Sigarda, best Voltron

Commander / EDH* GeminiSpartanX


Starkcrazy1 says... #1

Godsend maybe

August 11, 2015 5:41 p.m.

Starkcrazy1 says... #2

also not enough removal.

August 11, 2015 5:42 p.m.

GeminiSpartanX says... #3

Starkcrazy1- If you compare Godsend to Sword of Kaldra, I already have that effect essentially. Plus SoK is immune to Ugin wipes whereas Godsend isn't. I have the 2 best removal spells in white. I'm looking to be the aggressive deck as opposed to the controlling deck, so until I get an Avacyn I'll skimp on the boardwipes.

August 11, 2015 7:21 p.m.

Tata says... #4

Too many artifacts.

Auras are often better with Sigarda, since you want to win right away, and they require way less investment than equipments (swords of x and y have 5cmc before they do anything, for example).

Ramp is paramount. You need Sigarda on the field immediately, so things that increase your mana production in the first few turns of the game are super important. You've already got Selesnya Signet and that's really good. I'd recommend Nature's Lore, Search for Tomorrow, and Farseek. I'd also recommend some creatures for ramp, like Wood Elves and Elvish Mystic. I also really like Shaman of Forgotten Ways in a creature-heavy deck. Helps you get the for an early Sigarda.

Enlightened Tutor is good.

I think Relic Seeker is pretty good in a creature-based Selesnya shell.

August 17, 2015 12:58 p.m.

GeminiSpartanX says... #5

@Tata- I'm glad you noticed my Relic Seeker in the MD. I too think it's really good. The problem with a lot of the ramp that you mentioned is that most of them give only green mana and the dorks are weak to boardwipes. The majority of this deck needs white mana, although I've been considering adding a few more ramp spells like Kodama's Reach or Farseek. My meta isn't super-competitive, and there are very few aggressive decks. My meta mostly consists of Child of Alara PW superfriends, Jeleva wipe-the-board-every-other-turn decks, or mono-black goodstuff. So it's pretty important for me to have some board presence after they inevitably wipe the field which is why I'm running so many artifacts, especially the ones that grant indestructible. I'm also using the enchantments that grant indestructibility for her as well, which is part of the focus of this deck- indestructibility and recursion. Most of my ramp is hidden in there with the rest of my artifacts, although I don't yet have Mana Vault to help out. Enlightened Tutor is also on my radar to try and pick up a copy, although in this deck I'd rate it slightly under Steelshaper's Gift. Thank you for the suggestions!

August 17, 2015 1:55 p.m.

Tata says... #6

My Sigarda deck is a little weak to wraths because it has Llanowar Elves etc. A card that could be fun is Proclamation of Rebirth. But that's not a great solution for what you're trying to do. I see how artifacts/recursion helps against creature wraths, and to push it in that direction I'd suggest Birthing Pod, Worldly Tutor, Fauna Shaman, and Genesis. I'd cut a few of the weaker creatures to make room for spells like these.

Nature's Lore, Search for Tomorrow, and Farseek can all get . Birds of Paradise and Avacyn's Pilgrim are also awesome.

August 17, 2015 2:11 p.m.

GeminiSpartanX says... #7

@Tata- Have you tested out Evolutionary Leap at all? I feel like in a boardwipe-heavy meta it could be better than Birthing Pod since it can be activated multiple times at instant speed. I think I'll find space for a Farseek and a Kodama's Reach for sure, since I was feeling a little mana screwed the last few times I played. Although I will say that if you're not running Sword of the Animist in your sigarda deck, you'd be wise to try it out. It was amazing for me when I got it out. I'll also try and pick up another Solemn Simulacrum since it's a great creature to recur (my only copy is sitting in my Jeleva deck currently).

August 17, 2015 2:39 p.m. Edited.

Tata says... #8

Evolutionary Leap is a good card in EDH. But I like it a lot more with tokens. Otherwise Birthing Pod is better. VS. wrasths Evolutionary Leap can be really good, though. Otherwise Sigarda prefers things like Saffi Eriksdotter and regen from stuff like Asceticism.

August 17, 2015 3:38 p.m.

Suns_Champion says... #9

Hello! I see that you have 111 cards in the deck, so here's 11 possible cuts for you to consider!

Argentum Armor - Cost 12 mana to get going.

Darksteel Axe - Just okay.

Dauntless Escort - Selfless Spirit is better. You also have enough indestructible effects

Eldrazi Displacer - Sure, you have a few good ETB effects, but not enough to focus on it. You also don't have as many colorless sources of mana.

Karmic Guide - Sigarda should be your focus and she doesn't go to the yard.

Mirri, Weatherlight Duelist - Neat effect, but do you really have room for a taxes or pillowfort sub-theme? Does this win you games?

Regal Behemoth - Better ways to draw cards. Mirari's Wake does the mana thing sooner.

Thrun, the Last Troll - I think you have too many people competing for the voltron spot.

Ulvenwald Hydra - Doesn't do much at the top of your curve.

And finally, I'd say cut two lands. 39 seems like a lot.

Sweet deck friend. +1

August 28, 2017 7:42 p.m.

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