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京 What are we if not slaves to this torment? 京 1v1

Duel Commander Burn Competitive Control Discard Monarch RBW (Mardu)




Straight of the bat, she is far better in 1v1/french/duel formats and is not a commander meant to be played in a free for all 4 man pods...

This is my cruel control shell for Marchesa and our top 1v1 deck in all of the meta around here. Never have I been lower as first or second place in any 1v1 fmn in 3-4 different shops... There are only 2 genders fight me naked over this biological fact........

MaybeBoard is my sideboard but for 1v1 EDH or normal EDH it's still not allowed so I keep it at home in a binder when meta shifts happen or I need more of a certain effect vs a different meta or playgroup during FNM!

This deck has 15 potential creatures don't be fooled ;)


If you are looking for a multiplayer casual Marchesa tapped out is full of them fun ones for you!!! This deck is very lackluster and can be funny to annoy that one Yisan player but it can not win or do something consistent as a commander in a **multiplayer ** game regardless of build regardless of player... Mardu's wincons are just not a valid CEDH option also your commander doesn't bring anything to a CEDH table either... So not a single build would push this commander to a worthy Multiplayer deck for CEDH or anything competitive or even close to tier 4...

she does breaks decks in 1v1 and this is not an understatement as MTGOTOP8 regularly sees this Queen played with SOLID DATA and her card advantage leaves players with empty hands in this control shell... So I decided to gather as much information I could and have been winning almost every single 1v1 tournament so far or ended up in the top 3! This is a Version I created after researching Every single Marchesa deck that made it on MTGOTOP8 and considering every card used there as a valid flexible slot!

People who tend to go Pillow fort or political with this deck in multiplayer are cute but their consistency says it all... This was a Legendary created to be played in 1v1 due to the insane card advantage and control colors... Any Multiplayer version like Stax, Control or anything weird and casual with pillow fort spells is cool for really low tier slow games for casuals that last 40 turns!

(Sad to see so many copycats in my meta but hey, almost every card I put in play or abuse gets played in the weirdest decks at the moment without it even working pretty hilarious really...)

What to expect from this deck;

  • Looking to dominate your 1v1 Meta if it's filled with aggro/creature based or Voltron decks!

  • consistent top 3 performance (MTGOTOP8-DATA) (+ I've never been lower as second place during 1v1 FNM ever... for over a year now).

  • Extremly interactive.

  • Very flexible card slots.

  • Also has a good matchup versus other control type decks.

  • consistency

  • Has Been playtested for over 3 seasons (1 season = 3 months) in our local Competetive tournaments which span over almost a year of play and playtesting (+ theory crafting + amazing tips from top 1v1 competitors on discord and MTGO1v1 discords!!!) amazing results and very solid build right now if you're looking for a 1v1 control deck!!!.

you do not want to play this deck if:

  • You enjoy going face (aggro or heavily creature based) (Although it can run more creatures fairly easily it is still a control shell that pushes "control creatures")

  • You are impatient and don't know how to play out control.

  • You are looking for a casual multiplayer version (as there is no CEDH variant or a competitive version of Marchesa for Multiplayer)!

  • You like fast non-grindy games (It can go fast in keeping the board clear but killing your enemy is chipping at it piece by piece...)

  • Your meta is filled with any color + Blue control decks (The matchup works but it is way harder than dealing with aggro or voltron unless the opponent's deck consists of 3 colors +).


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Revision 41 See all

(6 months ago)

+1 Balance maybe
+1 Bone Shards maybe
+1 Bonecrusher Giant maybe
+1 Court of Ambition maybe
+1 Deadly Rollick maybe
+1 Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire maybe
+1 Forth Eorlingas! maybe
+1 Kroxa, Titan of Death's Hunger maybe
+1 Prismatic Ending maybe
+1 Rip Apart maybe
+1 Savai Triome maybe
+1 Sheoldred's Edict maybe
+1 Teferi's Protection maybe
Date added 7 years
Last updated 6 months
Exclude colors UG
Splash colors WBR

This deck is Duel Commander legal.

Rarity (main - side)

12 - 0 Mythic Rares

60 - 2 Rares

21 - 2 Uncommons

4 - 1 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.53
Tokens Assassin 1/1 B w/ Haste, Construct 1/1 C Token w/ Defender, Elemental 3/1 R, Emblem Chandra, Torch of Defiance, Emblem Gideon of the Trials, Human Knight 2/2 R, On an Adventure, Spirit 1/1 WB, The Monarch
Folders 1.1 My DCMD (french) / MTGO 1v1 commander /-----------------------------, 3: the League of Extraordinary Commanders (1v1 Leviathan) -----------------------------------------, Good Ideas, EDH Mardu ideas, K00L D3CK5, Commanders Ideias, Edh 1vs1
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