Devia_Umbra says... #3
If you're still going the Epic Experiment route, then Nivmagus Elemental works to get rid of the spells you don't want to cast, like counterspells hit by the experiment. Otherwise, Nivmagus Elemental 's a bit meh; and JoeyAwesome, why Faerie Impostor ? It's a terrible card in constructed, especially in this deck. It fulfills a similar role to Emancipation Angel , but there's NOTHING in this deck that he'd want to bounce. :/
November 5, 2012 7:42 p.m.
BrokenZygoma says... #4
I really just wanna run Epic Experiment because its fun and I don't have to buy it. And since I only run 1, Nivmagus Elemental isn't too useful. Although Epic Experiment may be a weak link in a competitive deck, I can sacrifice 1 slot for a card I just find fun to play.
November 5, 2012 7:58 p.m.
Love this deck. This helped inspire me to make my own izzet deck. The main difference is that it has Talrand, Sky Summoner . Check it out and rate U/R Gutter Delver
November 6, 2012 4:52 a.m.
mayan_heck says... #6
very cool deck. my only suggestion is maybe Crippling Chill if you're looking more towards the control side, locks down tusks and other big nasties, plus you get to draw a card.
other then that this looks like a cool and fun deck.
November 6, 2012 9:48 a.m.
Have you considered Mercurial Chemister good for the draw ability and will allow you to cycle through cards faster, plus allows you to deal direct damage to a creature if something you don't want in your hand or that you can't use. I have a couple in my Izzet deck and it works out nicely for drawing cards and being able to cycle my deck faster.
November 6, 2012 12:39 p.m.
I also have an Izzet Deck deck:icefire, as they have said, Talrand, Sky Summoner is a really good option, because is a perfect target for any spell that might destroy or damage any other important creature.
November 6, 2012 1:48 p.m.
I'm running something similar Izzet Chaos. Mine is a little more creature heavy with Augur of Bolas and Snapcaster Mage . I'm also sidboarding 2x Mindclaw Shaman to play against other Izzet decks and well as white / blue. I also sideboarded 4x Redirect mainly for all the Oblivion Ring s and Detention Sphere s I've been coming up against in standard a lot.
One thing I think a lot of people haven't really mentioned is that Goblin Electromancer makes it a lot easier to Overload Cyclonic Rift and Mizzium Mortars which I have 3 of each in my main board. So even with just one Goblin Electromancer both Cyclonic Rift and Mizzium Mortars cost one mana each for their basic ability and hopefully you can overload them sooner. I play with 3 each so I have no problem using them for their basic cost in the early game because I know I have more to overload later.
I also run Inaction Injunction mainly for early control and card drawing.
November 6, 2012 6:49 p.m.
zorsmobile says... #10
Just letting you know edrazpgh, you can't Redirect Oblivion Ring s nor Detention Sphere s. They don't target until they resolve, and then once they've resolved they're no longer a spell, therefore they can't be Redirect ed
November 6, 2012 8:12 p.m.
Oh my! I hadn't seen the synergy between Epic Experiment and Guttersnipe!
November 7, 2012 10:39 p.m.
JoeyAwesome says... #12
Hey, BrokenZygoma!
I found a really cool izzet card named Mercurial Chemister and a supercool double-sided card named Civilized Scholar Flip . Will those work for your deck?
I also found a cool card named Izzet Staticaster . Also, there is Worldfire . Would you like to consider them?
November 7, 2012 11:01 p.m.
CommanderFun says... #13
...what do you think of Desperate Ravings vs Think Twice . And, completely as a side note since I know it's not your plan, but if you did have a card:Runechanter's Pike, you could switch out for the Desperate Ravings to put more in the graveyard. but since you dont... maybe Think Twice is better...
November 7, 2012 11:12 p.m.
BrokenZygoma says... #14
Id rather run Faithless Looting just because the discard isn't random. On that note, I think Think Twice may be the best option with no drawback.
November 7, 2012 11:15 p.m.
I'v been considered adding a new control twist to my izzet deck by adding Inaction Injunction the draw is nice and it keeps a creature at bay if you need a little more time for burning. I'm really iffy on this though because it itself isn't as good as Unsummon or a draw spell like Desperate Ravings
November 7, 2012 11:25 p.m.
JoeyAwesome says... #16
True... Inaction Injunction takes care of an opponent's creatures while allowing you to draw a card...
Have you guys thought about Thoughtflare , Mercurial Chemister , or Lobber Crew ?
November 7, 2012 11:32 p.m.
CommanderFun says... #17
@BrokenZygoma I forgot that it was random... so I concede to your reasoning there. haha.
@JoeyAwesome While those cards can be as awesome as your name, the theme of this deck is more around instants and sorceries. And I think that there is enough draw with Think Twice and Izzet Charm
...If I made a version of this I may go 4 Izzet Charm s... I have fallen in love with that thing... But thats just a thought.
November 8, 2012 12:19 a.m.
CommanderFun says... #18
I was thinking about Mr. Snaps McGaps for this deck, then I though this deck may be the best fit I have seen yet for Past in Flames because its a sorcery and can get the synergies with Goblin Electromancer and Guttersnipe ... just a thought.
November 9, 2012 8:22 p.m.
BrokenZygoma says... #19
It certainly could be good. The obvious cut for it is Epic Experiment but I'm really adamant about running it lol. I just love it so much.
November 9, 2012 9:11 p.m.
CommanderFun says... #20
for sure! don't want to take that one out... though Past in Flames could work as a SB option against discard... just a thought.
November 10, 2012 8:26 p.m.
zorsmobile says... #21
true, and when you have Izzet Charm you'd be more comfortable drawing 2 and discarding a Think Twice and a Past in Flames than anything else
November 11, 2012 2:38 a.m.
It doesnt go along with current creature base.....but Slumbering Dragon punishes them for swinging at you....and if they decide not to swing for 2-3 turns it pretty much hands you the game...if they do swing you get an 8/8 flyer. Or they remove it and have one less removal for your guttersnipe. +1'd
November 11, 2012 5:42 p.m.
I don't understand a thing: why nobody suggest Bone to Ash for Izzet deck?! Against aggro this card is both counter and draw... I think that should be really powerful!
November 12, 2012 6:20 a.m.
Devia_Umbra says... #24
But it costs 4. That's simply too much for a counterspell, especially a limited one like that. It's basically a Think Twice stapled to an Essence Scatter . That's not good; if it was able to counter any spell, then maybe. As it stands, Syncopate and Dissipate do this much better.
November 12, 2012 8:41 a.m.
Ok, I see that this deck use only 3xGoblin Electromancer , but with one of them on the battlefield the cost is UU1... but I understand also that Syncopate and Dissipate cost -1 with the Goblin Electromancer ...
JoeyAwesome says... #1
Oh, also TRY ONLY 2 Goblin Electromancer s. ADD a Nivmagus Elemental or a Faerie Impostor instead.
November 5, 2012 7:04 p.m.