Wheel of Misfortune

Commander / EDH smash10101


Ohthenoises says... #1

erabel like everyone else I think you need to read Elder Mastery and Nekusar, the Mindrazer again.

October 31, 2013 9:53 a.m.

erabel says... #2

Oh, it says "deals damage", not "combat". Okay. Forget what I said 'bout the Mastery. But the rest of my advice stands.

October 31, 2013 9:56 a.m.

Ohthenoises says... #3

The funny part of that interaction is this, if they have 2 or less cards in hand when the enchantment is placed on him it basically reduces them to 0 hand size and they may only cast instants. (In response to the discard trigger.)

October 31, 2013 9:58 a.m.

smash10101 says... #4


Thanks for all your suggestions. Obviously Elder Mastery is staying, and yeah, I had to read it three times before I got the combo too.

Phthisis should probs go. I'll cut it right now.

I feel like Sadistic Sacrament should stay so I can hit people for their annoying cards/I need to kill combos when I make combo decks draw all their cards. Also useful to get rid of instant speed enchantment removal is I play Elder Mastery or kill someones counterspelling ability. I'll keep it in mind though once I look to make changes.

Temporal Cascade is one of the few wheels that can get back graveyards and I can be used to just draw 7 without discarding if I want. Again, I'll keep it in mind, and most likely cut it if I decide to go in to a Time Spiral .

Illusionist's Gambit just seems like such a fun card that I really want to try it. You are right though, it's basically a slightly better, more expensive Fog . But it's new and I really want to try it.

Sudden Spoiling should go I guess.

Dread is ok I guess. IDK if I should cut it or not. It is pretty good protection, but not invincible and I shouldn't rely on it.

Guard Gomazoa should go.

Vampire Nighthawk should go.

Spiteful Visions is staying. I don't really care if it hits me too, it's worth having another, harder to remove, version of my general.

Last Laugh is there for the lols. My deck relies on lowering everyones life totals constantly and it seems like a decent board wipe that furthers that goal. I hope to combine it with Massacre Wurm .

This gets me to Exsanguinate . I love the card and I think that despite the fact that I won't be ramping much on my own (I play with a lot of group hug decks) it's still worth it since I can at least steal 5-10 life from each player, which after a few wheels should be lethal or at least get me out of/them into the red zone.

October 31, 2013 9:08 p.m.

smash10101 says... #5

hey Epochalyptik, would you mind taking a look over here? Still need a few cuts. Thanks.

October 31, 2013 9:34 p.m.

Epochalyptik says... #6

What's your budget?
What power level do you want the deck to meet?

October 31, 2013 10:02 p.m.

smash10101 says... #7

Budget is somewhere between running shocklands and not wanting to buy a Chains of Mephistopheles , so I'd say nothing to pricy but don't be afraid to suggest things to think about upgrading to.

As for power level, I'd like it to be middleish, like my other decks tend to be. Nothing too evil like Strip Mine + Crucible of Worlds (strip mine might be a good idea though, if I can find room).

October 31, 2013 10:45 p.m.

Hernandez1993 says... #8

Howling Mine would be good in this deck

November 1, 2013 3:12 a.m.

smash10101 says... #9

meh, I already let people draw enough cards. I'm actually trying to make cuts right now, so I'm for sure not adding it. Thanks for the suggestion though.

November 1, 2013 3:15 a.m.

smash10101 says... #11

well, Evacuation is certainly playable in this deck, and I happen to have one aside for it.

Why specifically do you think I should cut Last Laugh , Underworld Dreams , Havoc Festival , and Massacre Wurm ? Also Molten Disaster , Soul Manipulation and Exsanguinate ? You offered more cuts than I need, so do you think I should cut the Soul Manipulation for a different counterspell or just cut it all together? Same with the Whispersilk Cloak , cut it for a different protection card or just cut it?

Also, pain lands are not used much in my meta, and I don't think they're worth running, and I think the filter lands are a bit too pricey (way to pricey) for me to buy and I don't know anyone who trades them. And no way on Hero's Downfall , good card, but I don't have too many plainswalkers in my meta and will not be spending $20 on a card that is super inflated due to standard.

Thanks for your help on the rest though.

November 2, 2013 1:14 a.m.

Last Laugh is kind of irrelevant because it'll only end up dealing a handful of damage per game. It's not really a threat.

Underworld Dreams is highly color saturated. It's going to be hard to cast without a much better mana base.

Havoc Festival seems underwhelming. It's a 6-drop, and the only way it would really be a justified keep is if it performed very well in testing.

Massacre Wurm is only good if you play against a lot of token decks. Otherwise, it's just a minor inconvenience to opponents.

Molten Disaster is kind of underwhelming in my opinion. I tend to not like X wraths because they become burdensome rather quickly. Damnation is the go-to black wrath, and Toxic Deluge also shows promise. Red has cards like Chain Reaction and Blasphemous Act , but those are not hard wraths.

Soul Manipulation seems awkward in a way. You'd be better off running Counterspell because it deals with all threats.

Exsanguinate is best used as a win condition with infinite mana. Otherwise, it's just a mana sink that, in my opinion, doesn't seem to do enough. It seems like an inconvenience rather than a threat, and you'd need to tap out to do much with it.

Whispersilk Cloak is unnecessary. It's meant to protect combat creatures. If you're really set on having some protective artifact for your general, Lightning Greaves is the go-to staple.

Pain lands are absolutely worth running. Having on-color mana when you need it is worth paying 1 life.

November 2, 2013 2:08 a.m.

smash10101 says... #13

well, thanks for the help. I think I'll be keeping the cloak since I think I actually have one (and it's good with Dragon Mage ) at least for a while. Massacre Wurm does a few things I like in my meta, including killing token decks and hurting Dovescape , so long as they don't have Elesh Norn, Grand Cenobite out. Molten Disaster and Exsanguinate are both there as win cons, since I plan on having everyone at relatively low life, and while Damnation is good, I don't think it's $20 good, at least not in this deck. I might try Toxic Deluge , Chain Reaction or Blasphemous Act though.

Havoc Festival , Underworld Dreams , and Soul Manipulation are all going to stay pending testing. Everything you mentioned is going on the list of things to watch during testing though.

November 2, 2013 6:35 p.m.

smash10101 says... #14

Hey yeaGO!, I think something is wrong with the price estimate, this deck is showing as about $1000 and it's only about $130, just noticed this, it was right yesterday I believe.

November 2, 2013 6:45 p.m.

Ince_Velus says... #15

So since your land base is pretty basic land oriented against the larger multi-non-basic land decks I would suggest using Price of Progress and also I would throw in a Snapcaster Mage. In regards to enchantment removal have you possibly tried Kiora's Dismissal + any wheel?

March 26, 2015 8:05 p.m.

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