pie chart

What a nice deck you have, well had

Modern Mill UB (Dimir) UBR (Grixis)




Update-I dropped all four Specters for Ashiok, Nightmare Muse. This gave me room to slide in a Jace and the two Didn't Say Please

Nightveil Specter has always been one of my favorite cards. There is something immensely satisfying about using your opponents cards against them. Nightveil doesn't always cut it though and someone can't use a card against me if they don't have it! That's where Mill came in. and so over the years I've gone from using my opponents cards against them to just getting rid of those cards while still trying to hold on to that nostalgia from Nightveil.
For the most part this deck is a fairly straightforward pseudo-budget Mil list. I know it still needs some work, and I'm more than willing to take on any advice you have to give with the understanding that I do not have tons of money to throw at this list and that I know this list will never be the #1 Mill List since I'm holding on to certain aspects of the original deck idea. That being said I was able to cut all four of my Nightveils thanks to Ashiok, Nightmare Muse who is dropping with Theres, Beyond Death and is pre-ordered for me.
Duskmantle Guildmage + Mindcrank - Turn 1 Hedron Crab + Island
- Turn 2 Mindcrank + Swamp Opponent Mills 1 due to the Crab - Turn 3 Duskmantle Guildmage + Island any land will work here, opponent mills 1 more 'cause Crab - Turn 4 activate Duskmantle's first ability, land for turn, Mill one because crab, lose 1 because Duskmantle, mill 1 because Mindcrank, lose 1 because Duskmantle, mill 1 because Mindcrank....and so on Altar of the Brood + Heartless Summoning + Myr Retriever This requires 2 Retrievers - Turn 1 Altar of the Brood + Swamp - Turn 2 any untapped land + Heartless Summoning Opponent Mills 1 because Heartless Summoning hit the field. Cast Myr Retriever #1 for free, opponent mills 1 because Altar. Retriever #1 dies because -1/-1 from Heartless. Cast Retriever #2 for free. Opponent mills 1 because Altar. Retriever #2 dies because -1/-1 and you get back Myr #1, mill 1, and repeat. Always looking for more
The Maybe Board was massive because it was basically just a library of everything that's been suggested, everything I've rotated through, and every thought I'd had while building this deck. In an effort to clean up the presentation I posted the maybe list below as cards I'm considering. The actual maybe board is cards that I have and currently switch out on occasion.

Consuming Aberration


Crypt Incursion

Curse of the Bloody Tome

Dimir Charm



Drown in the Loch

Drowned Secrets

Faerie Trickery

Field of Ruin

Fog Bank

Grisly Spectacle

Increasing Confusion

Jace Beleren

Jace's Erasure

Jace, the Mind Sculptor

Keening Stone

Lazav, Dimir Mastermind

Liliana's Caress

Memory Erosion


Mnemonic Betrayal

Nemesis of Reason

Perilous Myr

Phenax, God of Deception

Psychic Spiral

Psychic Strike


Sands of Delirium

Scheming Symmetry

Thief of Sanity

Thought Collapse

Hinder + Tunnel Vision


Trepanation Blade

Visions of Beyond

Sewer Nemesis

To mill my opponent death, duh. No but seriously I want to make the best mill list I can while keeping the original inspiration for this deck, and my bank account, intact. I'm actually toying with the idea of making two separate decks. One for mill and one for Nightveil Specter shenanigans. All help is welcome.


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97% Casual


Date added 7 years
Last updated 5 years
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This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

3 - 0 Mythic Rares

15 - 5 Rares

12 - 4 Uncommons

18 - 6 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 2.48
Tokens Nightmare 2/3 UB, On an Adventure
Folders Modern, para darle un toque
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