This deck is all about gaining life and by doing that making your opponent lose life. Basic orzhov like behavior. This deck will make your opponent second guess about attacking thus giving yourself more time to "tax" away at their health.
Note: This deck is not finished any input will be greatly appreciated!
To begin with, lets talk about the sorcery, enchantments, and instants.
Firstly, we have Sanguine Bond. This card is great for making combos (I'll talk about combos near the end) with majority of the deck.
Next is Dazzling Reflection. Lets say your opponent got out a Goliath of a monster, lets say a 10/10 creature. We only have a 2/3 with deathtouch (ayli). If they attack, we can use dazzling reflection to gain 10 life and block with the deathtouch. Their 10/10 is gone and we're up 10 life. Dazzling Reflection is really good for just protecting yourself anywhere in the game.
The next card if my one of my favorite. It is called Debt to the Deathless. I don't recommend using this right when you get at 5 mana, hold out on using it until you need to. In the long run it will help a ton! even at 8 mana. you're gaining 8 and they're losing 8 (Crazier in multiplayer :P). Debt to the Deathless could win you the game by itself.
Lastly, we need removal to have atleast some control on what they're doing. Anguished Unmaking is a no questions asked nonland permament removal with a small set back. (If you guys find a better replacement, tell me please!)
Lets finally talk about our creatures in the deck.
First of all, we have Vizkopa Guildmage, this guy is basically a walking Sanguine Bond. He is good because in the late game you can stack his effects he produces.
One of the fun cards in the deck is, Souls of the Faultless. Basically it makes sure that, if a player wants to attack you, that they are basically "attacking themselves" at the same time. Another reason for your opponents to not to attack.
Lets talk about the lands. You may be wondering, "Why are there so many duel lands?" That is because most of my spells in the deck are white and black. I know it hurts the tempo, but if I get lands that don't come in tapped, that will hurt my wallet instead xD.
anyways, hear are the combos
Sanguine Bond + Debt to the Deathless = twice the life they lose. This can be devastating to them.
Souls of the Faultless + Sanguine Bond = twice the life of their attacking creature's power.
Vizkopa Guildmage + Drana's Emissary (or any other life gain) = twice the life they lost. (To do this just activate Vizkopa Guildmage on your untap step.
Please, if you have any suggestions at all, that would be greatly appreciated! Also, any help on making a sideboard for the deck would be awesome as well! Have fun!!!
UPDATE: 12/14/17: good god it has been a little minute since I been here. I been using this deck some more. I replace ayli with High Priest of Penance and some other cards. I would love some feedback! thanks!
UPDATE: 2/6/18: I plan on taking this deck to a modern tournament to see how it fairs. I put in Underworld Connections just for the card draw and Blood Baron of Vizkopa for a little bit more aggro. Any feedback would be absolutely appreciated. I do not see many decks like this on the internet, and I want to make this the best it can be :)