The ramp:
Sylvan Caryatid
and Kiora's Follower. Bestowing
Herald of Torment
can be a little tough, especially because of the in the cost. Ramp creatures allow the deck to cast these more easily, and it helps with expensive sideboard cards.
The mill: Sidisi, Brood Tyrant, and Satyr Wayfinder. These cards help deck thinning, and they put cards in the graveyard to aid with the important cards.
The important cards:
Warden of the First Tree
Herald of Torment
, Murderous Cut, Anticipate. The warden provides cheap beats, while Murderous Cut and Anticipate create value. Eventually ,the herald gives evasion to swing in for lethal.
The sideboard plan:
Garruk, Apex Predator goes in versus any deck with a lot of planeswalkers. He'll usually go in for Murderous Cut because he also enables creature kill and life gain for the midrange match.
Crux of Fate is the choice token removal spell. This will also usually go in for Murderous Cut because it does better against a swarm.
Anticipate is useful for control matchups where your removal is not very helpful.
Mistcutter Hydra hoses all control decks. Since he can't be bounced or countered, the control player has to waste their good removal even when cast for cheap, because they go on the clock and will get to the point where they can't come back into the game.
Sultai Charm is all-purpose removal. It can destroy a great deal of powerful cards, especially in the control or aggro matchup.
Bile Blight is fast removal. It helps stop the aggro/token deck from killing you before you can get your big creatures on the board.