What a nice deck you have, well had

Modern Mathew7-7


Mathew7-7 says... #1

can anyone help with some dual lands? I can't think of any right now for some reason

April 17, 2017 6:28 a.m.

Darth_Savage says... #2

A go to for exiling graveyards is Tormod's Crypt, it's difficult to argue with free. Alternatively Relic of Progenitus is a popular option. Extirpate can remove a particular threat from multiple locations and can't be interacted with.

Other suggestions; Altar of the Brood, Mistvein Borderpost and Drowner Initiate could all be worth a look.

April 17, 2017 10:32 a.m.

I like this deck because mill seems like a really satisfying way to win, but be aware that it's a risky way to win, as well. It can place cards into a graveyard to help a graveyard-matters deck and enable cards like Tarmogoyf.

Maybe it could be good to focus on mill-related instant-win combos and the tutors and interference for those combos. Some combos could be Hinder+Tunnel Vision or Duskmantle Guildmage+Mindcrank.

April 24, 2017 12:50 a.m.

Mathew7-7 says... #4

so this deck seems a little slow, any thoughts??

May 3, 2017 6:16 p.m.

GeminiSpartanX says... #5

I'd try and work on getting 4-ofs of the better mill cards to improve your consistency. Use 4 Breaking / Entering , 4 Mind Funeral , 4 Thought Scour , 4 Archive Trap . Go down the 2 Pilfered Plans, the Altar of the Broods, the Tormod's Crypt (the crypts are more a SB card), and a few creatures (spectors or lobotomist). Work towards trading or saving for a set of Glimpse the Unthinkable s since they're one of the best mill spells ever printed. Then I'd cut the non-crab creatures for some black removal spells like Dismember , Fatal Push , or the more budget ones like Doom Blade , Ultimate Price , or Grasp of Darkness . In this deck, Drown in the Loch might be one of the better removal spells you could run that can also counter important things after turn 3 or so. Merfolk Secretkeeper is a great budget mill card that gives you blockers against creature decks that also mills. I'd run 4 of those before any other non- Hedron Crab creature, and maybe before Tome Scour s to be honest. Visions of Beyond should be the only card-draw spell you need in a modern mill deck, so I'd add that to your maybe list at least. I don't know if you're trying to get the entire deck under a certain budget, or if you're just slowly trying to accumulate the best mill cards that you can, so hopefully some of my suggestions help. It's been a while since I sleeved up a mill deck, but the last time I did it looked something like this. I would definitely change some things about it, but it might be a good starting point for you depending on how competitive you want to be.

January 1, 2020 10 a.m.

Mathew7-7 says... #6

GeminiSpartanX while there isnt any specific budget I did need to keep it within the realm of possibility for me. I built MILL TO THE MAX!!!! based off your recommendations and it would still run me an additional $80 or so after comparing it to my current inventory. Which is quite honestly very small since I pretty much just have the one deck right now unfortunately. I would appreciate you taking a look at Mill to the Max though and letting me know what you think. I also still need to build a sideboard for it but I'll do that another time since it's just a wishlist thing at the moment.

And thanks for all the suggestions they are very helpful!!

January 1, 2020 1:12 p.m.

Mathew7-7 says... #7

GeminiSpartanX also what's the deal with Mesmeric Orb everyone seems to like it but isnt it self mil

January 1, 2020 1:14 p.m.

Mathew7-7 says... #8

GeminiSpartanX for some reason it is linking someone else's deck so I'll tag you in mine

January 1, 2020 1:19 p.m.

I have some suggestions Drown in the Loch , Drowned Secrets , Psychic Strike and Merfolk Secretkeeper all seem great. I have a hunch that replacing all the creatures and artifacts with the third and fourth copies of Mind Sculpt , Dream Twist , Tome Scour and Thought Scour would probably raise the power level slightly without costing you too much.

If you feel like splurging Drowned Secrets has nice synergy with Merfolk Secretkeeper and Dream Twist and a deck with play sets of all 4 would be quite formidable.

January 1, 2020 4:21 p.m.

Mathew7-7 says... #10

stensiagamekeeper those are solid recommendations for sure and I have been building another list Mill to the Max that takes more of these type of cards into consideration. That being said I am adding 2 of Grinding Station , Myr Retriever , Heartless Summoning , Fraying Sanity and I also pre-ordered Ashiok, Nightmare Muse . I plan on taking out all 4 Ashiok, Dream Render + Nightveil Specter . I'm just not sure what to take out for the other 4 spots.

January 1, 2020 7:11 p.m.

TrumpZone says... #11

This is a very impressive deck - probably better than anything I'm really qualified to judge. As is, I'll just give suggestions where I see them.

Vicious Rumors and Raven's Crime are both very good 1 cost black discard cards that don't cost you life, unlike Thoughtseize . Vicious Rumors especially so, since it essentially discards two cards. You could even go for Despise if you want to be able to choose a specific card. Of course, if you really value the flexibility of Thoughtseize , I can see why you might want to keep it.

I also think you might be able to utilize Glimpse the Unthinkable . It's a great 2-cost discard card, and a great way to activate a lot of your effects and set off a chain reaction

January 16, 2020 10:55 a.m.

Mathew7-7 says... #12

TrumpZone first of all thank you for the suggestions, I actually quite like Vicious Rumors . It allows for a discard and a mil, making up for the opponent getting to choose the discard. Not to mention it's a low cost way to trigger my Duskmantle Guildmage + Mindcrank combo. Thoughtseize is mostly just in here because I have two of them to be honest.

Second the only reason I'm not running 4 of Glimpse the Unthinkable is the monetary value of the card. I am hoping to acquire a playset of them sooner or later though.

Also, I'd give yourself more credit as you gave all solid suggestions.

January 16, 2020 9:04 p.m.

herrickk says... #13

I'm currently working on an esper millish exile deck using

Kaya, Orzhov Usurper +1 to exile, -5 to deal damage from exile.

Ashiok, Nightmare Muse +1 for exile, -7 to cast exiled cards.

Ashiok, Dream Render to exile and empty graveyards (voids escape/flashback)

Ashiok, Nightmare Weaver +2 exile, -10 to empty hand/graveyard. -10 is tough without proliferate.

Etrata, the Silencer unlockable damage plus alt wincon.

If you decide to make a separate Nightveil Specter deck consider esper and use Athreos, Shroud-Veiled love the idea of putting coin counters on their creatures, then getting to use them against my opponent when they die.

January 24, 2020 3:59 p.m.

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