My main problem is really a lack of monsters but shying away from the whole low mana cost all burn is scary to me. I didn't even know most of the cards you linked besides Chandra Ablaze . Earthquake is there for the fact that if my deck is working, they should have much less life, and if they have monsters out I can do a quick kill all and a few damage, then hopefully follow up with a goblin, followed next turn by more direct damage, maybe an attack, maybe Goblin Bushwhacker gets kicked... Another huge problem is that I have no fetch-mana cards. My goblins are really mainly for sac for Goblin Grenade and the whole haste thing with Goblin Bushwhacker , the tap effect from Goblin Fireslinger , the fact I can generally do DD so Bloodcrazed Goblin can generally attack... and Goblin Arsonist is mainly there to die or get sac'd. Lol.
January 1, 2012 11:43 a.m.
Also, Koth of the Hammer is just too sexy. I run him for cases like card:Devil's Play and card:Red Sun's Zenith . With one more Mountain out the turn after I summon him, I can do 8 damage with card:Red Sun's Zenith or card:Devil's Play. Which kinda makes me wanna run more of both of them, but I really need some red draw cards, fetch-mana, or a few more Reverberate to pair with my DD that does 3+...
January 1, 2012 11:47 a.m.
Mono Red Eldrazi is my deck that uses Koth in order to get lots of mana as well as utilizes card draw to accelerate out my eldrazi threat.
So if you need card draw - the new card from Dark Ascension will really help you out. I use card:Tezzeret's Gambit
And if you struggle with keeping creatures off your back - red has it's fair share of board wipe.
January 1, 2012 2:02 p.m.
You would be referring to cards like Slagstorm ? I'm definately thinking of putting it in a sidedeck, which I have yet to build...
Ritz_PBoD says... #1
I'm trying to figure out what kind of deck you are going for - because you have Goblins but no Goblin Chieftain s or Siege-Gang Commander s or anything like that.And Earthquake seems bad with your tiny little guys being well.. tiny and on the ground.
If you wanted to go mono-red burn there is a lot of ways to do that with Chandra Ablaze and hasted creatures Ball Lightning .
If you wanted to go goblins I would add Warren Instigator s and Siege-Gang Commander s and stuff like that.
:) Fun looking deck - and I love a deck that runs Koth of the Hammer .
January 1, 2012 4:30 a.m.