AndyReveler says... #2
haha, I need to reword myself, I learned to play when I was 9 (my uncle taught me back in '99) but I never bought cards or anything until Avycyn Restored.
April 11, 2016 4:30 p.m.
Solid deck, but the +1 is for the write-up. VERY well done.
I like Village Messenger Flip as a mana dork in an Aggro shell (with Cryptolith Rite), but I think EVERYONE at the All things Wolven thread who played them in a midrange shell last FNM pretty much hated them. Ember-Eye Wolf or Lambholt Pacifist Flip maybe, instead?
April 11, 2016 8:45 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #4
Thanks clayperce, I wanted my deck to look classy and pretty much taught myself the basics of the language in one night. XD
hmm, I actually hadn't considered Cryptolith Rite tho, I might try it out. I didn't get to play my deck last few cause my shop wanted to do draft so I don't know how well it works yet (:/) but I'll definitely check out that thread. I understand Village Messenger Flip is no Reckless Waif Flip, but not doing something turn one kinda sucks :(. I was really hoping the Neglected Heirloom Flip would make it more playable, especially mid/late game when it transforms since messenger has haste. I also considered Traverse the Ulvenwald as a one drop as well as something else to do turn one. I could always change my mind later but I'm pretty set on messenger. I played werewolves last time and having a one drop in an aggro deck is pretty much a necessity.
April 12, 2016 12:17 a.m.
Yeah, I totally get where you're coming from on the 1-drop slot. I thought maybe you were aiming a little more Mid-range because of the shape of your mana curve (with it's emphasis on the three-drops). So, here are a few thoughts in an Aggro context:
- I think Village Messenger Flip is almost exactly Reckless Waif Flip ... one less Power but the Menace more than makes up for it. But they're both pretty meh after Turn 2.
- Some of the chatter over on the thread may be due to not playing with Werewolves before, and not having a good feel for how much front side vs back side we would expect to see (I think that came up with Breakneck Rider Flip ... some folks may have expected to see the back side much more often than they did).
- If Villager ends up working for you, awesome! If not, I'm really liking Lightning Berserker. Similar early-game punch, but much more late-game value. And I'm always surprised at how many decks struggle to deal with Dash Creatures. Of course, there's no Wolf synergy, so idk ...
Draw well!
April 12, 2016 12:40 a.m. Edited.
So I playtested your deck against Gruul Wolves (SOI Full Aggro). Here are some thoughts ...
Game 1: Your deck won.
- Both decks kept iffy hands (yours w/ fewer lands than you'd prefer, and mine with fewer Creatures).
- Village Messenger Flip did good work for your deck. He Transformed and my deck had a hard time dealing with the Menace.
- We ended up racing and I apparently can't do math, making a stupid attack allowing you deck to swing for lethal next turn. I couldn't reconstruct the boardstate, but I'm almost positive your deck would have won anyways.
Game 2: My deck won.
- Both decks kept good hands.
- Cinder Glade slowed your deck down. It entered tapped twice, and neither time did the deck need the fixing. If you haven't already, you might want to test it as a three-of or even a two-of.
- Kessig Forgemaster
Flip equipped with Neglected Heirloom
Flip was pretty awesome at first, transforming more easily than I expected. Once my deck finally killed the Flameheart Werewolf
Flip though, the
to re-equip was kind of painful.
- Hermit of the Natterknolls Flip played well ... my deck still played its combat tricks, but it changed the decision-making for sure.
- In the end though, my deck went wide and yours just couldn't cover.
Game 3: Your deck won.
- Your deck kept a good hand and mine kept an iffy one. Great spells, but only two Lands ... and I never drew another one :-(
- Your deck went wide and mine couldn't stop it.
Bottom line: It's a great mirror match, with wins going to the luckier draw/better mulligan strategy.
Hope this helps. Draw well!
April 12, 2016 8:50 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #7
Thanks so much clayperce! this helps a lot! I'm curious to know a few other things tho.
what do you think we're the all stars in your deck? What do you think of Atarka's Command? what did you think of Collected Company?
I can already think of a few changes, and one of them would be to take out the commands, it's a good, but might be better in a pure weenie deck. I'm also considering adding in company as a two of if I take out the commands. I'm thinking of the following changes.
-4Atarka's Command -1Howlpack Resurgence // +3Moonlight Hunt +2Collected Company
April 12, 2016 11:52 p.m.
hey! i played werewolves in original innistrad block standard too! hi 5!
i love heirloom in this, but i mostly came to comment after reading the comments that 1) breakneck rider is almost never worth it and 2) moonlight hunt is oh so very good. i would reccomend dropping the breakneck for the removal spell in a heartbeat.
i took my build (coco variant) to fnm last week for reference. arlinn kord is amazing !
April 13, 2016 2 a.m.
AndyReveler says... #9
Hey Kizmetto, thanks for the comment, why does everyone hate Breakneck Rider Flip??? lol. I understand it's a pretty vanilla creature, but it's a bigger body than the other three drop werewolves and with not many other werewolves I decided why not. I could always lower it down to 3 and up the Silverfur Partisan to 3, but running werewolves I don't want to run too many spells, I think 12 max is good, 13 maybe, but we need those werewolves to flip. I know there are better creatures to run over the rider as well, but I wanna keep it pure werewolves and make it as competitive as possible that way.
How is Collected Company btw? thinking about running at least 2.
April 13, 2016 12:49 p.m.
Breakneck Rider Flip i think generally people wanted to see Geier Reach Bandit Flip or even Hermit of the Natterknolls Flip over that Breakneck Rider Flip, so that might be it. The anthem and trample is good but again might a bias towards wanting the other cards at time of play.
Collected Company is a godsend for werewolves since they ARE all under 3cmc, 4 mana nets you 2 dudes and hitting breakneck is good here since its freeeeeeeee sort of? but if you can squeeze some copies in, its only value for you -- and instant speed so flip dem wolves!
I noticed just now you have Goblin War Paint in your sideboard, may i suggest swapping it for Call of the Full Moon? +1 extra power and grants trample for same mana. and flavor aha
April 13, 2016 8:05 p.m.
Just realized I'd never answered your questions about Atarka's Command and CoCo.
Atarka's Command is awesome. It's just impossible to argue with a card that lets you have a Bolt, a +1/+1 Reach anthem for two mana! The only downsides are that it doesn't trigger Silverfur Partisan and that I'm always second-guessing myself on it (wondering if I should play it now or hold it until a more optimum combo of modes comes up). Well, those plus the price for a playset :-(
And I really have no opinion on Collected Company. I mean, it's an AWESOME card, but I just don't have any experience with it (I wasn't playing standard when DTK came out, so I never bought any ... and I won't get enough value out of them between now and the Fall to justify picking up a set now).
April 13, 2016 8:26 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #12
I'm seriously just wondering if Atarka's Command is werewolf material tho, it's just feels more weenie aggro material. I might lower them down to 3 or just take em out all together.
I'm also seriously considering Collected Company as a 2 or 3 of because not playing any spells, transforming, flashing in 2 werewolves on the opponents turn and finally swinging big next turn (or defending) sounds great, maybe better than Howlpack Resurgence or possibly even Arlinn Kord Flip.
Thanks for responding clayperce
April 13, 2016 10:37 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #13
Kizmetto I reject Call of the Full Moon because It gets destroyed so easily! They don't even need to literally destroy it :( Goblin War Paint is honestly just a temp card until I get my sideboard in order, but I did decide that over full moon because of haste.
April 14, 2016 12:43 a.m.
Did you intentionally link Thrice to the wiki page of one of my all-time favorite bands?
April 15, 2016 3:35 p.m.
Just commenting to say that I love the idea of this deck and am going to give it a shot but made a couple of changes, I removed Silverfur Partisan as not many spells are used to trigger it unless your opponent is getting rid of some werewolves but if they use something Radiant Flames then you will lose all your werewolves anyway.
I changed the amount of Hermit of the Natterknolls Flip from 4 down to 2 as I believe that other creatures are better in my option.
So with these cards now out of the deck I have instead placed 4x Collected Company as all the creatures that are in the deck will be hit by them and if you have Geier Reach Bandit Flip flipped and you use collected company any werewolf that you hit will be able to transform straight away which is awesome.
Also changed the Kessig Forgemaster Flip for Scourge Wolf as I prefer a 2/2 with first strike over a 2/1 that deals 1 extra damage to the blocking/blocked creature but again that is my option.
April 15, 2016 7:55 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #16
meddler91 of course, I couldn't pass up the opportunity.
Hutch1993 those are some pretty decent changes, I've been considering Scourge Wolf myself for he same reason, but kessig can also safety block a 1 toughness creature or trade up with a 3 toughness creature. Silverfur Partisan is honestly just in there as an extra creature with a bonus effect. I plan to add Collected Company when it comes in, but ill probably take out the heirlooms and silverfur and add in 4 collected and another howlpack resurgence as well.
April 15, 2016 9:16 p.m.
AndyReveler I really liked the deck list was trying to think of something to play that was aggro with werewolves/wolves and your deck seems like it will go a long way hopefully. Will try it out on FNM and will see how well it does as the deck I was playing before was based on the Zada, Hedron Grinder and Silverfur Partisan but felt weird as it wasn't aggro. I play nothing but aggro and tribal usually.
April 16, 2016 9:31 a.m.
Finally, someone else using Neglected Heirloom, I feel as though this card was made for werewolves. I saw your deck on the All things wolven thread, and I just wanted to pick your brain about a few things.
1) How does Hermit do for you? Does he really help you out a bit? Is his card draw pretty good? I figure it is since they don't want your werewolves to flip on your turn.
2) Do you think that more removal would help or hurt this deck? I was thinking a bit more red removal to help kill their creatures and clear a path for our wolves to deal some serious damage.
I hope your deck is treating you well, I need to go around and get my werewolves online!
April 17, 2016 12:27 a.m.
AndyReveler says... #19
I think the only thing better then werewolves Rudmed (besides Avacynian Missionaries Flip), would be Heir of Falkenrath Flip since you are able to pull of an almost instant transformation (might build a deck around her later because that's just too ridiculous).
1) I really like hermit for two reasons, 1. Card draw, even if just potential is always helpful. In the later turns they will definitely have the extra mana to burn, kill and counter our spells on our turn and this gives us a chance to refill our hands and quickly create another army. I do think you might need Collected Company or combo it with Silverfur Partisan or Sage of Ancient Lore to get the most out of it, but other than that I'm happy to have a 2/3 body with potential card draw early or late. 2. We don't have much else to play with, lol, and I'd rather be running this than any of the regular wolf 3 drops (although Ulrich's Kindred and Lambholt Pacifist Flip sometimes look more attractive).
2) I do think more removal would help, but they would have to be instants or I wouldn't play them. I also would prefer to have the extra removal sideboard then run main if I'm also going to be running Collected Company. I would want to play Fiery Impulse, Fiery Temper (which I have sideboard), Lightning Axe which combos well with fiery temper (but i would only run both in a burn deck) and alternatively (Vines of the Recluse and/or Aim High are also something I'm considering atm as it lets you be more proactive and attack and not have to worry about the incoming backlash (it could potentially combo with silverfur and moonlight as well) and that bant netdeck has some tapping down effects and creatures I think so this would be pretty useful against them as well.
April 17, 2016 5:35 a.m.
Love the heirloom, such a great card. Playing around with wolves myself and a few things i've noticed.
Moonlight Hunt - Really good removal spell at instant speed. Allowing you to pass turn, flip and then play it.
Aim High - Caught so many people out with this card. Again it's instant so you can pass and transform, however you can attack, tap, pass turn, transform. When they attack back you drop this.
Village messenger - This guy is all sorts of awesome. Flipped with menace he's a 2/2 i've had him swing and then pumped him with titans strength and uncaged fury for a whopping 12 when they only expected 2 going through. For all they know I was bluffing for a flip on another wolf by passing the turn.
Uncaged Fury - Seems like a terrible card, I can totally understand why. But when you are constantly passing the turn to flip wolves you can catch a lot of people off guard when you swing and drop this.
Partisan & Zada - Twin Bolt, Titans Strength, rush of adren, hell even fiery impulse if you already have enough tokens and howlpack resurgance on the table. This combo can get out of hand very fast in some games. Suffers to sweepers though which is why i sideboard it.
April 21, 2016 7:41 a.m.
I really love this deck! I've been wanting to run werewolves since they came out, so I'm thinking of running this deck. Minus coco and lands, it looks very budget. I would like to ask you a question. If I wanted to run this deck budget, what would you suggest trading coco out for? I understand how good coco is in this deck, but I expect it to rise in price with Bant coco being a very strong option in this new standard.
April 21, 2016 9:13 a.m.
AndyReveler says... #22
Nykona I have Vines of the Recluse instead of Aim High because it's cheaper and allows me to play at least on spell my on my turn or in case I need to play something like Moonlight Hunt their turn. I'm also doing my own version instead of the token/pump version, but thanks for the suggestions.
Thanks fdn2, it's a good deck when it works, it just needs some tweaking, I'm actually gonna put CoCo side board and use it against decks with a lot of kill spells or boardwipes. Good news is that we actually have a perfect replacement whether you're going to run a budget deck or not. Pack Guardian can be flashed in during an opponents turn and if you have a land in hand, which late game you should keep at least one for bluffing, and you get not only an assured 4/3, but a 2/2 as well, and he's not expensive at all.
April 21, 2016 11:55 a.m.
What do you suggest as replacement for Collected Company?
I'm thinking about duplicating this deck after game-day and I don't have CoCo or Atarka's Command.
April 28, 2016 10:41 p.m.
Arlinn Kord Flip. If you are on budget, go to Evolutionary Leap this enchant is wonderful as it counters opposite removal spells. And Lambholt Pacifist Flip
April 28, 2016 11:02 p.m.
AndyReveler says... #25
snarlmkiv if you want a direct replacement, I would suggest Pack Guardian. At best you're guaranteed a 4/3 body (which is bigger than any human werewolf) and a 2/2 if you have an extra land, at worst you're able to flash in a decent blocker without the 2/2 :(
Arlinn Kord Flip is good, but you would need to change the deck around a bit and adopt a more midrange strategy. She honestly just doesn't do it for me.
fdn2 says... #1
So you're somewhere around 14?
You sound like me. (totally not playing the bfz landfall intro deck at fnm)*cough
Sweet deck. +1
April 11, 2016 4:15 p.m.