Prodigiousguy8 says... #2
The mana base is very ambitious with the double white costed creatures. Besides that, good deck.
April 23, 2012 6:28 p.m.
MysticKnight says... #5
First problem is that you are missing Cavern of Souls . With that card your creatures can't be countered. Another thing I would do is replace the planeswalker with Birds of Paradise for more early game ramp. Get lucky enough and you can have that titan out turn 3. I would know as I have done it before. Third thing is to reduce Avacyn, Angel of Hope to two instead of three. Not much help for a legendary creature to be on the field and two more in hand. Those are my suggestions for this deck. I will be looking forward to see how this evolves in the future.
April 24, 2012 4:59 p.m.
MysticKnight: I have quicksilver amulet for going against counters. The other two I will change however.
April 25, 2012 4:46 p.m.
SplodyCopter says... #7
you have a lot of mana ramp, but not a lot of basics. I'd skip Evolving Wilds because your ramp lets you choose what land, and put at least 2 basic mountains, drop 1 each of Clifftop Retreat and Sunpetal Grove for 1 forest and 1 plains. I think that will fix your mana pretty well. Also, 4 Cavern of Souls is just a great idea. It's great if you're trying to get a certain creature type out, and even better if you need mana fixing.
May 3, 2012 9:56 p.m.
I considered Herald of War , but one kill spell would wreck it. It would also sort of contradict the point of Quicksilver Amulet . Maybe if I were running Cavern of Souls , but that's too expensive...
Syl795 says... #1
Your mana base looks wierd to me but with your emissaries you should be able to pull it off...most of the times ;)
Look out my deck and tell me what you think
The Human Spirit
April 15, 2012 9:36 p.m.