What a Horrible Night to Have a Curse
SCORE: 264 | 440 COMMENTS | 68693 VIEWS | IN 162 FOLDERS
YamishiTheWickedOne says... #2
well if you go with b/r vamps, there are a lot of them to choose from that i didn't include in this deck, but are still good.
, Falkenrath Aristocrat , Kalastria Highborn , Guul Draz Vampire , Vampire Hexmage , Child of Night , Captivating Vampire , Viscera Seer , Bloodthrone Vampire , Bloodcrazed Neonate , and Rakish Heir all come to mind. also note that black has access to its fair share of draw power, and a very nice assortment of removal, such as Tragic Slip , Go for the Throat , Doom Blade , Urge to Feed and Feast of Blood . in regard to burn, other useful spells include things like Arc Trail , Burst Lightning , and even Gut Shot . if you're playing legacy and not modern, consider if you will combining Sensei's Divining Top with Vampire Nocturnus . also, Cabal Coffers works well in conjunction with Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth . also, if you have a low mana curve that's heavy on black, Demon of Death's Gate does very well in vampires.
if you use Blood Crypt , you can include fetch lands like Marsh Flats , Verdant Catacombs , Arid Mesa , and Scalding Tarn to grab a dual land from your deck. if you're willing to pay 3 life for a land that is. if you don't immediately need the land, you can play the fetch and wait, then activate it on your opponent's end step, let it enter play tapped just before your turn to bypass the life cost.
if you want to use Falkenrath Aristocrat , good humans to use are Stormblood Berserker , Grim Lavamancer , Dark Confidant , and Royal Assassin .
Blade of the Bloodchief is a powerful weapon in the hands of a vampire, as this deck tends to kill a LOT of creatures.
in the modern metagame, vampire decks like mine are tier 2. not broken enough to be tier 1, but too good not to be present on the tournament scene.
March 9, 2012 4:31 a.m.
YamishiTheWickedOne says... #3
generally speaking, vampires should be played aggressively. attack whenever possible, as long as there's not a reason for you to hold your attacks. try to gain as much field presence as possible early, use a low mana curve, and kill any creature that isn't harmless on sight.
March 9, 2012 4:36 a.m.
You don't need Cavern of Souls . You just don't. Your creatures cost low enough that you should be able to just power through their counter spells. You're really only going to see cards like Remand , Spell Snare , and maybe Mana Leak and Rune Snag , and the only time you're definitely going to need to worry about your stuff being countered is in faeries. Everything else that has counter magic is saving it for their opponent's counter magic that would otherwise disrupt their combo. Other than that they'll just burn your vampires into the ground,and the only answer you have for that is Vampire Nocturnus (on turn four, when most decks are comboing off any ways]]).
Ratchet Bomb I think it honestly wasted. The only thing that you're really going to be needing it for are token decks, and I don't really think that you're going to be going up against those very often if you ever actually decide to go to a modern tournament. After tokens, you run too much risk of blowing up your own low-costing creatures which is something you absolutely don't want to do considering you have no way to easily and quickly recover from it.
Phyrexian Metamorph I feel is wasted in the sideboard and I feel would do more good mainboared over Olivia Voldaren . Unless you're playing against a deck that runs creatures that have generally small toughness, then Olivia is a decent card, but otherwise you're going to be playing her turn four, pinging a creature on turn five and then taking control of it on turn six. In modern, by turn six, the game should be over. Using Phyrexian Metamorph over Olivia Voldaren gives you an extra to two extra copies of your Vampire Nocturnus , Stromkirk Captain or one of your main attackers. It's just a better decision.
April 26, 2012 3:28 p.m.
YamishiTheWickedOne says... #5
meh, Olivia's needed here in my experience. she's usually a win by herself.
as for cavern of souls, i kind of see your point. most of the deck is going to hit the board before their counterspells can go off, so really, it's just sort of... there.
ratchet bomb, i've had good experience with, though i question the need to run... 3 of them as opposed to, say, 2.
Metamorph, it's obvious why he's great. i was thinking about mainboarding him, but, ehh... i think he has a place in the side for the moment.
April 27, 2012 9:09 a.m.
Experiment with Phyrexian Metamorph in the mainboard over Olivia Voldaren . If Olivia ends up being a win condition, it means your games are going on longer than they need to be and having Phyrexian Metamorph coming out a turn before her (and thus being able to attack the turn she would come out) will have you win that much faster.
If something's "just sort of there" then it isn't necessary. You want ever card to serve a purpose and have that purpose be more than situation. If you were in an environment where you were seeing stuff like Foil , Force of Will and Daze , then I could see Cavern of Souls maybe being worth its slots, but those are Legacy counterspells and you're strictly Modern.
Ratchet Bomb , again, you're really only going to want to use for tokens and one is usually enough to cripple your opponent and allow for a decisive swing. There's a chance that it might not kill all of their creatures, but it should still eliminate the majority of them in case you're outnumbered.
April 27, 2012 10:49 a.m.
YamishiTheWickedOne says... #8
because I thought it might be funny. pretty much no difference from a normal Swamp anyway.
September 13, 2012 8:26 p.m.
spiralshadow says... #9
I have a Werewolf deck with the same name :) +1 for BDM (or Castlevania, either way)
October 10, 2012 2:32 p.m.
Deck names that are metal songs always make me smile lol
October 11, 2012 6:44 p.m.
YamishiTheWickedOne says... #11
lol, i meant it as a castlevania reference, but okay.
October 11, 2012 8:35 p.m.
Well castlevania is my favorite video game series so that's good too
October 11, 2012 9:01 p.m.
It's extremely deadly when multiple are on the board...
October 20, 2012 5:37 p.m.
YamishiTheWickedOne says... #15
Soul Foundry 's too slow at 4 mana, and colorless at that (hurts the nocturnus theme).
Kalastria Highborn is a fantastic card in-tribe, pretty much Blood Artist on steroids. but she's only really at her full potential in monocolor, with 4 Bloodghast , 4 Viscera Seer , 4 Verdant Catacombs and 4 Marsh Flats . i've seen decks built around her top events, and in some cases, they ran red removal, with a noticable absence of Vampire Nocturnus and Vampire Nighthawk . these builds are what i often refer to as "sac vamps", and in some cases they also utilize Blade of the Bloodchief and Bloodthrone Vampire , with Dark Confidant for speed and Blood Artist as a backup highborn.
Myself, I tried this engine in a Nocturnus build, it didn't really work out. the tempo of the deck is more fluid if you either go full aggro with a low curve (READ: ONE MANA CREATURES) and 6-8 lords, or just go the full Highborn engine and drain them to death.
October 20, 2012 6:23 p.m.
MetaphysicalxProdigy says... #16
The way I was introduced to MTG a few years ago was playing against my boss' modern vampire deck at work. I use a competitive knights tribal for modern now myself (called The Western Way of War), and some of the biggest threats that bring down white are found in a vampire tribal setting. The low attack power among your creatures, however, stops this deck dead in its tracks against first strike or any defensive decks.
I playtested against your deck a few times and I do have some suggestions. I know that you designed this build to take on all colors but I think that this could be very beneficial for you (at least from my experience playing against B/R vamps):
I seriously think you should consider these combinations of cards in your deck: Bloodghast , Vampire Hexmage , Guul Draz Assassin , Disfigure , Tendrils of Corruption , and then Grim Discovery with the fetchlands Verdant Catacombs , Marsh Flats and/or Arid Mesa (if you want to add a mountain or two).
First of all, the fetchlands, Grim Discovery and Vampire Nocturnus all have great synergy. If the card on top of the library is not black, you can have another chance to change it on the fly with the required library shuffle. The circumstances of Grim Discovery almost make it seem made for vampires.
Further, Bloodghast has huge benefits from this land-flow synergy; you can keep hurling him at your opponent without worry. The hexmage is excellent for slowing down enemy aggro, and can slay pesky planeswalkers that could otherwise shut your deck down.
So if I could make some changes, here is what they would be:
-4 Pulse Tracker , -4 Vampire Lacerator , -4 Blackcleave Cliffs
+4 Bloodghast , +4 Marsh Flats , +2 Vampire Hexmage , +2 your choice of Guul Draz Assassin or Grim Discovery or Tendrils of Corruption .
Just my two cents. Otherwise, +1! Always great to see another tribal deck out there :)
October 22, 2012 3:33 a.m.
YamishiTheWickedOne says... #17
as much as i appreciate your advice, i would have to say dropping the trackers/lacerators is out of the question. the low mana curve is what makes this deck run. also, in regard to first strike weaknesses, i would suggest taking a look at Stromkirk Captain 's effect again. tendrils, while good, is 4 mana. 4 mana removal doesn't work with this deck. i could be casting my wincon for that.
i actually did try out 4 bloodghast over my pulse trackers recently. my conclusion: pulse tracker is better here. 1 mana makes all the difference in the world. hexmage is actually great, but i like her more in the side than the mainboard.
grim discovery is useful, but only in decks that use highborn, viscera and bloodghast.
blackcleave is too good not to run here tbh.
October 22, 2012 11:06 p.m.
Dark ritual would be a good addition to this deck. Black removal would be great as well
November 2, 2012 10:22 p.m.
YamishiTheWickedOne says... #19
dark ritual isn't legal in modern. even if it was, the best i could expect out of it would be turn one gatekeeper. as for non-red removal (i'm assuming you meant solely black, as Terminate is dual colored), none of the one mana killspells black has to offer are good enough to replace Lightning Bolt . bolt is my answer to the majority of turn one plays.
November 3, 2012 12:20 a.m.
Truly a fantastic and balanced deck. I am also a huge fan of vampire lore and such (the deck's name is so nostalgic). As for some advice, have you ever thought of replacing your Terminate s with 4x Feast of Blood . I believe it is much more effective in a vamp tribal, such as this.
By the way, if you want to check out my vintage mono-black vamp tribal deck, check it out here:
November 9, 2012 4:29 p.m.
YamishiTheWickedOne says... #22
feast of blood... the 2 vamps restriction isn't terribly detrimental (it does however mean it's turn 3 at earliest), but sorcery speed REALLY hurts the card as a removal. this is half the reason i use Lightning Bolt over Dreadbore (the other being 1 mana vs. 2 mana) i did consider Urge to Feed , but all things considered, i prefer terminate.
November 9, 2012 10:15 p.m.
Master_Hectik says... #23
Awesome deck, awesome Castlevania reference. +1
November 14, 2012 10:43 p.m.
YamishiTheWickedOne says... #24
If I were to drop Olivia, I would also drop 2 Nighthawk to use 4 Viscera Seer . I have never once used Olivia's second ability, believe it or not. Olivia is all about kill-pump-swing. Olivia is in here for the same reason Stromkirk Captain, Nighthawk, and Gatekeeper are: they can all be used aggressively, which ideally they should be, or they can be played defensively if I find myself in a tight situation. Olivia herself is more or less my insurance card. Games shouldn't usually last long enough to reach a late game phase, but if they do, Olivia can come from behind to net me a clutch victory.
November 17, 2012 9:22 a.m.
I strongly agree with comment #16 from MetaphysicalxProdigy.
Mander says... #1
Looks pretty solid, I think it works well that you dont have any mountains. Any particular combos for this deck? I was thinking about making a vamp deck myself and always wanted to try out black/red.
March 7, 2012 8:38 p.m.