
Sisay's Experienced Crew

The purpose of this deck was to play all 8 experience counter commanders in a WUBRG deck in a way that is fun and still effective. This is a tall order to ask since cards like Mizzix of the Izmagnus, Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas, and Ezuri, Claw of Progress promote very different and unsynergetic strategies. But that is okay! If the challenge was easy then building and playing the deck wouldn't be fun! The first challenge to overcome is to pick a commander. Only a few WUBRG commanders can make this deck possible, but no other come close to the level of Sisay, Weatherlight Captain. Sisay is everything we could ask for on a card. She is a 3-drop which puts her on curve before our 4-drop experience general and she has a search function that allows us to tutor into our much needed Experience Generals. She does pose a singular challenge however, to fetch with her the creatures CMC must be LESS THAN her power, meaning she needs a power of 5 to fetch our generals. This restriction informs our early game strategy seen in "The Battle Strats" section.

How do we possibly makes vastly different experience commanders work together? Each of the experience commanders have a similar design philosophy in mind. One ability increases the amount of experience counters and the other ability utilizes them. It is important to recognize that the "obtain" and "utilize" abilities are not dependent upon each other. It doesn't matter where the experience counters came from, all of the experience generals can utilize the benefit. Because of this concept, a hierarchy of usefulness has emerged. Some Experience Generals see significantly more play than others due to the usefulness of one or both of their abilities.

As a note: this deck is a current work in process. Suggestions are welcome and credit is due to many individuals who have pursued this deck concept before me. This is my take on the concept but not the only way it can be done. The deck could be improved by removing some of the less useful experience generals but that is not in the spirit of the challenge.

At the top of our food-chain is Ezuri, Claw of Progress and Meren of Clan Nel Toth. Both of these generals have creature focused strategies. Ezuri, Claw of Progress "obtain" ability cares about when they enter and Meren of Clan Nel Toth "obtain" ability cares about when they leave. This makes Ezuri and Meren our top choice for gaining experience fast. Furthermore, they have the best ways of utilizing Experience Counters. Meren of Clan Nel Toth "utilize" ability gives the deck some much needed protection and Ezuri, Claw of Progress "utilize" ability can give us a menacing board state. These two generals will be our primary battle strategy.

Just barely behind the first two is Kelsien, the Plague. Kelsien is a bit different than the other experience generals. He is a 3 colored/3cmc card that is essentially just a pinger for enemy creatures only. No other generals care about the death of other players creatures, but Kelsien doesn't care. He is a self-contained experience generator. If he sticks on the battlefield he will generate experience without any required assistance and will remove threats on the board. This is exactly what we want out of our tier 2 generals. He accelerates whatever current experience strategy is in action while protecting that strategy himself. Still in our tier 2 of experience generals is Otharri, Suns' Glory. With Ezuri, Claw of Progress out first, this new guy will then double our experience counters, which is great because he has haste! His "obtain" ability is not dependent on anything but itself which is good, but his value really is in his synergy with Ezuri, Claw of Progress.

At the top of our tier 3 of experience general is Minthara, Merciless Soul. Her "obtain" ability is just a fundamentally worse version of Meren's, but because we are already enabling Meren's, we will get value out of Minthara's also. The value of Minthara comes out of her "utilize" ability. Pumping the power of all of our creatures based off of our experience counters can make threats become lethal very quickly. She is most valuable after the engine is going, which means I cannot justify her being any higher than a tier 3. Daxos the Returned is also in this tier. His "obtain" ability is wonderful in an enchantment matters deck, but this deck just cannot feasibly be an enchantment matters deck. To utilize his "obtain" ability we utilize primarily enchantment based removal such as Darksteel Mutation and Grasp of Fate. This allows Daxos to produce some experience while protecting the primary strategy. It is important to note that it is very rare that fetching Daxos is a good idea. Daxos does not actually help remove creatures like Kelsien, the Plague, but rather just lets some experience value to be generated while doing so. This makes him only situationally useful. His "utilize" ability is rather potent however. Due to the rapid increase in experience counters and the amount of ramp this deck requires, his last ability can usually beused to great effect. This lets Daxos be a viable post-boardwipe late game strategy if the primary engine is not salvagable.

Pulling up the rear is our tier 4 experience generals Kalemne, Disciple of Iroas and Mizzix of the Izmagnus. These cards probably should not be in this deck. Kalmne's "obtain" ability requires 5cmc creatures, which just isn't often suitable to trigger Ezuri, Claw of Progress"obtain" trigger and makes Meren of Clan Nel Toth "utilize" trigger more challenging. Because of this very few 5cmc or higher creatures are run in the decklist as is. Additionally, her "utilize" ability just makes her a larger creature, which isn't very useful for the board. She is effectively just a scaling creature for 4 mana. This is enough to make her useful but not enough to make her important. card:Mizzix of Izmagnus is the worst of the bunch. His "obtain" ability never really functions because we do not run many big spells. All he really does midgame is make our ramp and counterspells a little more efficient. Other than that, if we go infinite on experience counters(which is very possible) then he serves as a decent alternative cleanup method with spells.

This deck looks to take advantage of Sisay, Weatherlight Captain fetch ability to build experience generating engines that will propel us into a powerful and durable board state. But before we can get to that point, we first must get our commander operational. Our lands are situated so that we can confidently have WUBRG on turn 5, but it does require clever usage of our fetchlands. Be warned, think what color you need now and what you will need later every time you crack one of those boys open. We run a diverse array of ramp sorceries, enchantments, and creatures to help you build the manabase you will need. Our commander needs more than just mana however. She needs a high enough power. Sisay is a 3-drop and her ability is 5 mana. This leaves turns 1,2, and 4 to make Sisay function (excluding the breathing room ramp gives us). Sisay's power increases for every color amongst OTHER legendary permanents we control and can only fetch LESS than her power. This means we will need 3 colors to get her to 5 power so she can fetch our engine pieces. The need to get her power up is why we run our assortment of 2cmc/2-colored legendaries. The goal is to drop Rhys the Redeemed,Katilda, Dawnhart Prime, Lazav, the Multifarious, Niambi, Esteemed Speaker, Saffi Eriksdotter, Hajar, Loyal Bodyguard, or Thrasios, Triton Hero on turn 2, commander turn 3, another legendary turn 4, then trigger our commander turn 5. Obviously, this does not happen every game. It is important to understand what to do when you are not on schedule.

If you get stuck with Sisay's power at 3 I often suggest finding card:Katilda, Dawnheart Prime. This will often only bring the power up to 4, but gives you access to much more mana down the road because many of our important legendary creatures are human. Now that you are at 4 power, I suggest finding Kelsien, the Plague. Having 3 colors will fix any power issue Sisay had, and the fact that he has haste and is human means you can often immediately trigger Sisay again to find whatever you need.

If you get stuck with Sisay's power at 4 then you have a few 3drop options to choose from. Kelsien, the Plague andDaxos the Returned are powerful choices, but this deck also runs Journey to Eternity   if you feel like something is vulnerable and Esika, God of the Tree   if you need mana. It is important to note that Sisay's ability is at instant speed. I always suggest holding up your mana until you absolutely need to spend it. That removal spell the enemy casts can be the difference between grabbing Journey to Eternity   and Kelsien, the Plague in many instances.

An important note is that Sisay's power can get set back if other legendaries are getting removed. It is because of this I suggest grabbing Meren of Clan Nel Toth and playing cards like Saffi Eriksdotter, Spore Frog, Hajar, Loyal Bodyguard, andSelfless Spirit over and over.

Now that we are out of the early game and get to actually use Sisay, what do we do with her? That largely depends on what your enemies have been doing while we have been setting this up. If they are still building and we don't filled threatened, then I fetch Meren of Clan Nel Toth and/or Ezuri, Claw of Progress and just start making experience counters like crazy. The fastest way to do this is with our big buddy Ghave, Guru of Spores. Ghave can generate tokens to trigger Ezuri's "obtain" ability, can be fueled by Ezuri's "utilize" ability, can sacrifice creatures to trigger Meren's "obtain ability", and can sacrifice itself to go to the graveyard to be returned by Meren's "utilize" ability with a fresh set of 5 +1/+1 counters. Likewise the new experience general Otharri, Suns' Glory can straight double your experience counters if Ezuri is out. When people see the glory of Sisay's Experienced Crew they tend to get all panicky and nuke our board. But they never can take away our experience counters, meaning that while our engine is disabled it will turn on full force again the moment an experience general is back on the battlefield.

If we do feel threatened however and don't like the getting nuked idea we do have options. Shalai, Voice of Plenty hexproofs everything except for Shalai herself. She normally doesn't get to stick around for long but the time she gives you often lets you set up recursion engines with Meren and protection with cards like Saffi Eriksdotter. You can always Fetch Sidisi, Undead Vizier for one of the self-sacrificing cards if you have none in hand. Likewise, the time they buy you often lets you get Meren on the board so that they can be reused. If the enemies board states are growing to fast for our liking we can always use Yawgmoth, Thran Physician to sacrifice our cheap legendaries to shrink their creatures. This along with Kelsien, the Plague is often very potent instant speed removal.

When this decks engine is going it is seriously difficult to stop. Furthermore, the engine does not have to be running for very long before we have enough experience counters to transition to one of our win conditions.

Now I am personally not a large fan of infinites. Many of them are plain and uninspired and don't make for very fun games. This deck runs infinites because it would struggle to close out the game through just shear value. Otharri, Suns' Glory and Minthara, Merciless Soul can allow us to convert our experience counters into a lethal boardstate, but it is just too likely for things like Ezuri, Claw of Progress to get exiled and shut us down. That being said, this deck doesn't do much to protect it's infinite combos. This decks closing strategy is more like throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks. Most of the times it is just swinging in with huge creatures. Other times it is castingElectrodominance where is equal to a million, and other times its spamming overloaded Cyclonic Rift. This section will portray our infinites/ loops and win conditions but a disclaimer should be made that these are not required for victory, just give you many more paths to get there.

Our most common insta-winning infinite is Ezuri, Claw of Progress and Sage of Hours for infinite turns If Ezuri is exiled multiple alternatives exist such as Ghave, Guru of Spores with a recursion engine, or infinite mana + Shalai, Voice of Plenty orKatilda, Dawnhart Prime with Umbral Mantle.

Infinite mana combos are Bloom Tender/Faeburrow Elder with Umbral Mantle if 4 or more colors are on your board. It is important to note that infinite mana with Sisay on the board means you can tutor every legendary you please and win on the spot.

A whole lot of loops exist with Yawgmoth, Thran Physician, card:Revillark, Saffi Eriksdotter. Sacrificing Saffi targeting Revilark and then sacrificing Revillark to Yawgmoth leads to a ton of card draw and -1/-1 counters and the return of both Saffi, Revilark, and another 2 power creature of your choice. You get a +1/+1 version of this if you spend mana and use Ghave, Guru of Spores. This is a very versatile loop that at the minimum is giving you a lot of enter the battlefield and death triggers.

The goal of this section is to justify the 91 other cards in this deck (1 Commander and 8 Experience Generals). Because this is a WUBRG deck. Cards in the maybeboard include cards that are being tested or cards that were replaced with other cards currently in the deck. The maybeboard will not be discussed but is constantly being considered. This list will update as the deck changes accordingly.

Ghave, Guru of Spores Show

Rhys the Redeemed Show

Sage of Hours Show

Selfless Spirit Show

Spore Frog Show

Saffi Eriksdotter Show

Shalai, Voice of Plenty Show

Umbral Mantle Show

Yawgmoth, Thran Physician Show

Fathom Mage Show

Mulldrifter Show

Niambi, Esteemed Speaker Show

Hajar, Loyal Bodyguard Show

Rhystic Study Show

Thrasios, Triton Hero Show

Animate Dead Show

Journey to Eternity Show

Lazav, the Multifarious Show

Reveillark Show

Skullwinder Show

Sun Titan Show

Bloom Tender Show

Faeburrow Elder Show

Crystalline Crawler Show

Cultivate Show

Curse of Opulence Show

Katilda, Dawnhart Prime Show

Esika, God of the Tree Show

Farseek Show

Fertile Ground Show

Mox Amber Show

Nature's Lore Show

Sakura-Tribe Elder Show

Selvala, Explorer Returned Show

Smothering Tithe Show

Sol Ring Show

Arcane Denial Show

Heroic Intervention Show

Cyclonic Rift Show

Toxic Deluge Show

Darksteel Mutation Show

Grasp of Fate Show

Song of the Dryads Show

Reclamation Sage Show

Glen Elendra Archmage Show

Swords to Plowshares Show

Secure the Wastes Show

Electrodominance Show

Vampiric Tutor Show

Demonic Tutor Show

Eldritch Evolution Show

Captain Sisay Show

Sidisi, Undead Vizier Show


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99% Casual


Date added 2 years
Last updated 1 year

This deck is Commander / EDH legal.

Rarity (main - side)

18 - 0 Mythic Rares

54 - 0 Rares

11 - 0 Uncommons

7 - 0 Commons

Cards 100
Avg. CMC 2.81
Tokens Copy Clone, Elf Warrior 1/1 GW, Enchantment Spirit */* WB, Experience Token, Gold, Rebel 2/2 R, Saproling 1/1 G, Spirit 1/1 C, Treasure, Warrior 1/1 W
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