When night falls werewolves descend upon modern

Modern Itoshii


ShadowLand says... #1

Dude, this deck is destructive. I like the layout and the look of how it would operate, definite kudos.

March 12, 2013 9:08 p.m.

alecc says... #2

Man, The Deck Is Great Ive Been Looking an Werewolf Deck For Years ahsuAHsuHSUh and yours is the most intresting, Especialy becouse of the FUCKING BOSS Wolfir Silverheart +1 Surely !, If you Can Look At My Deck and Give me Tips, I will Apreciate That ! You Shall Not CAST! (Maybe).

April 5, 2013 8:57 a.m.

ShadowLand says... #3

Good build, I myself am running a new version of Moonmist Destruction and I have tried to make it as aggro as possible, unfortunately I'm probably going to have to remove Huntmaster as it doesn't like to roll with my aggro style, unless I get rid of my immerwolf so they are constantly flipping. Would definitely love it if you'd take a look at it. +1 for werewolves!

April 5, 2013 9:22 a.m.

Valentine35 says... #4

is the name of the deck in anyway related to the Skyrim loading screen lol? or maybe ive just been playing too much skyrim and everything starts to remind me of it lol.

April 6, 2013 9:55 a.m.

Itoshii says... #5

Yes, yes it is. =) I believe you're the the first to notice that.

April 6, 2013 10:56 p.m.

Human_Rogue_21 says... #6

I'm glad to see Wolfir Avenger in this deck! He doesn't see enough play! I would have to suggest swapping Garruk, Primal Hunter for Garruk Relentless  Flip though. He costs less in mana and price and makes Wolf tokens. +1

April 7, 2013 10:37 a.m.

Itoshii says... #7

I use Garruk, Primal Hunter mainly for card draw. Also with him I get a 3/3 beast instead of a 2/2 wolf. The only way a wolf would benefit me more than the beast is when I have 2 Howlpack Alpha  Flip out.

April 8, 2013 12:23 p.m.

Itoshii says... #8

Also I love Wolfir Avenger he does so much work in this deck.

April 8, 2013 12:25 p.m.

sugartastic says... #9

Ummm, only 3 creatures in the deck are werewolves, not even the planeswalker is a werewolf. Since it's not a werewolf deck, you're right, Immerwolf makes no sense in it....

April 12, 2013 10:25 p.m.

ZyonTactics says... #10

have you considered Wolfbitten Captive  Flip and Raging Ravine ? activated abilities really help werewolves to flip...

wish you best of luck in upcoming FNMs, i stopped playing werewolves modern because decks like tron,twin,melirapod, mass removal or anything else that has a good, solid combo destroys werewolves quite easily... tested on my skin xD

since you play black, have you considered Dreadbore or Terminate instead of Tragic Slip ?

August 29, 2013 2:13 p.m.

Itoshii says... #11

I am going through some cards right now and Terminate is one of them. I was also thinking of using AEther Vial to help me play less on my turn so to transform more.

Other cards I was looking at was Hunter's Insight , Lightning Bolt , Thoughtseize , and Liliana of the Veil

I do like the Raging Ravine suggestion I have played with my friends who play professionally and while playing my Infectious Behavior I noticed while they could control my creatures they had a harder time getting rid of my land creatures. I will have to see if I can squeeze that in here.

How do you figure abilities help werewolves flip?

August 29, 2013 2:37 p.m.

ZyonTactics says... #12

the abilities thing about flipping was about: spend mana on abilities=not spending mana on casting stuff (still while doing useful stuff)

Hunter's Insight looks awesome! but with that i strongly recommend removal or burn, to ensure yourself that your stuff hits, so gogo Lightning Bolt Terminate ...

Liliana of the Veil and Thoughtseize are ALWAYS good picks, but you'll need to see if you got enough space to play them and keep your strat going

thumbs up for AEther Vial

August 29, 2013 7:18 p.m.

matbyrne says... #13

Since it seems this is a very tempo-oriented deck (you don't aggro so much as you slowly build threats and then alpha-strike after a number of turns), I think your maybe-board Master of the Wild Hunt should be mainboarded. He's a kill-spell and a half, creates a wall of blockers, or can use those wolves to instead go for the killing blow late game. He's easily my favorite green creature and he works with your wolf theme anyway.

September 4, 2013 4:54 p.m.

matbyrne says... #14

And, another suggestion to force people to constantly flip and unflip your creatures are some of the better suspend cards Pardic Dragon and Deep-Sea Kraken . I know they don't fit your wolf theme, but picture this... Pardic Dragon forces your opponent to rush his spells out (unflipping any flipped wolf) or else suffer the might of a nasty dragon. Deep-Sea Kraken has the opposite effect. Between the two of them, the opponent will be torn between the two and will consistently have to trigger the flipping and unflipping of your wolves. I know the Kraken would force you to add blue, but I believe that the addition of blue bounce would also have a similar effect... you want your opponent to play another spell next turn and trigger another unflip? Bounce his/her creature and force the opponent to re-cast it.

September 4, 2013 5:02 p.m.

Nobilior says... #15

Why Tezzeret's Gambit ? Is it just for AEther Vial ? I haven't playtessted it, but it seems to me, if you want draw, Harmonize my be a worth while option.

My two cents.

September 6, 2013 1:48 a.m.

Itoshii says... #16


Yeah and Ajani Vengeant just something I was looking at. Still browsing for a good draw card I would love to put Think Twice in here if I could. The other I was thinking about was Hunter's Insight but still it limits when I can play it and its very conditional. I need something instant speed to help me maintain control over the werewolves.

September 6, 2013 7:04 p.m.

Nobilior says... #17

Hmm the only cards I could find were Browbeat , Manamorphose , and Scout's Warning . :/ Perhaps even Eternal Witness . If you have fetch lands, you can try to go for blue and be four color... It seems like you're stuck between a rock and a hard place. lol

September 6, 2013 7:58 p.m.

Itoshii says... #18


Trying my best to stay away from 4 color if I can because if I go 4 color I know I will just say f*ck it and go 5 color lol I would definitely love to put black back in here.

Manamorphose will definitely have to be the replacement. Fixes my mana and basically gives me a free card draw? That's awesome.

I will have to see how this deck does against control depending on that I may also switch Savage Summoning out for Scout's Warning

Thanks a lot for looking into those cards for me.

September 6, 2013 8:43 p.m.

Nobilior says... #19

Yeah sure thing! I'm a closet Werewolf fan. ;) And I would say that if control isn't much of a problem, then Scout's Warning would be amazing. Casting creatures on your opponent's end steps and drawing a card too? Its legit. Plus you could flip Huntmaster of the Fells  Flip back again with it.

September 7, 2013 1:19 p.m.

HarbingerJK says... #20

Immerwolf could do some damage in this deck. Turn your Ravager of the Fells  Flip into a 5/5 with trample : ) but you can't transform him back to a human so I get it if that's not an option you're willing to use

October 4, 2013 4:14 p.m.

Itoshii says... #21

I had played a version of this in standard and was able to consistently place till gatecrash was released and bant control started started hitting hard. I had found that Immerwolf didn't work that well because he was very dependent on me having a werewolf creature on the board.

October 4, 2013 8:16 p.m.

What about Watchwolf , is pretty solid for early turns, the only drawback is the double color. Also as a draw engine you can consider Momentous Fall , it makes you draw a lot of cards depending on the situation, replenish some of your life and is instant speed, so if they cast a removal on one of your wolfs, just kill it yourself. Also you can test Witchstalker as a side card aggainst control decks. It's a shame that you don run elves here, Wren's Run Packmaster would be fun to play with. +1

October 15, 2013 11:47 p.m.

Dude929 says... #23

Do you actually compete this deck in Modern tourneys? Because I like my werewolves, i have a straight up gruul werewolves (I'd have to go mod it right now because i've changed it some in real world) and while I'd like to compete it I've found it's way too questionable. If you do, while I wouldn't like to steal the decklist, I would like some ideas.

December 8, 2013 9:52 p.m.

Dude929 says... #24

And may I ask why with the Cavern of souls as well?

December 8, 2013 9:55 p.m.

Itoshii says... #25

Buy all means if you want to take ideas from here go a head I posted my deck online to help improve it and to share it with others. I have played it against my friends modern decks that they take to tourneys but I have not taken this one myself. Only problem is at times it can be inconsistent at times because I have too many different cards I think but it can hold its own against my friends. I think if I was able to get my hands on more of the zendikar lands it would really help improve it.

I use Cavern of Souls for against control decks and since every creature in here is a human it makes it that much more effective. Only running two because of all the control I run myself in here I most times don't need it but at the same time it has never messed with my colors I need for other spells.

One idea I use to have in here was Angel of Glory's Rise since all werewolves in their normal state are humans as well I could return them all from the graveyard. Was too expensive to cast though.

December 9, 2013 11:37 a.m.

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