Most obvious problem is and Immerwolf (which is way better than curse)) aren't being used
May 10, 2012 6:32 p.m.
and his toughness on both sides is 1, he's way to easy to take care of and general rule of thumb for WW's is that green > Red. 1 moonmist is way too few you need four. So to recap
if you wanna go further get at least 2 huntmasters
May 10, 2012 10:34 p.m.
Huntmaster seems pointless when immerwolf prevents the transformation..
May 12, 2012 12:13 p.m.
Huntmaster seems pointless when immerwolf prevents the transformation..
May 12, 2012 12:13 p.m.
hes actually not that pointless. You get a lot out of huntmaster even with . then throw another or even an and hes chunking your opponent pretty hard.
May 13, 2012 2:18 a.m.
I agree with Zesty, is a must, whether you have Immerwolf or not. But Immerwolf is a must as well. If Immerwolf isn't on the field than yes, you do get his dual-transformation abilities, but if you do have an Immerwolf then he is a big bad scary dude.
May 13, 2012 2:05 p.m.
26 land is far too many. You could easily get away with 23.
That being said, you need Copperline Gorge and more Rootbound Crag s. You could also use as many Cavern of Souls as you can get your hands on.
I'd remove Spidery Grasp for removal, like either Galvanic Blast or Incinerate . Maybe Brimstone Volley ?
May 13, 2012 7:02 p.m.
now this is what i call a werewolves deck :) but i agree with removal of Spidery Grasp for Galvanic Blast and less land.
May 13, 2012 7:29 p.m.
So, do I remove like 4x lands for 4x Cavern of Souls , and 6 additonal lands for 2x Rootbound Crag and 4x Copperline Gorge ?
May 13, 2012 8:21 p.m.
you should be running 23 lands at most, especially if you run 8 dual lands, you should have no issues on mana and you also got scorned villagers anyway
May 14, 2012 5:58 p.m.
Lost in the Woods is not constructed playable
How do you transform your werewolves?
June 3, 2012 7:44 a.m.
@Fibbe: Lost in the Woods is constructed-playable. Just not here.
June 3, 2012 1:18 p.m.
Lost in the woods has saved my ass A LOT. That's why it's in here.
June 7, 2012 10:23 p.m.
Then you must be the luckiest person in the world, since Lost in the Woods has, at the best of time, approximately a 10% chance of stopping one attacker, that's 1% chance of stopping two attackers, and it just gets worse, please tell me how Lost in the Woods does not suck, because you've obviously seen some things I haven't
June 8, 2012 3:59 a.m.
@iamozzy You wanna see a werewolf deck? Mine (Beware of the Full Moon) beat yours by turn six 2 out of 3, no offense but how did this get you 2-1? And Beware of the Full Moon v2 beat you on turn seven twice in a row as well.
June 8, 2012 6:19 a.m.
Oh, sorry, my brain must have lapsed... there's a 20% chance of Lost in the Woods stopping one attacker (4% of stopping two) so it's not as bad as I though... but it's still terrible
Shane says... #1
No ?
May 10, 2012 4:15 p.m.