birdman412 says... #2
Trading Post is way too slow for the deck. This isn't a goat deck for the sake of goats, it's still supposed to be good. If you want I can put Goatnapper in the sideboard.
March 9, 2014 10:56 p.m.
instead of using Crusade try Honor of the Pure same card but still aloud in the Modern Format!
March 13, 2014 1:25 p.m.
birdman412 says... #4
Ah, did not realize Crusade wasn't modern legal. May replace with that cleric that gives you shroud then, it's really there for devotion as my Mirror Entity makes my guys big enough.
March 14, 2014 1:55 p.m.
you really shouldn't use things just because they increase your devotion, they should do something for the deck as well. Glorious Anthem , while slower, gives you the same devotion as Crusade but costs 3. Plumeveil similarly gives you 3 devotion while being a nice defensive tank.
I'd also suggest running Momentary Blink over Cloudshift since you can use Nyththos to cast it with flashback
March 16, 2014 3:42 a.m.
birdman412 says... #7
Why do you suggest him daemon_panda? Venser is an all star in a different deck of mine (UW Creature Control - shameless plug) so I'm well aware how great he is. I'm just not sure if he fits this particular build. You need the godhead to get blue mana which isn't reliable and I don't want to put in more springjack pastures because I have so many WW cards. Curious to hear your reasoning.
October 21, 2014 12:28 a.m.
daemon_panda says... #8
I do realize he is isn't a perfect fit for the deck, but he feels test worthy. Especially since you can cure the mana issue with Hallowed Fountain s. I wasn't entirely awake when I posted this, and now I am questioning my logic. An existential crisis is imminent.
As for your shameless plug, there is nothing wrong about plugging your favourite deck. It doesn't even have to be a favorite. (Phase 2). Shameless plug for myself.
DatJunkPlayer says... #1
Trading Post
March 9, 2014 10:48 p.m.