What if There's a Deck With No Bad Match Up?

Modern DodgeNDive

SCORE: 130 | 139 COMMENTS | 25198 VIEWS | IN 47 FOLDERS

Karnage says... #11

If there is a deck that beats all the decks in the meta, then that is the best deck.

December 22, 2013 7:26 p.m.

AndyReveler says... #13

I had a deck a lot like yours when i started out with junk, G/W aggro with some black for shenanigans, main difference is that i didnt have Voice of Resurgence and Thoughtsieze. I'm veryy curious to know how this does against esper. Your sideboarding strategy against it makes sense, but it also seems like you might be able to race it as well with your strong cheap creatures.

Your sideboard is also strange to me in that its mostly creatures, but that also intrigues me. I might try something out like that as well and see how it does.

Overall your deck seems pretty solid and i don't really have any suggestions for you atm besides ridding yourself of the guildgates. I know manna fixing is important, but you have all the shocklands AND Sylvan Caryatid , so mana shouldn't be too much of a problem, it hardly is with me.

December 25, 2013 7:55 p.m.

DodgeNDive says... #14

Voice of Resurgence is excellent, if you go first and you have the g/w at turn two then they have no way of countering it. From then on it deters your opponent from countering your spells.

It becomes a token when it dies, so your opponent has to exile it in order to have a one for one trade. Otherwise it would have to be two kill cards, or a bounce and a counter card to get rid of it.

In mid to late game, this is where Esper tries to dig for a win con if they don't have any yet, or this is where they'd look to gain some life from Sphinx's Revelation . Again, voice deters them from playing Sphinx's at the end of your turn, so they would either tap out in their turn, or play Sphinx's at a reduced cost than what they would normally do.

Thoughtseize seems to be relevant all the time to be honest, especially if you happen to peek when they have a win-con in hand, or playing it turn 3/4 before they cast a Supreme Verdict.

I've not actually experimented with not having the scrylands (the guildates are there to represent the scry lands that's hopefully going to come out). At the moment, these land base allows me to swap around cards in and out of the sideboard without worrying about adjusting the mana base.

Lastly, there's a common theme between all the creatures i've picked for sideboard:They mention colours (r/b/g/w/u) or card types (instant/sorcery/creature) in their ability. I'm trying to sideboard against deck types instead of against specific, popular key cards in all the deck types :)

Thanks for taking the time to have a look and comment!Sorry my reply's really long :')

December 25, 2013 9:58 p.m.

Caedere says... #15

My biggest concern is that it looks like it falls prey to what I call "Junk greed" - basically, the tendency to run so many different awesome cards... that all cost double-colored mana... that the deck ends up with very inconsistent draws.

It was that tendency that initially put me off of building Junk in this current Standard entirely. I found that not even Sylvan Caryatid fixed that, since you'd only see it in your opening hand about 40% of the time, which leads to far many more mulligans than you'd like.

The way I see it, you have two options: either add in Axebane Guardian - turning you into a Junk Ramp deck - or add in Chromatic Lantern . Axebane + Sylvan Caryatid is three mana of any color combination you want, a potent combo, but the Lanterns are a bit more resilient and are insane with Mutavault.

All in all, though, a very nice build! Once you get that mana solid, I'm sure it'll be loads of fun. :D

January 23, 2014 8:35 p.m.

DodgeNDive says... #16

Thanks for the feedback, Caedere :)

So far I've not felt any mana problems, if I can't cast say a double mana colour card in hand, I was always able to cast something else that's just as relevant, since I tried to make each cards as relevant as possible. However, I will bear that thought in mind and keep a close eye on the mana fixing.

January 24, 2014 7:11 a.m.

ChiefBell says... #17

All of these cards either are meta staples or were at some point. This isn't redefining anything. Especially given that Selesnya is coming back. This IS the meta.

January 25, 2014 2:52 p.m.

DodgeNDive says... #19

@ChiefBell: Alas! My aim of redefining the meta does seem to fail in that sense, but your comment of "this IS the meta" actually felt good! Thank you! This is the first competitive deck I tried to build so in that sense I felt like getting that comment from you was a big compliment :) I've seen your name around TappedOut quite a bit too so I presume you really know your stuff as well ,

Could I ask your help on playtesting, or maybe even sideboarding advise please?

@redben346: Debt to the Deathless is great in multiplayer, but this deck doesn't ramp enough mana to make debt a big hit. As for Trostani, without running Armada Wurm at 6 mana to curve out to doesn't quite let Trostani show off her true skills.

Thank yoy very much for the comment, guys!

January 26, 2014 12:02 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #20

It's a good deck. All the staples that I like to see, are in here. I know that a lot of people have fallen away from the use of Voice of Resurgence because it's not wholly effective. Some people recommend the Sylvan Caryatid instead because of the ramp. I'm not sure which side I agree with.

January 26, 2014 1:07 p.m.

DodgeNDive says... #21

To me, Voice can be food for things like devour flesh. It also prevent my other creatures getting Dissolved, for example. But yeah, it will depend on how my local meta shifts when BotG comes out. If there is a lot of white weenie enchant about, i might go for the caryatid to get to my indestructible blocker asap instead.

Again, thanks for the feedback!

January 26, 2014 1:33 p.m.

ChiefBell says... #22

If an opponent is going to dissolve a creature - they're going to do it anyway. Don't belive that control cares ahout Voice of Resurgence because they don't. Supreme Verdict will wipe it away. Cyclonic Rift will kill the tokens, as will Detention Sphere - even Azorius Charm will. It is NOT effective against straight up esper control. Having said that - it's real use is to annoy mono-black because it has no straight up board wipe. They have to use things like Doom Blade . They're then forced to either severely limit their strategy by wasting their blades in their own turn, or they just won't play it.

January 26, 2014 1:46 p.m.

vincentgalbo says... #23

Whoa, love this deck! Here's my suggestions:

I like Loxodon Smiter but he's kind of just... eh. 4/4 for 3 is great, but he probably won't make an appearance until turn 3 or 4 when he's going to get outclassed soon anyway. I say Dreg Mangler for the haste ability. Plus he gives you a bit of graveyard play to put onto some of your dudes.

Also, when BNG comes in, if you can get your hands on Brimaz, King of Oreskos , I say he's a straight up replacement for Fiendslayer Paladin .

January 27, 2014 10 a.m.

DodgeNDive says... #24

Wow thank you vincentgalbo for the great response :)

Definitely will look at those suggestions of yours, i havent looked at synergies with BotG yet.

For the time being, I'm keeping Loxodon in because my local meta have quite a few Rakdos's Return running around :) however I do hear you there. I do have a playset of dreg manglers, so i can easily test them and see when they perform best and worse

January 27, 2014 10:12 a.m.

Lanyr47 says... #25

Sweet deck, I faced a similar one a few weeks ago and it has trouble against G/R monsters. It was an exciting matchup with a lot of power on the board, but G/R can get bigger, faster and maintain the beatdown with big creatures. Here's close to what I used (without the BNG cards obviously) http://tappedout.net/mtg-decks/assemble-the-clans-1/

January 27, 2014 1:07 p.m.

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