
Use mana-producing creatures to shove Myr Superion and other undercosted beaters down your opponent's throat. Burning-Tree Emissary in particular lets us bring in real big pressure real fast, and is really the understated MVP of the deck. Our main threats cost 2 mana with casting restrictions. She gives us 2 mana, fulfills our restrictions, and throws in a bear for free, whats not to love? This deck can have some incredibly explosive draws, how does turn 1 Aether Vial into turn 2 Kird Ape + Burning-Tree Emissary + Myr Superion sound? Yeah, being able to drop 9+ power on the field on turn 2 is pretty nuts.

Aether Vial and Collected Company are cards that provide us with great alternatives to cheat in our restrictive threats.

Tarmogoyf is kindof acting as a bit of a crutch to give the deck more of an edge, and gives us an undercosted beater that can come down without the need to have any of the other inhibitor creatures. Budgetary concerns in mind, good ways of replacing goyf here could be with 2x Birds of Paradise and 2x Talara's Battalion to continue the theme of the deck, or 4x Scavenging Ooze to add some utility and still be able to get a big beater out of it. (Any combination of the above-mentioned cards will probably work, so try it out and tune it to your liking. You might find that having 4 talara's is too many, or that you dont need the 2 extra birds. It's up to you, its not like I'm not here to tell you how to live your life or anything.)

Lightning Bolt and Beast Within are our sources of removal, Lightning Bolt obviously being the more optimal one, but Beast Within does provide some very tasty catch-all action, and with our abundance of mana dorks the cost isn't a huge issue. I do definitely recommend having at least 2x Dismember for the instances in which you'll want more or bigger removal.

Raging Ravine is another great way for us to get our beats in. When all else fails, Ravine usually doesn't. kesig wolf run is a fantastic utility land for our deck and provides a great mana sink, since we'll probably have some mana to spare with all our mana creatures.


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Date added 9 years
Last updated 9 years

This deck is Modern legal.

Rarity (main - side)

4 - 0 Mythic Rares

30 - 4 Rares

10 - 11 Uncommons

9 - 0 Commons

Cards 60
Avg. CMC 1.82
Tokens Beast 3/3 G, Human 2/2 G, Wolf 2/2 G
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