We're the Titans, We are Strong - Kalemne

Commander / EDH finallegend


MRDOOM3 says... #1

I would take out Hunted Dragon, Herald of the Host, and probably Blade of Selves. Arbiter of Knollridge is too funny to be taken out, Fumiko the Lowblood and Curse of the Nightly Hunt proves to be good in situations where the opponent's deck does not like attacking. Vivid Meadow and Vivid Crag should probably be left in because, well, most every creature in this deck has a CMC greater than 5.

I would definitely put in Aurelia, the Warleader, since she gets along well with Gisela, Blade of Goldnight. If you have an Iroas, God of Victory, you'd might as well put him in too, for the same reason as Aurelia. Meanwhile, 2 other cards I put in my Wade into Battle deck are Aurelia's Fury and Mizzium Mortars, since the deck can use more burn, especially if you plan of running Hostility. Boldwyr Intimidator may or may not come in handy for this deck, I haven't tried yet.

These are just some things that I did with my deck, hope they help to some extent.

April 30, 2016 11:38 p.m.

finallegend says... #2

MRDOOM3, I agree with taking out Hunted Dragon and Herald of the Host (not a super worth while non-Giant) as well as Blade of Selves (put in side board for potential multi-man since I only usually have a 1v1 or 3 for all). I don't like as Arbiter of Knollridge since my deck all things considered is a fairly early striker in comparison to my playgroup, so I would more or less be making my opponents gain life. Also due to my playgroup, Fumiko the Lowblood and Curse of the Nightly Hunt runs a risk of having myself overwhelmed quickly if I am not careful. For this reason I run Boros Battleshaper and some of the burn spells. I did take out Vivid Meadow and Vivid Crag due to the fact that I rarely lacked any needed colors between my land draw or my mana rocks. For that reason the coming into play tapped was more of a inconvenience than anything.

I naturally pulled Aurelia, the Warleader from a pack, so I definitely put her in. I have not had a chance to purchase Iroas, God of Victory. I really like the suggestions of Aurelia's Fury and Mizzium Mortars, but I would need to acquire them as well (once I figure out what to get rid of to add them). I have Hostility in my Side Board since it is not quite how I normally play but I can see it used in some circumstances. I had thought about trying Boldwyr Intimidator, but he was more expensive than his own good. I also realized he would work better in more of a Warrior Tribal deck when this is more of a pseudo Giant Tribal.

Thank you for the suggestions and if you have any other feedback now that I have made some post combat changes it would be greatly appreciated.

I naturally pulled Aurelia, the Warleader from a pack, so I definately put her in. I have not had a chance to purchase Iroas, God of Victory. I really like the suggestions of Aurelia's Fury and Mizzium Mortars, but I would need to aquire them as well (once I figure out what to get rid of to add them). I have Hostility in my Side Board since it is not quite how I normally play but I can see it used in some circumstances. I had thought about trying Boldwyr Intimidator, but he was more expensive than his own good. I also realized he would work better in more of a Warrior Tribal deck when this is more of a psudo Giant Tribal.

Thank you for the suggestions and if you have any other feedback now that I have made some post combat changes it would be greatly appreciated.

May 30, 2016 2:39 a.m.

finallegend says... #3

...Well I inteded on using spell check and pasted the completed comment in, but apparently I did not replace all of it and some remained left over.

That was an oops on my part.

May 30, 2016 2:44 a.m.

MRDOOM3 says... #4

Since you're running Brion Stoutarm, some part of me is just tempted to tell you to run Bearer of the Heavens, primary reason being that it's just comforting to know that when someone is annoying you with stuff, you can just throw it at them and wipe the board clean...

June 11, 2016 12:27 a.m.

finallegend says... #5

MRDOOM3, That is actually a fairly hilarious combo. This would also work well since the people I play with Run Meren and Ezuri, so board wipes are usually in my favor. Bearer of the Heavens also works as a major deterrent with threatening a board wipe when he is destroyed. I will put it in the maybe folder since I would need to think of what to take out as well as actually purchasing him.

Thank you for the suggestion

June 11, 2016 1:09 p.m.

scrobacca says... #6

Since you're running Avacyn, you might as well throw in a Worldslayer...and your Blade of Selves will work wonders with your Inferno Titan. Coat of Arms, Gratuitous Violence and Purphoros, God of the Forge will help out, and as far as another mana rock, either Gilded Lotus, Thran Dynamo, Chromatic Lantern, or Caged Sun are ideal. As far as instants go, Swords to Plowshares and Warleader's Helix are both helpful. The only land I could think of to help you would be either Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle or Emeria, The Sky Ruin I know most of these cards might be a little on the more expensive side for you, but just wanted to add some thoughts that might help. Good luck!

July 20, 2016 5:29 p.m.

finallegend says... #7

Thank you for your suggestions and your consideration. You are correct, most of these are out of my budget range. I have the mindset of as long as I find it useful and it is close to $5 ($10 if I really am attached to the concept), I am willing to slowly acquire it over time. Here is my thoughts:

Worldslayer - Nice thought, but a bit too risky in my opinion. I only have a 2/99 chance to get both it and Avacyn, Angel of Hope at the same time (3/99 if you consider the tutor power of Stonehewer Giant). Looking back, I now realize that Bearer of the Heavens has the same effect, but I guess I didn't realize it wiped lands too. Very situational so I will consider it for my SB.

Coat of Arms - Expensive, and since this is only a psuedo giant/angel tribal probably will not be as effective as most pure tribal decks.

Gratuitous Violence - Don't like the double edge aspect of it. Yes I will hit them hard, but I will be hit just as hard. I've seen this one used frequently in Gisela, Blade of Goldnight EDH decks.

Purphoros, God of the Forge - I don't feel I have the frequency of creatures to have this work effectively. I like Warstorm Surge just a little bit better since usually the creatures I do cast are larger.

Gilded Lotus/Thran Dynamo - I like the concept, but a bit too high of price for my taste. I've had Thran Dynamo on my Maybe list ever since I started this deck.

Chromatic Lantern - I don't really have trouble with having the wrong color at the wrong time. So about $8.50 for a mana rock that produces one mana of any color is a bit steep for me.

Caged Sun/Valakut, the Molten Pinnacle/Emeria, The Sky Ruin - I feel that all of these would be a lot more effective in a mono color EDH deck. Since I am practically running a 50/50 , I feel like I wouldn't get their full benefits. Caged Sun is probably the most likely option of something I would use, but Emeria would require almost all of my Plains to start taking effect and Valakut wouldn't trigger all that often unless I get my mana searches. I would be a bit more considering of Valakut or Emeria if they didn't come into play tapped. I've never really liked when lands do that, even more so for a single colored land.

Swords to Plowshares/Warleader's Helix - I like the price tag and the effects. Swords to Plowshares would help me against my friends Reanimation deck. Warleader's Helix does decent damage and is tutorable via Sunforger. The CMC seems a bit high for the overall effect though.

Thank you again for the suggestion.

July 21, 2016 11:15 a.m.

MRDOOM3 says... #8

I would say instead of Warleader's Helix, run Lightning Helix, although it may be more expensive. I mean, the only difference is 2 mana for 1 more damage and 1 more life. A few cards that I added are Armillary Sphere, Burnished Hart, and Sword of the Animist, since I want to be able to pump out big creatures earlier. Some equipments that I want to run are Argentum Armor for removal of annoying enchantments such as Painful Quandary, which has a reputation for being utterly evil in Commander, and Deathrender for being able to cast some creatures for free. Legion Loyalist is another option if you're willing to open up your wallet a bit.

July 21, 2016 7:26 p.m.

finallegend says... #9

Thanks for the additional comment MRDOOM3 (thanks to scrobacca as well. I accidentally forgot to mention them in my last comment). Here are my thoughts:

I definitely like the CMC associated with Lightning Helix. It definitely has more bang for your buck so to speak compared to Warleader's Helix (which is why it has the greater price tag). I added both Helixs into my Maybe board until I can get around to purchasing one (or both).

I already am running Armillary Sphere and Sword of the Animist for their ramping ability. I shoved Burnished Hart off on the side board likely because I didn't fully read it's ability. A sac outlet that give two tapped mana to the field is an awesome ability. I'll likely switch him with Oreskos Explorer since it's ability seems to be hit or miss when I use it.

Argentum Armor - I like what I see there (aside from the 6 to play, 6 to equip). Once you get the ball rolling with this it seems like it would be hard to stop. I like that it is 'permanent' and not 'creature'. That gives you a lot of choices. This can possibly be a hit or miss with me since I usually go up against a Meren of Clan Nel Toth deck and destroying only brings fuel for the fire (unless I repeatedly kill Meren).

Deathrender - I liked it on first glance, but one of the only things I don't like is that it will not trigger my commanders leveling. On the plus side, it would help me get around the forced sacrificing aspect of the Meren of Clan Nel Toth deck. On the down side, it may give my opponent ideas to start running it and abusing the cheating in cards with its sacrifice engine. I am very on the fence with this one.

Legion Loyalist - Interesting aggression ability tied in with it, however, I could see it not surviving more than one combat because of it. The trample aspect of it's ability is very tempting though...

July 22, 2016 2:57 p.m.

The_Grape says... #10

This deck is amazing! Consider an Obelisk of Urd to buff the shit out of your giants or angels.

July 28, 2016 2:13 p.m.

thomashapp71 says... #11

Slayers' Stronghold for that haste doh

August 10, 2016 9:46 a.m.

finallegend says... #12

Thank you for your suggestions.

@The_Grape - Obelisk of Urd Would provide an insane buff to either my 16 giants (+1 changling) or my 6.5 Angels (Angelic Destiny/+1 changling). Definitely has a place on my to get eventually list.

@thomashapp71 - Slayers' Stronghold has definitely been on top of my 'to purchase list' (and is currently has been ordered). If you notice from my description and my 4th update, I currently have it penciled in to replace Blasted Landscape. That was actually the plan since my 3rd update (only got around to ordering it recently).

August 10, 2016 12:26 p.m.

aekrusty says... #13

Very nice +1. Could you review and upvote my St Traft Azorius Duel?

August 15, 2016 12:54 a.m.

I like the deck! +1

Holy Mantle?

Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer?

I've got an EDH deck built around Kadeen, Jor Kadeen, Master of Metal check it out

August 25, 2016 4:35 p.m.

finallegend says... #15

@LoveinTheory - I love both suggestions.

Holy Mantle - great for extra combat evasion, especially on my leader.

Jor Kadeen, the Prevailer - Provides a sigificant boost (especially since I have a lot of artifacts to play with). As an added plus it also can work as a leveling source.

August 25, 2016 9:48 p.m.

deckdabbleer says... #16

With gratuitous violence you have me a bit confused. It only doubles the damage of creatures you control not opponents. So how will you be hit just as hard?

September 6, 2016 6:02 p.m.

finallegend says... #17

@deckdabbleer - thank you for the correction. For some reason I had always thought that Gratuitous Violence was a global double edged sword. Did not realize it only doubled damage I deal (and not vice versa).

With this in mind it will definately go in the maybe board.

September 6, 2016 8:03 p.m.

carpecanum says... #18

Spitebellows can be Evoked and you still get your Exp counter. Cheap removal with a benefit.

Spirit en-Dal provides unblockable thats is almost impossible to stop. No counters, not an artifact etc.

September 16, 2016 9:52 a.m.

finallegend says... #19

@carpecanum - Thank you very much for bringing to my attention that evoke will still provide exp counter. I was not aware of this and I think I could have some fun with Spitebellows or Ingot Chewer. I was not quite as interested in the Spirit en-Dal, but then I re-read the card. I am not as familiar with the Forecast ability either, so I first thought it was a one and done. Then I realized that it was repeatable for the low low price of .

Thank you very much for the suggestions!

September 16, 2016 10:43 a.m.

carpecanum says... #20


September 16, 2016 10:48 a.m.

Ocelot44 says... #21

Maybe try effects that wipe the board like Wrath of God or Austere Command

September 26, 2016 1:18 p.m.

finallegend says... #22

@Ocelot44 - As I alluded to in one of my previous comments, I try to avoid all around board wipes since the main deck I play against has Meren of Clan Nel Toth as its commander. That deck will recover (and benefit) a lot more from board wipes than I do. When I play the other deck revolving around Ezuri, Claw of Progress, I can see it benefiting a bit more, but that is not quite as often.

In addition, Austere Command outside my comfort zone for budget.

Thank you for the suggestions though.

September 27, 2016 10:46 a.m.

Ocelot44 says... #23

If Meren of Clan Nel Toth is causing you trouble, then you need a Containment Priest and a Rest in Peace

September 27, 2016 10:54 a.m.

Godo, Bandit Warlord maybe?

At worst he is 6-cmc 3/3 (yes that sucks lol) that can attack twice. What is useful about him is the ability to grab Sunforger or any of your equipment.

October 28, 2016 1:58 p.m.

finallegend says... #25

I do like the thought of Godo, Bandit Warlord. The fetch equipment could give me the right weapon at the right time. Not only that, but since Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas has Vigilance, she (and the 4 cards I'm keeping with vigilance) can benefit from him being on the field.

I will definitely keep him in mind for future 'what to change' since I already have some of the cards for planned changes on order.

October 28, 2016 2:09 p.m.

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