What does kill you makes you stronger!

Standard ronolulu


Bloodthrone is a must :) —March 25, 2013


3x Caravan Vigil


2x Bloodthrone Vampire

1x Tragic Slip

feklar says... #1

Killing wave would make this deck Rock! +1

March 24, 2013 9:12 a.m.

Chubbub says... #2

Bloodthrone Vampire is a freaking must have. Also, you seriously need Gravecrawler . Check out my deck, A Superfriendly Walk on Esper. +1

March 24, 2013 9:20 a.m.

sillywhiteboy says... #3

I love this deck! may I recommend: Ooze Flux to remove counters from your creatures so they can re-undie. Genesis Chamber for a swarm of tokens. Tainted AEther which will pretty much stop your opponents but not you. Essence Warden for some life gain. Soul of the Harvest for late game card draw. Champion of Lambholt will get big fast. Blasting Station for some interesting combos with Geralf's Messenger and Ooze Flux . All in all I love the idea behind your deck and I might try some of it myself!

March 24, 2013 9:33 a.m.

Chubbub says... #4

It's standard, so he could only use Ooze Flux , Soul of the Harvest , and Champion of Lambholt .

March 24, 2013 9:39 a.m.

ronolulu says... #5

thanks you guys for your comments, I really appreciate that.

@ Chubbub I see the strength of Bloodthrone Vampire in this but I think that my creatures will die already and there is no more space for another sacrifice. But Gravecrawler is a very good tip and I will exchange him with Butcher Ghoul I think.

@ sillywhiteboy because you showed me Ooze Flux I search for more cards with a counter removal and then came across Thrull Parasite . Its not that mana expensive and Extort ain't that bad in my deck. Champion of Lambholt I totally forgot about it :D. Nice idea, especially when I put in some counter removal.

@ feklar actually Killing Wave was my first choice but then I thought Mutilate would be better to be sure that creatures will die. But now when I think about putting Champion of Lambholt and Thrull Parasite in it, in order to save these creatures and Blood Artist , Killing Wave might be a better fit.

March 24, 2013 4:15 p.m.