What do you burn apart from witches? MORE WITCHES!
infinitemana says... #2
Do you really need 23 land? maybe cut one or two to add another Burn at the Stake an Assemble the Legion , Geist-Honored Monk or another splashy expensive rare, in case they have something holding you back.
February 10, 2013 2:52 p.m.
kingshanks says... #3
How about Battle Hymn, it can just overall speed up the pace by giving you more mana to spend on either more creature creation or burnt at the stake a little earlier
February 16, 2013 12:44 p.m.
evil_monkey says... #4
@ infinitemana 23 lands has kind of been the sweet spot for this deck in testing so far. Each land drop up to turn 5 is important as I want everything I'm using to come out on curve, or I want Burn at the Stake to operational by the time turn 5 hits. In testing, any fewer lands yielded missed drops. Thanks for the suggestion though!
@ kingshanks I'm not really sure I need anything to accelerate the game plan, as in testing, my wins were coming in consistently on turn 5 with correct mana on the field. I like the idea however, so I will keep it in mind and test it out in some of the slots I was unsure about before. Thanks!
infinitemana says... #1
Do you really need 23 land? maybe cut one or two to add another Burn at the Stake an Assemble the Legion , Geist-Honored Monk or another splashy expensive rare, in case they have something holding you back.
February 10, 2013 2:52 p.m.