First time I've ever tried to make a reanimator deck, but I feel like this deck is fairly strong.
Abhorrent Overlord
If brought out with the Whip gives a minimum of 4 1/1 lifelink flyers. With a chance of giving even more. Not to mention he swings for 6 himself.
Abrupt Decay
Destroys pesky aggro creatures faster than Putrefy. Also gets rid of things Putrefy can't touch, like Rest in Peace or Detention Sphere.
Ashen Rider
This one you want to get out with Rescue because he is a great target for Rescue and a great Rescuer saccing him to exile something and getting another creature next turn is always good.
Commune with the Gods
Throws creatures into the yard but wont trash your Whip if you come across it.
Desecration Demon
He's a great body to buy some time if needed. Causes your opponent to give up blockers that they will need for your bigger creatures.
Experiment One
He's a good one drop who only gets better while your whipping out your fatties. He'll probably stay on the board for a while too.
Kalonian Hydra
I would consider this guy the main win condition of the deck. Whip back one of this guys and swinging with him and a pumped up Lotleth Troll wins games.
Lifebane Zombie
An early swinger is never a bad thing, plus he removes a huge threat to this deck. Scavenging Ooze
Lotleth Troll
This guy right here. He is an absolute all-star in this deck. Throwing creatures into the yard while pumping himself up. Comes with the added bonus of regenerate and trample to get that damage through.
Obzedat, Ghost Council
This is your prime target for the Whip. Since he will exile himself before the Whip does he gets to stay in play for longer, gaining back the damage you took from shocking yourself down from lands. Can also be hard cast.
Main source of removal in the deck, although not much removal is needed in this deck because your opponent will block anyway.
Rescue from the Underworld
Essentially Unburial Rites, no flashback however. Gives a bonus to cards like Ashen Rider that benefit from being sacced.
Sylvan Caryatid
Helps accelerate into a turn three Whip. Can help hard cast if needed.
Sylvan Primordial
Accelerates your mana while also destroy something your opponent has, probably sided out against aggro.
Whip of Erebos
This thing, man this thing is good. Brings back any of your creatures from the graveyard and gives all of your creatures lifelink. Which is relevant with only a few early defenders and many large creatures.
Any criticism and suggestion are much appreciated! Thank you!