion Engine I do agree on though. Definitely a nice add in for things with counters. Another good proliferating card is Tezzeret's Gambit . Divination with proliferate and can be used without blue mana? Worth it.

June 25, 2014 3:29 a.m.

Lhurgyof says... #20

As far as proliferation goes, I personally prefer Thrummingbird . It's simple, yet effective. And it doesn't require any extra mana while getting you a proliferate a turn.

June 25, 2014 7:59 a.m.

Lhurgyof: The only problem with Thrummingbird is it has to deal COMBAT damage to get the proliferate, and being a 1/1 in this format is very underwhelming, even with flying. He'd have to find a way to put a counter on it first then proliferate more to keep it from dying to every kill/burn spell known to man. I'm all up for bird, but I think it is a bit lackluster. I could be wrong though, try it out.

June 25, 2014 2:32 p.m.

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