I needed a fun multiplayer deck, and was prowling the forums and found Staakman's Modern on a Budget: Goats. Really like the idea, it's pretty cheap and it's crazy good.
I made a few alterations from his deck to make it more my own, so here is my version. This is mainly a multiplayer deck, it can be played in single player but it's not as dominant.
The goal is to generate as many goat tokens as possible, then overwhelm your opponents. In the process you will gain tons of life and hopefully declaw their creatures.
Card choices:
Soul Warden / Soul's Attendant: These cards are almost unfair in multiplayer. Having multiple out nets you tons of life once the goat genesis begins.
Springjack Shephard: Central part of the deck. Increase your devotion/chroma then slap him down to generate tons of goats.
Knight of Meadowgrain
: Used as an early game deterrent, great way to increase devotion/chroma, and tuturable by
Kithkin Harbinger
Kithkin Harbinger
: Tutor major pieces depending on what you need. Need your sheep? Tutor Springjack Shephard. Have a shephard but need more chroma/devotion? Tutor
Knight of Meadowgrain
. Have a ton of goat tokens out? Tutor Mirror Entity then swing for the win.
Mirror Entity: This guy will win you games. Combined with Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx and Springjack Pasture he can make your goats huge.
Godhead of Awe: Cripples opponents' creatures. Increases chroma/devotion like crazy. Actually buffs goats! Make sure if you're playing on a team that your partner is ok with him though.
Spear of Heliod: Increase devotion/chroma. Buff goats (and other creatures). Early game deterrent.
Flickerwisp / Cloudshift / Strionic Resonator: More goats!
Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx: Really helps with mana if you get your devotion up. I run 3 of because it helps so much, plus if you get two you can use it and replace it.
Springjack Pasture: helps generate mana or gain life when you need it.
Furystoke Giant
for alternate win condition. 3 more Springjack Pasture so you have the mana for him.