What is a Man? (a hyper aggro Edgar Markov EDH)

Commander / EDH* YamishiTheWickedOne


Vessiliana says... #1

YamishiTheWickedOne, well you already have Vito, Forerunner, Florian and Dire Moon in the list. :)

Would I add Elenda? Yes, and probably to replace the Vampire Nocturnus. But that is just a personal preference.

September 1, 2023 11:29 p.m.

Vessiliana I'm concerned about screwing up my mana curve tbh. I cut Vampire Interloper, Olivia's Bloodsworn, Carrier Thrall and Bloodthrone Vampire to fit in three 3-drops, a 1 and a 2. Also cut Enlightened Tutor for Anointed Procession, though tbh I kinda do want the extra tutor. Enchantments and artifacts win games in EDH. Not sure what to do going forward.

September 2, 2023 11:16 a.m.

I ditched Florian. Too slow. Not a bad card but at best he's only useful turn 4 and onward, and now that I have Mana Crypt I start one turn killing people on turn 5 average. I'm not sure how much I like Anointed Procession but I really felt like I want Enlightened tutor to grab Necropotence.

Vito can win games but he feels weak early game.

On the positive side, I really like Forerunner here. Seriously underestimated his buff effect and he's an easy way to fetch Champion. Second effect has even more synergy with Mavren. Why the bat guano is every 2W vampire busted in Edgar EDH? I dunno but I'm not complaining.

September 2, 2023 10:01 p.m.

Vessiliana hey, how you been?

Wanted your input. If I were to slot Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord and Arcane Signet what do you recommend I cut?

October 24, 2023 12:14 p.m.

Kcin says... #5

Famished Paladin + Sorcerer's Wand + Lifelink ability = infinite dmg infinite life gain that can be turned off when ever you want... a non game ending infinite combo.

October 24, 2023 12:24 p.m.

Vessiliana says... #6

YamishiTheWickedOne, I have been doing well, though playing less Magic than I might like! I would say the purpose of Sorin, Imperious Bloodlord is cheat out more expensive vampires, so he exists to play only those that cost more than 3. So you would not want to play him unless you have a lot of those. I ended up cutting him from my Edgar list. But if you want him, I would replace Florian. For the signet, maybe cut Bloodtithe Harvester? I don't see enough blood token support for him to be all that useful.

October 25, 2023 1:52 a.m.

Vessiliana given that I'm still new-ish to commander, am I missing anything essential here? How's it look altogether? Asking since you seem knowledgeable about Edgar builds.

October 28, 2023 11:23 a.m.

Vessiliana says... #8

YamishiTheWickedOne, thank you for the compliment! I actually think your list looks solid. It is really just a matter of tuning for your meta at this point. How much spot removal do you need? How many wraths, etc? Is there anything you have found in the playing of him that you are always wishing you had?

October 29, 2023 2:12 a.m.

Vessiliana I've been fixing my mana curve a bit. had too many 3+ drops I feel. It feels so weird to not have Vito, Yaheni or especially Purphoros here, but I wanted to ask you, how do you feel about Goblin Bombardment?

This look any better or worse than before?

November 8, 2023 4 p.m.

Vessiliana says... #10

YamishiTheWickedOne, I totally get wanting to tweak your curve. I ended up without Vito in my list, but I did keep Yahenni, for the sac outlet option. Purphoros actually hits the curve at 4, not 3, and I absolutely would never cut him. Even if my opponents manage to dig out removal for an indestructible enchantment (he is almost never a creature), by the time they do, he's done a ton of damage already.

I do like Goblin Bombardment . Sometimes, my opponents might have a token swarm to block with, or worse, might wrath. The Bombardment means all those dying vampires die for a reason: punching my opponents in their punch-able faces.

In my meta, I have found that indestructibility and flying are useful that I put in Eldrazi Monument, but I don't have Champion of Dusk. I have found that when I have spewed my hand, I might not want to take the life hit from him, all at once. Necropotence lets me choose how much I lose. So I have only two 5-drops, but one is the Monument!

November 8, 2023 9:13 p.m.

Vessiliana yeah you're right about Purphoros. I've been re-vamping the deck a bit and updating to include more staples. Trying to find space for Phyrexian Altar

Other vamps I kinda would like here are Nocturnus, Drana and Linvala, Cemetery Gatekeeper, Vito, Falkenrath Aristocrat, Creeping Bloodsucker, maybe Dusk Legion Zealot, and just more 1-drops in general.

How's it look now?

November 13, 2023 1:20 p.m.

Vessiliana since you've become my go-to person for bouncing ideas off of, if I want to include Phyrexian Altar and Cemetery Gatekeeper what would you cut?

November 16, 2023 9:52 p.m.

Vessiliana says... #13

YamishiTheWickedOne, your list is looking nice! If you were aiming to cut something for the Altar, how often do you find Verrak, Warped Sengir's triggers to be relevant? If not, I would cut him. Also possibly Edgar, Charmed Groom. He's great--I have him in charge of a deck of his own--but in my list, I have not found his buff to be worth the MV4 cost, and though he is quite sticky, with the ability to enter his coffin and all, Edgar Markov rarely cares about the quality of vampire in his army more than the cost. Cheaper is better!

November 16, 2023 10:34 p.m.

I'm trying out Verrak as a Nighthawk alternative, as he works with fetches, maybe though.

November 17, 2023 1:21 a.m.

Vessiliana who/what would you cut for Master of Dark Rites? We finally get another good black utility 1-drop vamp. I wanna try her out.

As good as Dusk Legion Duelist is, I feel like Charismatic Conqueror is the better white vigilance 2/2. Been testing him and the look on people's faces when they play a creature or a rock is priceless. Especially if I have Procession and/or Purphoros in play.

November 23, 2023 12:56 p.m.

Vessiliana says... #16

YamishiTheWickedOne, it is very much a meta call here. In my own Edgar list, I have more creatures flat out than you run. For instance, I would not removed Dusk Legion Duelist for the Charismatic Conqueror, but rather remove a non-creature and run them both.

For Master of Dark Rites, how often do you find Olivia's Wrath to be helpful to you? In my meta, I found this card not to be helpful for me. It simply cost too much. I would replace that.

November 23, 2023 7:35 p.m.

Vessiliana I see your point. I did say that I think you're right in that the whole point of playing Edgar is to spam as many creatures as possible then buff them to the point you just overwhelm people. Some stuff here i'm just testing out, like Olivia's Wrath. Bear in mind I run more ramp than you (It's very useful to have stuff like Welcoming Vampire or Mavren on turn 1 imho), and our deckbuilding styles differ a little bit in that I like having just enough support to facilitate the deck's tendency to go wide. I do kind of understand where you're coming from though.

November 23, 2023 10:18 p.m.

Vessiliana you think cutting a land is a bad idea to make space for another 1-drop?

November 25, 2023 8:43 p.m.

Vessiliana says... #19

YamishiTheWickedOne, I know I would feel uncomfortable going below 33...

November 26, 2023 1:17 a.m.

Vessiliana yeah you're probably right. I'm just reluctant to drop any of my utility spells but then again I dislike having under 40 vamps.

November 26, 2023 1:47 a.m.

Vessiliana you know, I feel like I'm experiencing a bit of New Toy syndrome. I feel as though the right number of creatures for my playstyle is about 40-42 vampires. The focus needs to be on getting value out of Edgar's Eminence ability. Vamps go wide. It's what they do.

Bloodletter of Aclazotz, Master of Dark Rites and that new Orzhov Bloodthrone-like thing I can't pronounce all look like vampires that I should be running. And Phyrexian Altar feels like the one other support card I honestly think absolutely does warrant a slot here. Maybe Black Market Connections but I'm in a spot where there's 4 cards that belong here but nothing in my 99 feels replaceable. You said my deck looks good as-is, but man, there's stuff I wanna try out.

Weird side note: I'm starting to like Chrome Mox over Mox Diamond.

November 26, 2023 7:05 p.m.

Vessiliana says... #22

Not weird at all! I can definitely see that here, the Mox over the Diamond.

The difficulty with Edgar is that, honestly, you are correct. He is looking good, but you want to try new creatures! So--do. Just make sure you keep the MV the same when you change them out.

November 26, 2023 11:16 p.m.

Vessiliana so I'm thinking:

Out: Verrak, Impact Tremors, Bloodtithe Harvester

In: Master of Dark Rites, Bloodletter, Barcelona

Those feel like the weakest links here, but I do kinda hate how red feels like a splash color. I no longer have any of the flying Nighthawk clones and idk how I feel about that. Anything you'd cut to either keep a card in or add Phyrexian Altar?

November 27, 2023 8:27 a.m.

Vessiliana says... #24

YamishiTheWickedOne, I agree about red feeling too much like a splash color. In my list, I have kept a few of the red one-drops, which helps with that, and I still have the Impact Tremors, too.

The Nighthawk clones depend, to me, on how often you face fliers and whether or not you can outrace them.

November 27, 2023 8:52 p.m.

Vessiliana I do need to thank you for your assistance. I actually just got my hands on a Scrubland and a Badlands irl, I was testing them out on here. And I've narrowed my maybeboard to things I really want in my mainboard but just had to cut for more important staples. I'm most iffy on Nocturnus if I'm honest. Bloodtithe Harvester is amazing in regular constructed and imo one of the best creatures period in Pioneer. He's pretty average in EDH though. Not bad but I notice almost no one runs him.

Some stuff I don't have mainboard are things that I just have the itching sensation SHOULD be in Edgar EDH. If you have any suggestions for swaps on any of my maybes I'm all ears. It's good to have a friend to bounce EDH ideas off of since my social life has diminished since I actually have a life now.

November 29, 2023 2:26 a.m.

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