This was the first actual test of the deck and it was close to taking an actual place.
How the matches went:
Round 1: Win vs b/g Eldrazi/Ugin ramp deck. 2-0
game 1: Lucked out that my opponent couldn't ever cast his eldrazi game one because I removed all his mana producing creatures
game 2: Opponent drew nothing but mana spells and lands to the point he almost had the ability to produce 20 mana.
Round 2: Tie vs B/W control/token deck 1-1-1
game 1: win after a 40 min game with a lot of back and forth.
game 2: loss due to mana troubles
game 3: went to time and went to a tie because turns kept me from getting to lethal ( had advantage and likely to win but needed more turns then was allowed when time ran out).
Roudn 3: Win vs Basic Abzan, 2-0
game 1: Win because early myth realized with lots of control enchantments stomping my opponent cold.
Game 2: Win... he muled to 5 and got mana hosed still. Free win.
Round 4: Loss vs BRG Drana thopther theme deck 1-2
game 1: loss, couldn't get a good hold on enemies creatures because he blew up his hangarbacks and killed me with numbers.
game 2: win, denied him board presence with help from side deck and over ran him with starfield effect.
game 3: loss, close struggle but hard fight as I had mulled down to 4 cards because no land hands. Almost fought my way back into that game but died literally to koligans command doing 2 damage that I couldn't stop.
I placed 6th overall in that event but lost to the person who came in second at the end, meaning I almost had second place. So close. But alas I was done in by a deck I helped theory craft that he was testing. So I guess a deck I made still came in second at least.
The deck functions a little better then expected and I can see where some cards could get changed out. I think I am going to ignore updating this deck for a little while because I like the people I play with at the store and as I was playing the deck I could see was making some people twitch. So as to not be that guy you want to punch in the face because you bring the game to a crawl; I will be using this as a deck to play only when I want to see someone twitch in rage.